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The Advent of Jazz

The Advent of Jazz. The Dawn of the 20 th Century. Blues: The Roots. View the opening video on jazz. List 3 things that you found interesting or worth noting. Blues Musicians. Blues music was brought to New Orleans by blacks looking for better-paying jobs on the waterfront.

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The Advent of Jazz

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Advent of Jazz The Dawn of the 20th Century

  2. Blues: The Roots • View the opening video on jazz. List 3 things that you found interesting or worth noting.

  3. Blues Musicians • Blues music was brought to New Orleans by blacks looking for better-paying jobs on the waterfront.

  4. New Orleans: Melting Pot of Sound • Jazz grew out of the African-American community at the turn of the 20th century, a time when blacks were being denied their most basic rights.

  5. New Orleans • The birthplace of jazz is New Orleans, the most cosmopolitan city in the South.

  6. New Orleans • At the turn of the 20th Century, New Orleans was: • Sophisticated • Progressive urban center • Diverse in culture, music and celebration

  7. A Fusion of Sounds • Jazz grew out of a number of different styles of music in the late 1890s. • Characteristics were syncopated, improvisational and emotionally powerful.

  8. Listening • Listen to the following early influences of jazz and briefly describe what you hear. • Funeral bands/marches – • African rhythms – • Latin/Caribbean rhythms – • Classical piano – • Opera – • Military music – • Ragtime – • Blues – • Black holiness churches -

  9. What and when was Reconstruction? • 1865-1877 • Was a period of social and political rebuilding following the Civil War. • A time of unprecedented freedom for African Americans

  10. What is Plessy V. Ferguson? • In 1896, the United States Supreme Court found in Plessy v. Ferguson that “separate but equal facilities” were constitutional.

  11. What is Jim Crow? • By the end of the 19th century, the term had become synonymous with the systematic discrimination and segregation of black Americans across the South.

  12. Early Influences of Jazz • Ragtime - was first heard in black neighborhoods in Midwestern cities. • It was the outgrowth of the African-American tradition of “ragging”—syncopating and rearranging every kind of music to create livelier, more danceable versions.

  13. Early Influences of Jazz • Blues - when New Orleans musicians began to play the blues on their instruments, an agreed-upon form started to develop: three chords, most often arranged in 12-bar sequences

  14. Early Influences of Jazz Black Holiness Church Music – • almost identical to the blues • same rhythms • same moans and cries and bent notes • same call-and-response structure • All of this would be echoed in jazz.

  15. First Jazz Musicians • Buddy Bolden

  16. Buddy Bolden • Born in 1877. • He was among the first to combine the syncopation of ragtime with the blues.

  17. Dixieland Jazz Band • Were the first Jazz musicians to have a nationwide hit in 1917. • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79xeGcBBdf4&feature=related

  18. Jazz • Alternately spelled “jas,” “jass,” and “jaz,” among other variations, the term is most likely Creole or West African in origin, possibly stemming from a word meaning “energy” or “drive.”

  19. Characteristics of Jazz • Syncopated rhythms • Call and response • Improvisational

  20. Jazz’s Popularity • Recordings of jazz became available • Creole and African American jazz artists moved out of New Orleans and took this musical style with them.

  21. Review • Blues music was brought to New Orleans by blacks seeking what? • Jazz emerged among black musicians in New Orleans in the late 1890s as a fusion of a number of musical styles. Choose the grouping of words that best describes the style of jazz.

  22. Review • Toward the end of the 19th century, three important causes of race-related conflict were? • In the 1890s, a man named Homer Adolph Plessy presented his case before the Supreme Court to argue?

  23. Review • What musical styles best anticipated the birth of jazz? • At the turn of the 20th century, Why was New Orleans considered the most cosmopolitan city in the South?

  24. Review • Although he was never recorded, one of the first jazz instrumentalists to combine the polyphony of marching bands with the emotional power of the blues was who?

  25. Review • The first nationwide jazz hit was performed by what jazz band? • Which of the following is least associated with jazz music? • syncopated rhythms • call and response • improvisation • vaudeville

  26. Review • Despite the racial oppression that characterized the era, jazz music gained popularity because: • segregation prevented whites from playing jazz • recordings of jazz music became available • Creole and African American jazz artists moved out of New Orleans and took this musical style with them • B and C

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