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European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP)

European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). Jakub URBANIK DG RELEX UNIT D-1 European Neighbourhood Policy – General Coordination. Objectives of the presentation. ► Developments in the ENP. ► Multilateral cooperation in the ENP framework. Four main categories of neighbours:.

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European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP)

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  1. European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) Jakub URBANIK DG RELEX UNIT D-1 European Neighbourhood Policy – General Coordination

  2. Objectives of the presentation ► Developments in the ENP ►Multilateral cooperation in the ENP framework

  3. Four main categories of neighbours: • 1. Candidate and “Potential candidate” Countries:Croatia, Turkey, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo • 2. Russian Federation- Strategic Partnership Road Maps were agreed in May 2005: - economic - freedom, security and justice - external security - research and education (incl. cultural) • 3. EFTA, EEA countries

  4. Our ENP partners The immediate 16 neighbours of the enlarged EU to the South and to the East… … but not candidate countries or “potential candidates” nor Russia • Israel, Jordan, Moldova, Morocco, the Palestinian Authority, Tunisia, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Lebanonand Egypt • Algeria (Association Agreement in force since 2005) • Belarus, Syria (no agreements in force yet) • Libya (a mandate for negotiations proposed by the EC)

  5. What is the ENP? • Key EU foreign policy priority • Strategic goal:mutualprosperity, stability, security • Privileged relationship, building upon a mutual commitment to common values • Working together (joint ownership) … • … supporting partners’ own reform processes (political, economic, social …) • Building upon and strengthening existing relations • Principle of differentiation: progress is rewarded

  6. ENP Action Plans – the real work • ENP Action Plans - Annual Progress Reports - Country-specific, tailor-made political documents - Jointly defined agenda on political & economic reforms • Same six chapters in all Action Plans, but content specific to each partner: Political dialogue and reform, macro-economic management, trade, Justice, Freedom and Security, sector-policies, human dimension • Gradual approximation with the acquis communautaire in selected relevant areas • Using relevant EU experience in how to support transition and sequence reforms e.g. “twinning” officials … • Guidance for assistance programming

  7. Latest developments • Emergence of front-runners: Morocco (advanced status), Israel (discussion on special status), Moldova (negotiation of a new agreement due to start soon), Ukraine (Association Agreement; dcFTA) • Warming relations with Algeria (Road Map), Belarus (provisional suspension of visa ban), Libya (negotiation of Framework Agreement), Syria (initialling of Association Agreement) • But little progress on the key issues of Rule of Law, Democracy and Human Rights • Reflection on future Action Plans

  8. ENP and regional initiatives • Black Sea Synergy (2007) • Coordinated action in the key sectors: transport, environment, energy • Encourages regional cooperation • Involves Russian Federation and Turkey The Union for the Mediterranean (2008) • launched during the summit in Paris, 13th of July 2008 • includes all Member States of the EU and the non-EU Mediterranean coastal states (+) – 43 states • gives further political momentum and more visibility to the EU's policy in this key region (biennial summits) • provides more co-ownership to multilateral relations in the region, has new institutions: co-presidency, joint secretariat

  9. Eastern Partnership ( May 2009) Bilateral relations: Significant strengthening of contractual relations Association Agreements, closer cooperation on CFSP/ESDP issues Gradual integration into the EU economy : Deep and comprehensive Free Trade Areas; Easier travel to the EU: “Mobility and security pacts” to promote legal movement of people with as a long term goal full visa liberalisation; Energy security: Interconnection and integration of energy markets; Economic and social development: Pilot regional programmes based on EU’s cohesion policy. Improved administrative capacity: Comprehensive Institution Building Programmes financed by the EU;

  10. Eastern Partnership Multilateral forum: four thematic platforms Democracy, good governance & stability (including JLS): Economic integration and convergence with EU policies Energy security Contacts between people Six flagship initiatives Integrated Border Management Programme SME Facility Regional electricity markets, improved energy efficiency and increased use of renewable energy sources Diversification of energy supplies Prevention of, preparedness for, and response to natural and man-made disasters Promotion of good environmental governance

  11. Cross-Border Cooperation on external borders • CBC is a co-operation among partners on both sides of a common border addressing the negative effects of division • Takes place in clearly defined regions along the borders • 4 overall CBC objectives are defined as: • economic and social development • common challenges (i. a. environment, public health, organised crime, education, etc.) • efficient and secure borders • "people to people" actions • CBC at the EU external borders covered under ENPI: • One set ofrules applied on both sides of the borders (management and financial procedures) • Increase in funding - over € 1.1 billion set aside from ENPI and ERDF to finance CBC from 2007 to 2013

  12. Sea Basin programmes

  13. Summary • Development of the ENP: • Better possibilities for closer cooperation and rapprochement with the EU • Support for reforms (both political and financial commitment) • Establishment of a dedicated financial instrument: • More resources • More flexible and funding a broader range of activities • MTR mechanism as a possibility to react to the changing environment • Development of the regional initiatives within the ENP framework • CBC as a chance for local dimension of cooperation between the societies Plethora of opportunities – to be used and implemented….

  14. Contact ENP website: http://ec.europa.eu/comm/world/enp Eastern Partnership: http://ec.europa.eu/external_relations/eastern/index_en.htm Contact: enp-info@ec.europa.eu

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