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The Development of  Taiwan's High-Tech Industries

--- A Case Study of the Integrated Circuit  (IC) Industry--- David C. Cheng Honorary Professor College of Management Dong Hwa University Hualien, Taiwan Emeritus Professor

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The Development of  Taiwan's High-Tech Industries

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  1. --- A Case Study of the Integrated Circuit  (IC) Industry--- David C. Cheng Honorary Professor College of Management Dong Hwa University Hualien, Taiwan Emeritus Professor College of Busienss Administration The University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, Alabama U.S.A    P.1 The Development of  Taiwan's High-Tech Industries

  2. P.2 BASIC FACTS ABOUT TAIWAN • Total Area                 36,000 sq km • Population                 23 million (Year 2004) • Per Capita Income   US$ 14,032 (Year 2004), US$ 8,111 (Year 1990), US$ 2,669 (Year 1980), US$389 (Year 1970), US$154 (Year 1960), US$100 (Year 1950) • Exports                     174.7 Bil. US $( 3.1% of the World Total), the 14th largest exporter in the world (Year 2004) • Foreign Exchange Reserves  247.7 Bil. US $, third largest, only next to Japan and PRC (end of Year 2004) • Industrial Composition of GDP (Year 2004): Agriculture (1.8%), Manufacturing (25.6%), Construction (2.6%), Utilities (2.2%), Services (67.7%) • Electronics/Manufacturing Output Share (2004):  37.4% • IC/Electronics Output Share: 28.1%  

  3. In 1960 Taiwan’s electronics industry was virtually nonexistent. Today, Taiwan is the third largest production center in the world for integrated circuits (ICs) and personal computers (PCs) , next to the United States and Japan. In year 2004, Taiwan ranked first in the world in the following industrial outputs: mouses (66%), motherboards (80%), keyboards (68%), scanners (90%), monitor (68%), network cards (42%), power supplies (65%), graphic cards (39%), notebooks (65%), CD-ROM (48%), Server(33%), TFT(35%), Digital camera(55%)and Hard disc(42%). P.3

  4. 台灣產業結構發展趨勢與轉變 P.4

  5. P.5 台灣產業結構發展趨勢與轉變

  6. P.6 IC產品分類圖

  7. P.7 IC簡介 • IC乃是將電晶體、二極體、電阻器、電容器等電路元件聚集在矽晶片上,形成一個完整的邏輯電路,以達成控制、計算或記億等功能。可分為記憶體IC、微元件IC、邏輯IC及類比IC四大類 (見表十二)。而其中最主要的記憶體IC又可分為兩大類,凡關掉電流後資料就會消失的記憶體,稱為揮發性記憶體,如DRAM、SRAM等;而電流關掉後資料仍可持續保存。則是非揮發性記憶,如ROM、FLASH等。 • 個人電腦中的記憶體,主要是指DRAM,電路結構較簡單,存取速度較慢,但成本較低。因此成為記憶體市場的主流,使用量較大。處理速度較快的SRAM則多用在電腦中央處理機(CPU) • 在IC產業,衡量技術水準高低往往便用「線徑」,即電子元件的大小。而線徑愈細,同樣面積晶圓能集積的電子元件越多,即IC產量越大,代表技術水準越高。至於衡量線徑的單位,一般採用微米(um),即一萬分之一公分。在2001年台灣可生產的IC線徑達0.13微米。

  8. P.8 Classification of the IC Products   -- The Rice or the Gatekeeper of IT Products • 1.  Memory IC (27.7%) ---  DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory), SRAM (Static Random Access Memory). Mask ROM (Read Only Memory), EPROM (Erasable & Programmable ROM)       EEPROM (Electrically Erasable & Programmable ROM), Flash • 2. Micro Devices IC (28.2%) ---  MPU (Micro Process Unit), MCU (Micro Control Unit), MPR (Micro Periphery), DSP (Digital Signal Processor) • 3. Logic IC (26.0%) --- Standard Logic IC, ASIC (Application Specific IC) • 4. Analog IC (18.1%) --- Linear, Digital

  9. P.9 設備儀器 資金人力資源 導線架 軟體 設計 光罩 晶圓製造 封裝 材料 晶圓 測試 化學品 出貨 IC製造流程圖

  10. P.10 Instruments and Equipment WorldWorldWorld No.2 No.3 No.2 EDA Tools Information and Electronics Packaging Manufacture Design Mask Wafer Material Lead Frame Testing Chemicals Semiconductor-Related Industry Processes and Industry Status of Taiwan

  11. P.11 Taiwan's IC Output Distribution

  12. Some Characteristics of Taiwan’s IC Industry P.12

  13. Vertical DisintegrationTaiwan’s IC industry has a unique infrastructure of vertical disintegration. Vertical disintegration means dividing an industry into several segments, from upstream to downstream, with each firm concentrating on certain functions of certain segments. The firms in the sequence of segments comprise supply chains. Semiconductor manufacturing segments are marketing, designing, masking, manufacturing, testing and packaging P.13

  14. 2. Performance Shares: Employees Sharing Bonuses and Becoming Shareholders.Performance shares have been used by Taiwan’s IC industry as an effective means to attract hi-tech talents around the world, including many from IBM, Motorola, AT&T, and TI, to actively participate in IC operations and management to create value (profit) and share value (profit). Performance shares work as follows: At the end of each fiscal year, the company decides on a certain percentage (once UMC used 18 percent) of its net profits or retained earnings for bonus sharing among employees. These shares are awarded according to certain established criteria, such as position (duty and authority), seniority, and performance evaluation. Instead of giving a cash distribution as a bonus, an equivalent number of shares of new stocks calculated at par value are issued to employee. For instance, if an employee merited a bonus of $10,000, and the par value of each stock is $10 per share, the employee would receive 1,000 shares for his/her bonus. If the market value of the stock is $100 per share, the real value of the bonus issued is $100,000 ($100 x 1,000) P.14

  15. 技術入股:擁有技術者不需提供資金而得到之股份;其目的在於確保技術之掌控與發展。技術入股:擁有技術者不需提供資金而得到之股份;其目的在於確保技術之掌控與發展。 分紅入股:公司有盈餘時,將其一部分以股份方式  分配給員工,以激勵士氣、提高效率、增強對公司之認同。但此方式易遭現有股東之反彈。 股票選擇權:指公司授予員工以特定價格購買公司  股票的權利,而且可設計為在一定期間(譬如五年期  限)內行使此權益。當公司發展興旺時,股價必會上  升超過該特空價格,即可行使選擇權而獲利。 P.15

  16. 3. Emphasizing Independent Development of TechnologyFrom the very beginning, Taiwan has emphasized developing its own technology. If technology had to rely on foreign countries, Taiwan’s IC industry would not have grown as much as it could. This emphasis on the independent development of technology led to the establishment of TSMC and UMC, some of the leading foundries in the world. P.16

  17. P.17 Classification of IC  Firms *Integrated Device Manufacturer (IDM) IBM, Intel, ADM *IC Foundry -- Specialized IC manufacturer without IC design houses or brand-name products. United Microelectronics Co. (UMC) Taiwan Semi-Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) Dr. Morris Chang, Senior Vice President, Texas Instrument, who pioneered the IC foundry business model. *Fabless -- IC design firms without manufacturing plants. *IP Firms:Firms specialized in producing reusable, portable, modulized and reprogrammable computer routines and mfg.processes or intellectual properties (IP) *System-on-Chip (SOP):firms specializing in designing embedded ICs, which cram the jobs of many chips onto a single chip. ; i.e. system firms

  18. P.18 Dis-Aggregation of IC Industry

  19. P.19 260 Design Houses 4 Masking Firms 19 Fabrication plants 35 Packaging Plants 34 Testing Firms 14 Substrate Providers 8 Wafer Manufacturers 18 Chemical Providers 5 Leadframe Manufacturers The ERSO/ITRI diagram of the Taiwan IC industry supply chain Year 2004

  20. P.20

  21. P.21 ‘Virtual Fab’ delivered through eFoundryAchieve the Highest Level of Collaboration in Design, Logistics and Engineering between Customers, Partners and eFoundry via Internet-based IT Solution.

  22. The Impacts of Taiwan’s IC Foundries1. Growth of Fabless IC Design Houses2.A Comprehensive IC Supply Chain P.22

  23. P.23 台灣IC產業供應鏈及群聚效應示意圖

  24. An Historical Overview of Taiwan’s IC Development1. The Beginning (roughly 1960-1973): Building the Cradle of IC Professionals and Leaders2. Building the IC Power House (roughly 1974-1979)3. Planting and Nurturing a Successful IC Tree (roughly from1980 to 1986)4.New Species (roughly from 1987 to 1994)5.The Flourishing Forest (roughly 1990 to Present) P.24

  25. P.25 Technology Levels of IC Manufacturng Processes -Taiwan vs. World Technology Leaders Source: IEK-IT IS(2005/03)

  26. Factors Underlying the Success of Taiwan’s IC Industry1. Education, Culture, and a Diversified Business Infrastructure2. Public/Private Initiatives and Technology Diffusion3. Asian Trends in the Electronics Industry: The Flying Geese Paradigm4. Leveraging and Diffusing Technology Creates New Technology5. The Foundry Paradigm and Virtual Fabs6. New Methods of Operation Require Upgrading Safety7.Timing is Critical to the Science Park Model P.26

  27. P.27 台灣IC產業政策示意圖 創投公司 科學園區 大學: 國家實驗室 業界 工業技術 研究室 政府政策性貸款

  28. P.28 Taiwan’s Industrial Policies for the IC Industry Venture Capital Firms Universities National Laboratories IC Firms Science Park ITIR (Industrial Technology Research Institute) Gvt. Moral Persuasion to Firms in Basic Industries for Financial Investment Cheap Loans from the Gov’t

  29. P.29 台灣IC技術發展與產業成長

  30. P.30 工業政策

  31. P.31 Milestones of Taiwan's IC Industry 1973  Establishment of the Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) under the Office of the President                  ---  consisting of eminent scholars, engineers and entrepreneurs in the United States                       (Americans and Overseas Chinese)             Establishment of the Industrial Technology and Research Institute (ITRI)                   --- Government initial investment , National Laboratories and Pilot Factories                        Non-Profit-Organization with  abundant government funding   1974   Establishment of the Institute of Electronics within ITRI              Technical assistance from RCA and training of engineers in the United States (38 persons) 1979   First spin-off company:    United Microelectronics Co. (UMC) 1980 Establishment of the Hsin-Chu Science Park 1986   Second spin-off company:  Taiwan Semi-Conductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC)  1989   Third spin-off company:   Taiwan Mask Co.  1994   Fourth spin-off company:  Vanguard In 25 years,  ITRI has trained and transferred  to industries  15,000 engine and  2,100 executives; eighty percent of them are employed in the Hsin-Chu Science Park

  32. P.32 台灣創投業概況 (1983-1999) • 創業投資(Venture Capital)是一種專注於投資創業階段科技公司的基金管理團對或專業的經理人所管理。 • 創投業投資早期高科技公司,如友訓、天剛、合勤、旺宏、英業達、茂矽、佳鼎、致伸、華邦、智邦等。 • 162家創投公司,資金超過NT$1,000億。 • 國去16年間減少稅收約新台幣50億元,但創投股東得自創投公司的股利收入高達200多億元,必須繳付的所得稅將近60億元,如果再加上科技公司及其股東所繳交的稅,則數倍於此,實為本輕利重的優良政策。目前包括香港、馬來西亞、中國大陸都希望移植台灣創業投資的模式,以利推動高科技產業的發展。

  33. P.33 創業投資報酬 資料來源:誠信開發公司

  34. P.34 Venture Capital Companies in Taiwan

  35. P.35 Establish-fund Target investment opportunities Raise capital for investment Generate deal flow Identify new and young companies with high potential Screen and evaluate deals Valuate and negotiate Structure deals Add value via ‧strategy development ‧active board membership ‧outside expertise ‧later round investors ‧other stakeholders, management ‧contacts and access to info, people, institutions Typically 5-10 Year Window Craft and execute exit strategies ‧sale .IPO .merger .liquidation .alliances Classic venture-capital investing process

  36. P.36 The Number of Taiwanese Students Studying Abroad

  37. P.37 Data Source : Institute for Management Development, 1999; Ministry of Education website, 2000a

  38. P.38 Percentage of Graduates Enrolled in Next Higher Level of Schools

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