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UNEP Shelf Programme

UNEP Shelf Programme. One Stop Data Shop Presentation DOALOS Training Course Ghana 5th – 9th December, 2005 Oeivind Loenne. One Stop Data Shop.

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UNEP Shelf Programme

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  1. UNEP Shelf Programme One Stop Data Shop Presentation DOALOS Training Course Ghana 5th – 9th December, 2005 Oeivind Loenne One Stop Data Shop

  2. “Calls upon the United Nations Environment Programme, working within the Global Resource Information Database (GRID) system for data and information management, to expand on a voluntary basis the capacity of existing GRID centres to store and handle research data from the outer continental margin, on a basis to be mutually agreed with the coastal State, and complementary to existing regional data centres, giving due regard to confidentiality needs and in accordance with Part XIII of the Convention, and making use of existing data management mechanisms under the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and the International Hydrographic Organisation, with a view to serving the needs of coastal States, and in particular developing countries and small island developing States, in their compliance with article 76 of the Convention;” Mandate – UN General Assembly 2002 One Stop Data Shop

  3. Mandate – Break Down • store and handle research data • outer continental margin • mutually agreed with the coastal state • complementary to existing regional data centres • confidentiality needs • Part XIII of the Convention • use of existing data management mechanisms • Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission • International Hydrographic Organisation • coastal states,inparticulardeveloping countries and SIDS One Stop Data Shop

  4. The Start - Arendal Workshop Representatives from: Mozambique Angola Seychelles Senegal Madagascar Cape Verde Philippines Sri Lanka Conclusion The most efficient way to make use of UNEP’s GRID system is to establish a centre for the management of marine geophysical, bathymetric and geological research data that will be hosted in one of its centres. Workshop participants identified and need for such a "one stop data shop". One Stop Data Shop

  5. IHO (GEODAS) IOC Universities Research Institutions Oil and Gas Industry One Stop Data Shop Geological Surveys Customer Data ODP/DSDP Others Data Sources One Stop Data Shop

  6. Typical Data Flow Meta Data (data about the data) Cultural Data Seismic Data Well Data Handling Processing Homogenization Bathymetry Data Velocity Data Grav/Mag Data Secure Storage Confidential Modern interpretation tools State of the art software Experts END USERS One Stop Data Shop

  7. Simplified Work Flow • Get hold of Metadata • Include easily available digital data at same time as collecting Metadata • Collect non-digital and other less available data on request from states • Use filters/conversion programs to import, process and output datasets in various formats • Ensure all software modules access the same primary database • Establish security and access control One Stop Data Shop

  8. Status • Launched the service January 2005 • Currently improving technical solutions • New data sources • Contacting major “Data Owners” GEODAS, BGR; Japan, Ifremer, Southampton, ODP/DSDP… • Data Links on internet present and expanding One Stop Data Shop

  9. Status - Continued • Scanning of relevant areas completed • Using scanning results to populate the One Stop Data Shop • Will gather residual data on demand • Work lab for “customer” support • Demand driven, need more “customers” One Stop Data Shop

  10. Data Structure One Stop Data Shop

  11. Data Structure - Continued Examples of Systems and Software: Caris Lots: Software for UNCLOS analyses and mapping Geocap: Software for UNCLOS analyses and mapping Data base: Collection of datasets in a spatial relational database Geodas: NGDC/NOAA Track line data bases and search Software ETOPO2: NGDC/NOAA 2-Minute Gridded Global Relief Data Gebco: General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans ArcGis: ESRI geographical information system SW (ArcInfo, ArcView) And more...... Filter programs: catcsv filter for csv concatenation and manipulation csv2dif filter converting csv into dif csv2shp filter converting csv into shape file dbf2csv filter converting dbf into csv dif2csv filter converting dif into csv dif2dif filter for dif concatenation and manipulation dif2html filter converting dif into html dif2xml filter converting dif into xml gebco2csv filter converting gebco vector into csv gebco2vtk filter converting gebco grid into vtk etopo2vtk filter converting etopo2 into vtk geodas2vtk filter converting geodas csv dif into vtk geodas csv dif shp2csv filter converting shape file into csv vtk2csv filter converting vtk vector into csv File formats: Csv Comma Separated Values file format dbf dBASE database file format, attribute part of shape file format dif NASA Directory Interchange Format w. local extensions gebco grid Gebco one minute interval bathymetric raster format gebco vector Gebco digital bathymetric contours and coastlines format Geodas Geodas MGD77, HYD93 and XYZ file formats Grid Etopo2/Gebcgo grid aster format Html Hypertext Mark-up Language format Hyd93 Geodas Hydrographic Survey Data exchange format Mgd77 Geodas Marine Track line Geophysical Data exchange format seg-y Society of Exploration Geophysicist data exchange format Shapefile ESRI spatial data format, includes shp and dbf Shp Spatial part of shape file format Vtk Visualization Toolkit / Geocap internal format Xml Extensible Mark-up Language format xy(z) CSV format for spatial data (coordinates only) One Stop Data Shop

  12. Typical Data Types Data • Coast line • State borders • Base lines • ETOPO2 • GEBCO • World sediment thickness map • Well data, electrical logs • Aeromagnetic data • Satellite gravity • Bathymetry, two way travel time • Corrected bathymetry • Side scan sonar • Multi beam bathymetry • Magnetics total field • Magnetics residual field • Observed gravity • Free air gravity anomaly • Single channel seismic reflection • CDP seismic reflection • Meta data, data about the data • When • Where • How • Instruments • Platform • Naviagtional details • Weather details • Problems • Recording details One Stop Data Shop

  13. AreaGenerator Generate a ”project” anywhere in the world in chosen projection and datum in a few minutes. The ”project” can be converted by the ”OSDS” filters to the desired format for import into chosen tool. Data completeness of the ”project” will depend on the ”OSDS’s” ability to get access to and process relevant data. One Stop Data Shop

  14. Visualised output examples – West AfricaBackdrop: Coastlines, State Borders, ETOPO2 Bathymetry Ship Track Lines Ghana One Stop Data Shop

  15. Visualised output examples – West AfricaBackdrop: Coastlines, State Borders, ETOPO2 Bathymetry Corrected Bathymetry Ghana One Stop Data Shop

  16. Visualised output examples – West AfricaBackdrop: Coastlines, State Borders, ETOPO2 Bathymetry Single Channel Seismic Reflection Track Lines Ghana One Stop Data Shop

  17. Visualised output examples – West AfricaBackdrop: Coastlines, State Borders, ETOPO2 Bathymetry Seismic Refraction Track Lines Ghana One Stop Data Shop

  18. Visualised output examples – West AfricaBackdrop: Coastlines, State Borders, ETOPO2 Bathymetry Free Air Gravity Anomaly Ghana One Stop Data Shop

  19. Visualised output examples – West AfricaBackdrop: Coastlines, State Borders, ETOPO2 Bathymetry Magnetic Residual Field Ghana One Stop Data Shop

  20. Seismic Data • CDP Sismic data (digital) relatively straight forward • Challenge to use non - digital seismic data more effectively. Investigating solutions: • Reconstruction of seismic traces, result is SEG-Y data • Interpreting scanned seismic images directly • Status: Both work processes possible, choose most practical and cost efficient • Of course, there will always be coloured pencils One Stop Data Shop

  21. Why develop the One Stop Data Shop? • Cost effective way ”to store and handle research data” • Acts as one port of entry to access data • Each state does not have to start from scratch • UN Umbrella • ”Data owners” know who they are dealing with • Effective way to build and use expertise • Effective way to transfer capacity to states One Stop Data Shop

  22. When will a state benefit from the One Stop Data Shop? All phases of the deliniation project • Further assessment • Bathymetry • Grav/Mag • Seismic • Conversion/Filtering • Data update • Finding and including new data from data repositories • Data management • Quality assessment • Depth conversion • Interpretation • Data management • Formatting/Filtering • Backup Storage • Data uncertainty • Depth conversion • Interpretation • Data management • Plots/Figures • Backup Storage • Follow - up • Assistance related to feedback from CLCS • Early assessment • Project creation • ETOPO2 • GEBCO • Coastlines • State Borders • World Sediment • Thickness map • Acquisition • Integrated • acquisition plan • Inclusion • of Acquired data • Backup Storage • Quality assessment • Depth conversion One Stop Data Shop

  23. Who can use the One Stop Data Shop? • Mandate: ”with a view to serving the needs of coastal states, and in particular developing countries and small island developing states” • Use of the One Stop Data Shop is open for: • States • All parties that the state has requested that the One Stop Data Shop shall assist One Stop Data Shop

  24. How to Access the One Stop Data Shop • UNEP Shelf Programme web page (http://www.continentalshelf.org/) to access metadata (under construction) or • Contact us directly http://www.continentalshelf.org - info@continentalshelf.org(Implemented) • Define area of interest, format and means of data transfer • We will collect and generate data according to specs (if possible) and transfer data collection to user (implemented) One Stop Data Shop

  25. UNEP Shelf Programme – One Stop Data ShopSee the data in your area Contact us for a live demonstration of how the One Stop Data Shop can create a data collection for your offshore area One Stop Data Shop

  26. The UNEP Shelf Programme Facilityc/o UNEP/GRID-ArendalService Box 706N-4808 Arendal, Norway Street address:Longum Agder ParkTeknologiveien 1N-4849 Arendal, Norway Street address:Longum Agder ParkTeknologiveien 1N-4849 Arendal, Norway Telephone: +47 3703 5650 Programme Manager: +47 3703 5715 Fax: +47 3703 5050 E-mail: info@continentalshelf.org Conclusion – Up and runninghttp://www.continentalshelf.org/ One Stop Data Shop

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