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HOW TO START AND RUN A CMC WITHOUT LOOSING YOUR MIND. Compassionate Ministries. Agenda. Introductory Items How Do I Minimize Pitfalls? Four Steps To Help You Get Started How Do I Analyze the Need? A Simple Survey Asking the Right Questions When Do I Begin Programming?

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  2. Agenda • Introductory Items • How Do I Minimize Pitfalls? • Four Steps To Help You Get Started • How Do I Analyze the Need? • A Simple Survey Asking the Right Questions • When Do I Begin Programming? • How Do I Balance Financial Sources? • Summarize NON-PROFIT BASICS by Jerry Appleby

  3. Introduction • What is a GSC? • A local church that is actively involved in ministry to the Poor. • All contributions, grants, and funding is under the budget of the local church. • What is a CMC? • A State Corporation separate from the local church. • A Federally approved 501 (c) (3) non profit agency. NON-PROFIT BASICS by Jerry Appleby

  4. Introduction • Check list for forming a CMC. • We want involve other Churches (Nazarene and other denominations). • We need more finance than our own local church can generate. • The Staff of the local church is not able to deal with the financial and regulatory organizational structure required by funding agencies. • The liability introduced by the programming is far beyond the scope normally encountered by the local congregation. NON-PROFIT BASICS by Jerry Appleby

  5. Agenda • Introductory Items • How Do I Minimize Pitfalls? • Four Steps To Help You Get Started • How Do I Analyze the Need? • A Simple Survey Asking the Right Questions • When Do I Begin Programming? • How Do I Balance Financial Sources? • Summarize NON-PROFIT BASICS by Jerry Appleby

  6. How Do I Minimize Pitfalls? • STEP ONE: Write Down Your Dream • Determine the type of CMC you wish to be. • Task Oriented • Community Oriented • Outline Everything You Can Dream Doing • Develop an informal presentation NON-PROFIT BASICS by Jerry Appleby

  7. Rules • No idea is a bad idea • Be creative • Take risks NON-PROFIT BASICS by Jerry Appleby

  8. How Do I Minimize Pitfalls? • STEP TWO: Surround yourself with Like-Minded People • From your dream list, think of people that share that part of the dream (or have expertise) • Look for those that have had family or friends experiencing the problem you wish to solve • Meet with them in a retreat setting to dream and plan for the future. NON-PROFIT BASICS by Jerry Appleby

  9. How Do I Minimize Pitfalls? • Use this research group to help write your Mission, Vision, and Objectives Statements. • Mission Statement • The Reason for being an organization. • The fundamental values and beliefs • Usually never changing. NON-PROFIT BASICS by Jerry Appleby

  10. How Do I Minimize Pitfalls? • Vision Statement • What the organization hopes to accomplish. • The long term conditions toward which the organization will direct its efforts. • Objectives • More specific (time-limited), measurable statements fo the desired outcomes. • Clare-cut targets against which an organization can measure its performance. • These can be reevaluated and altered. NON-PROFIT BASICS by Jerry Appleby

  11. How Do I Minimize Pitfalls? • STEP THREE: The Board of Directors. A Board Member should fulfill 5 of the following: • A Commitment to the Vision/Mission. • A specific area of expertise • A direct contact with helpful groups. • A public image with positive ethics. • An ability to contribute financially. • An energy level that would allow time to be donated. • Skills in group negotiation or writing that can be used in grants and communications with donors. • Residency and representation in the State and/or City. NON-PROFIT BASICS by Jerry Appleby

  12. How Do I Minimize Pitfalls? • The Responsibilities of the Board • Determine the organization’s mission and vision • Select an Executive Director. • Support the executive and review performance. • Ensure effective organizational planning. • Ensure adequate resources. • Manage resources effectively. • Determine and monitor the organization’s programs and services. • Enhance the organization’s public image. • Carefully select new board members. • Assess its own performance. NON-PROFIT BASICS by Jerry Appleby

  13. How Do I Minimize Pitfalls? • STEP FOUR: Form a Nonprofit Organization • Check for proposed name • Write and File Articles of Incorporation • Write Bylaws • Obtain Tax-Exempt Status from IRS (forms SS-4, 1023, 8718, and 557). • Obtain State Tax Exempt Status. NON-PROFIT BASICS by Jerry Appleby

  14. Agenda • Introductory Items • How Do I Minimize Pitfalls? • Four Steps To Help You Get Started • How Do I Analyze the Need? • A Simple Survey Asking the Right Questions • When Do I Begin Programming? • How Do I Balance Financial Sources? • Summarize NON-PROFIT BASICS by Jerry Appleby

  15. HOW DO I ANALYZE THE NEED? • Research the needs. • 2000 Census Material • Other city or county studies. • Interview other agencies serving the community. • DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH NON-PROFIT BASICS by Jerry Appleby

  16. HOW DO I ANALYZE THE NEED? • Go door to door in the targeted community and ask: • (1)What is the greatest need of the community? • (2)What classes could be taught to meet the specific needs of your family? • (3)What prayer request would you have for the community or your family? NON-PROFIT BASICS by Jerry Appleby

  17. HOW DO I ANALYZE THE NEED? Have qualified people assess the survey and group the needs into well-defined program categories. i)Use the answers to all the questions as equal answers. ii) Develop a comprehensive list of needs according to the number of times a specific need is mentioned in the survey. NON-PROFIT BASICS by Jerry Appleby

  18. Agenda • Introductory Items • How Do I Minimize Pitfalls? • Four Steps To Help You Get Started • How Do I Analyze the Need? • A Simple Survey Asking the Right Questions • When Do I Begin Programming? • How Do I Balance Financial Sources? • Summarize NON-PROFIT BASICS by Jerry Appleby

  19. WHEN DO I BEGIN PROGAMMING? • Ask three questions? • Is the program one of the high priorities? • Is there leadership available? • Is there available finances? NON-PROFIT BASICS by Jerry Appleby

  20. Agenda • Introductory Items • How Do I Minimize Pitfalls? • Four Steps To Help You Get Started • How Do I Analyze the Need? • A Simple Survey Asking the Right Questions • When Do I Begin Programming? • How Do I Balance Financial Sources? • Summarize NON-PROFIT BASICS by Jerry Appleby

  21. How Do I Balance Financial Sources? TRY TO EQUALIZE THESE SOURCES • Business/Churches • Individuals • Grants • Programming (Clients) NON-PROFIT BASICS by Jerry Appleby

  22. How Do I Balance Financial Sources? • Essentials for a stable non-profit. • Develop a newsletter • List everyone. • Get Churches to allow you to use their list. • Use the Yellow Pages to get list of businesses in the community. • Go to Churches and ask for names • Get every board member’s Christmas Card list. • Make sure it is done well (MS Publisher) NON-PROFIT BASICS by Jerry Appleby

  23. How Do I Balance Financial Sources? • Essentials for a stable non-profit. • Contact businesses in your community • Find supporters that know someone in that business. • Ask for a chance to present your needs. • Develop a 3-5 minute power point and show on a lap top. • Have a nice folder to leave behind. • Make sure you ask for funding and know your needs. NON-PROFIT BASICS by Jerry Appleby

  24. How Do I Balance Financial Sources? • Essentials for a stable non-profit. • Know the fundamental of writing a good grant proposal • Introduction (State the purpose of the proposal) • Describe the Program • Mission Statement • Project description • Tell how the project supports the organizational mission. NON-PROFIT BASICS by Jerry Appleby

  25. How Do I Balance Financial Sources? • Essentials for a stable non-profit. • Describe HOW you will Conduct the Program. • Use language from the plan developed by your support group. • Include timelines. • Describe Why you can do the job • Describe Resources Needed • Personnel • Equipment • Financial NON-PROFIT BASICS by Jerry Appleby

  26. How Do I Balance Financial Sources? • Essentials for a stable non-profit. • Describe the Plan for resource-planning this dream. • Where will the money come from? • Which individuals and organizations have you approached. Attach letters of collaboration. • What will happen if you do not raise all needed resources? • Include necessary Attachments • Project Budget • IRS Letter (501 (c) (3) • Board List • Brochure/website address NON-PROFIT BASICS by Jerry Appleby

  27. Agenda • Introductory Items • How Do I Minimize Pitfalls? • Four Steps To Help You Get Started • How Do I Analyze the Need? • A Simple Survey Asking the Right Questions • When Do I Begin Programming? • How Do I Balance Financial Sources? • Summarize NON-PROFIT BASICS by Jerry Appleby

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