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Some examples of ontology-based applications

Some examples of ontology-based applications. Oscar Corcho / Asunción Gómez-Pérez {ocorcho,asun}@fi.upm.es http://www.oeg-upm.net/ Ontological Engineering Group Laboratorio de Inteligencia Artificial Facultad de Informática Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Campus de Montegancedo sn,

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Some examples of ontology-based applications

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  1. Some examples of ontology-based applications Oscar Corcho / Asunción Gómez-Pérez {ocorcho,asun}@fi.upm.es http://www.oeg-upm.net/ Ontological Engineering Group Laboratorio de Inteligencia Artificial Facultad de Informática Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Campus de Montegancedo sn, 28660 Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, Spain

  2. Common features in these domains • A large amount of information • Need to harmonize heterogeneous information sources • Different formats (documents, databases, etc.) • Different terms and structures • Implicit knowledge hidden inside the application code

  3. Procesamiento de información de satélites

  4. Satellite Use Case: Technical issues Space Segment Ground Segment SATELLITE FILES: DMOP files Product files

  5. Comparison between planning and product generation: Satellite Use Case: Technical issues DMOP_File#(n+1) StartTime DMOP#(n+1)_ File (StopTime) DMOP_File#n(StartTime) DMOP_File#n(StopTime) Instr#1 planning ... DMOP_er (ORBIT_NUMBER, ELAPSED_TIME) Instr#n (RA_2) planning DURATION ... Instr#n(RA_2) Product Generation ... ... PRODUCT_data_gap PRODUCT_FILE Start_time (SENSING_START) PRODUCT_FILE Stop_time (SENSING_STOP) RA2_CAL_1P Start_time (SENSING_START) RA2_CAL_1P Stop_time (SENSING_STOP)

  6. Satellite Use Case: Technical issues

  7. Satellite files: DMOP (PLANNING) FILES RECORD ID RECORD parameters RECORD parameters corresponding to other RECORD structure. Satellite Use Case: Technical issues FILE ; DMOP (generated by FOS Mission Planning System) RECORD fhr FILENAME="DMOP_SOF__VFOS20060124_103709_00000000_00001215_20060131_014048_20060202_035846.N1" DESTINATION="PDCC" PHASE_START=2 CYCLE_START=44 REL_START_ORBIT=404 ABS_START_ORBIT=20498 ENDRECORD fhr ................................ RECORD dmop_er RECORD dmop_er_gen_part RECORD gen_event_params EVENT_TYPE=RA2_MEA EVENT_ID="RA2_MEA_00000000002063" NB_EVENT_PR1=1 NB_EVENT_PR3=0 ORBIT_NUMBER=20521 ELAPSED_TIME=623635 DURATION=41627862 ENDRECORD gen_event_params ENDRECORD dmop_er ENDLIST all_dmop_er ENDFILE

  8. Satellite Use Case: Technical issues Satellite Ontology (General view)

  9. Satellite Use Case: Technical issues Satellite Ontology (Hierarchies)

  10. Planning (DMOP) RECORD parameters Satellite Use Case: Technical issues

  11. Satellite files PRODUCT FILES Parameters to be transformed Parameters NOT needed to be transformed at the moment Parameters to be transformed at this moment Satellite Use Case: Technical issues PRODUCT="RA2_MW__1PNPDE20060131_231554_000061672044_00416_20510_0181.N1" PROC_STAGE=N REF_DOC="PO-RS-MDA-GS-2009_3/M " SENSING_START="31-JAN-2006 23:15:54.654195" SENSING_STOP="01-FEB-2006 00:58:41.702319" PHASE=2 CYCLE=+044 REL_ORBIT=+00416 ABS_ORBIT=+20510 STATE_VECTOR_TIME="31-JAN-2006 23:28:36.484942" DELTA_UT1=+.323875<s> X_POSITION=+6637305.306<m> Y_POSITION=-2700075.034<m> Z_POSITION=+0000000.000<m> X_VELOCITY=-0622.619862<m/s> Y_VELOCITY=-1507.628845<m/s> Z_VELOCITY=+7377.140620<m/s> PRODUCT_ERR=0 TOT_SIZE=+00000000000087159984<bytes> SPH_SIZE=+0000006975<bytes> NUM_DSD=+0000000019 DSD_SIZE=+0000000280<bytes> NUM_DATA_SETS=+0000000004

  12. Satellite files: Annotated DMOP (PLANNING) FILES <?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?><rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf='http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#' xmlns:rdfs='http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#' xmlns:NS0='http://protege.stanford.edu/kb#' > <rdf:Description rdf:about='http://protege.stanford.edu/kb#10822'> <rdf:type rdf:resource='http://protege.stanford.edu/kb#Instrument_mode'/> <NS0:instrument_mode_id>MS</NS0:instrument_mode_id> </rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about='http://protege.stanford.edu/kb#11224'> <rdf:type rdf:resource='http://protege.stanford.edu/kb#DMOP_ER'/> <NS0:event_id>&quot;GOM_OCC_00000000541299&quot;</NS0:event_id> <NS0:duration rdf:datatype='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int'>53000</NS0:duration> <NS0:orbit_number rdf:datatype='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int'>20552</NS0:orbit_number> <NS0:elapsed_time rdf:datatype='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int'>2452293</NS0:elapsed_time> <NS0:event_type rdf:resource='http://protege.stanford.edu/kb#10713'/> </rdf:Description> [...] Satellite Use Case: Technical issues

  13. Namefile (Product): RA2_MW__1PNPDK20060201_120535_000000062044_00424_20518_0349.N1" Corresponds to: Satellite Use Case: Technical issues Satellite files: PRODUCT filename

  14. Satellite files: XMLed PRODUCT FILE Parameters NOT needed to be transformed at this moment. !!! FUTURE SCALABILITY IMPROVEMENT !! Satellite Use Case: Technical issues <PRODUCT> "RA2_MW__1PNPDE20060131_231554_000061672044_00416_20510_0181.N1“ </PRODUCT> <PROC_STAGE>N</PROC_STAGE> <REF_DOC>"PO-RS-MDA-GS-2009_3/M "</REF_DOC> <!-- --> <ACQUISITION_STATION>"PDHS-E "</ACQUISITION_STATION> <PROC_CENTER>"PDHS-E"</PROC_CENTER> <PROC_TIME>"01-FEB-2006 01:22:48.232601"</PROC_TIME> <SOFTWARE_VER>"RA2/5.02 "</SOFTWARE_VER> <!-- --> <SENSING_START>"31-JAN-2006 23:15:54.654195"</SENSING_START> <SENSING_STOP>"01-FEB-2006 00:58:41.702319"</SENSING_STOP> <!-- PHASE=2 --> <!-- CYCLE=+044 --> <!-- REL_ORBIT=+00416 --> <!-- ABS_ORBIT=+20510 --> <!-- STATE_VECTOR_TIME="31-JAN-2006 23:28:36.484942" --> <!-- DELTA_UT1=+.323875<s> --> <!-- X_POSITION=+6637305.306<m> --> <!-- Y_POSITION=-2700075.034<m> --> <!-- Z_POSITION=+0000000.000<m> --> <!-- X_VELOCITY=-0622.619862<m/s> --> <!-- Y_VELOCITY=-1507.628845<m/s> --> <!-- Z_VELOCITY=+7377.140620<m/s> --> <PRODUCT_ERR>0</PRODUCT_ERR> <TOT_SIZE>+00000000000087159984<bytes></TOT_SIZE> <SPH_SIZE>+0000006975<bytes></SPH_SIZE> <NUM_DSD>+0000000019</NUM_DSD> <DSD_SIZE>+0000000280<bytes></DSD_SIZE> <NUM_DATA_SETS>+0000000004</NUM_DATA_SETS> <!-- -->

  15. Satellite files: Annotated PRODUCT FILE [...] <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://protege.stanford.edu/kb#10605"> <rdf:type rdf:resource="http://protege.stanford.edu/kb#Product_file"/> <NS0:file_name>&quot;RA2_MW__1PNPDK20060201_120535_000044792044_00424_20518_0334.N1&quot;</NS0:file_name> <NS0:sensing_start rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int">192110735</NS0:sensing_start> <NS0:sensing_stop rdf:datatype="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int">192115215</NS0:sensing_stop> <NS0:specific_product_header rdf:resource="http://protege.stanford.edu/kb#10608"/> </rdf:Description> <rdf:Description rdf:about='http://protege.stanford.edu/kb#10649'> <NS0:file_name>&quot;RA2_MW__1PNPDK20060202_160340_000058672044_00441_20535_0344.N1&quot;</NS0:file_name> <NS0:sensing_start rdf:datatype='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int'>192211420</NS0:sensing_start> <NS0:sensing_stop rdf:datatype='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#int'>192217287</NS0:sensing_stop> <NS0:specific_product_header rdf:resource='http://protege.stanford.edu/kb#10652'/> </rdf:Description> [...] Satellite Use Case: Technical issues

  16. // Use to get a proxy class for MetadataService private java.lang.String MetadataService_address = ""; public java.lang.String getMetadataServiceAddress() { return MetadataService_address; } […] public eu.ist.ontogrid.ontokit.MetadataService.MetadataService getMetadataService() throws javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException { java.net.URL endpoint; try { endpoint = new java.net.URL(MetadataService_address); } catch (java.net.MalformedURLException e) { throw new javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException(e); } return getMetadataService(endpoint); } […] public static void main(String[] args) { MetadataServiceProxy proxy = new MetadataServiceProxy(); String query1 ="SELECT X FROM {X}kb:instrument_mode_id{Y} WHERE Y=\"STB\" USING NAMESPACE kb=&http://protege.stanford.edu/kb#"; String query2 = "SELECT Z FROM {X}kb:plan_file_name{Y},{Y}kb:file_id{Z}, {Y}kb:start_time{T1}, {Y}kb:stop_time{T2} WHERE T1>192067200 AND T1< 197247599 OR T2 > 192067200 AND T2<197247599 USING NAMESPACE kb=&http://protege.stanford.edu/kb#"; try { System.out.println("submitting test query"); String result = proxy.query(query2); System.out.println(result); AtlasResultSet results = new AtlasResultSet(result); Satellite Use Case: Technical issues Satellite files (Metadata Queries):

  17. Satellite Use Case: Technical issues

  18. Precio? Garantia? Disponibilidad? Coche de sustitución ! Generar organizaciones virtuales Time consuming & Non Transparent

  19. Context: Repair damaged cars Negotiation between insurance and repair company Speed, Price, Quality Method of repair, Selection of material,Paint, Coalition Now: negotiation by hand long term (yearly) Challenge: Automated negotiation short term (every claim) Include SLA Business Case 1: Car Repair Business Case

  20. Situation: A lot of tricks to get money from insurance companies Now: Ad hoc manual techniques Only pattern search on local or national scale Most tricks found on accident Challenge: Automated fraud detection Business Case 2:CarFraudGrid

  21. Detección del fraude en seguros del coche

  22. Trick: Buy damaged expensive car Change some features Have stolen cars have accidents with it Claim money from insurance company of stolen car Search for: Similar cars combined with similar situations combined with similar participants National / International scale Known trick: Berliner Model

  23. Every insurance company uses its own database/domain model. Every claim database contains in some form important data about: * cars * situation To find evidence we will look in claim history based on the current claim. We look at car for: Car * brand, e.g. Peugeot * model, e.g. 307 * type, e.g. SW * mileage * license plate * owner * color * chassisnumber * constructionyear * countryofregistration Domain model Situation • * place of damage (angle of impact) • * description of accident • * time of accident • * accident location • * price of damage • * damaged objects • * witnesses ?

  24. Conceptual Architecture

  25. FP6-511513 http://kw.dia.fi.upm.es/w3c/ http://www.ontogrid.net/ IST-2001-34373 FP6-027595 http://www.esperonto.net/ FP6-002006 http://www.agentlink.org/ http://www.oeg-upm.net/ FP6-507482 http://knowledgeweb.semanticweb.org/ Portal Web Semántico: ODESeW Ontology-based application that automatically generates and manages knowledge portals for intranets and extranets 1. Semantic Driven 2. Permission-based 3. User Oriented 4. Interoperate 5. Synchronization with the ontologies

  26. Interoperability and management of Semantic portals Portal Administrators Ontologies and Software search OWL RDF(S) FEED view view search edit O2 permission permission permission O1 Oi Oj Extranet Users Agents Semantic Driven Permission-based User Oriented External resources

  27. Ontologías para la Gestión de Proyectos Project Ontology Event Ontology has associated event is deliver in / has associated has person leader / leads has / is associated with works in / has p p has associated has associated / is associated is involved in / has p leader is associated with leads / has contractor leader is WP leader / has person leader Person Ontology Documentation Ontology has involved partner / works in is author of / has author participates in / is developed by has contact person has Q.A. partner Organization Ontology is contact person / has contact person has authoring partner has lead participant belongs to / is formed by generates / is generated by

  28. Ontología de Documentos Documentation Additional Documentation Management Documentation Technical Documentation Thesis Publication Templates Master Thesis PhD Thesis Manual Slides Deliverable Article Book ... Agenda Cost Statement EC Templates Fax Mail Minutes Periodic Report Project Proposal ... ... ...

  29. Ontología de Eventos Event International Conference International Workshop Management Project Meeting KW Area Meeting KW Plennary Meeting Review EPMB Meeting PMB Meeting Industry Area Meeting Research Area Meeting Education Area Meeting

  30. has associated WP workload Milestone is deliver in has participant with workload has Workpackage Task is made up of leads works in is involved in is WP leader is author of Person Deliverable has contact person Relaciones entre personas, proyectos y documentos

  31. Relaciones entre personas, proyectos y documentos has associated WP workload Milestone is deliver in has participant with workload Project Ontology has Workpackage Task is made up of leads Documentation Ontology works in is involved in Person Ontology is WP leader is author of Person Deliverable has contact person

  32. Proceso de Generación del Portal Semántico 1. Construir las ontologías 2. Importar las ontologías en ODESeW 3. Crear tipología de usuarios y usuarios concretos 4. Definición de permisos para los distintos grupos de usuarios 5. Definir la visualización personalizada para cada grupo de usuario

  33. Otros links a información útil Descripción del proyecto Acceso directo a las instancias de los conceptos más importantes http://knowledgeweb.semanticweb.org/

  34. Visuliazation Project description Objectives Workpackages Task Management Board List of deliverables Description Download the public documents List of partnets List of participants List of publications Calendar of events External User

  35. Visualización basada en Semántica Workpackage has associated Deliverable

  36. Workpackage has associated Deliverable is generated by has Q.A. partner Organization Visualización basada en semántica

  37. Tipos de atributos Nombres de los atributos Atributos Nombres de las relaciones Relaciones Rango de las relaciones Visualización de la instancia

  38. Kweb members Insert/update new information: Events Upload deliverables Personal information Publications No access to effort reports management documentation KW Users

  39. Edición de los contenidos del portal (Atributos)

  40. Inserted values Potencial values Edición de los contenidos del portal (Relaciones)

  41. KnowledgeWebOntologies Ontology Instances Contenidos del portal

  42. Monitoring progress report Area overviews WP progress reports Effort report Kweb year effort report Partner effort report Progress report draft generation Managing director

  43. HTML Format of the draft of the Progress Report MSWord Format of the draft of the Progress Report Progress Report Draft Generation WP Progress & Effort Report Form

  44. performed by performed by Organization is workload of workpackage workload Annual Effort Annual Period is workload on workpackage performed in Workpackage performed in has associated Organization Deliverable Deliverable.Contractual Date of Delivery  [Annual Period.Start date, AnnualPeriod.End date] Annual Period Reporting

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