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What Type of Content Strategies is Used in The Each Stage of Digital Marketing Funnel?

When you create digital marketing campaign for a product then all businesses need to strategies their content for each stage of the digital marketing funnel. Marketing funnel consists buyers journey and customer leads. Here, we have explained types of content you can use in each stage of the funnel.

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What Type of Content Strategies is Used in The Each Stage of Digital Marketing Funnel?

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  1. What type of Content Strategies is used in the each stage of Digital Marketing Funnel? While developing a digital marketing campaign for a product or service, businesses need to strategies their content for each stage of the digital marketing funnel. It is a crucial step. Marketing funnel consists of a buyer’s journey from a prospective lead to a customer. In this article, we have explained types of content you can use in each stage of the funnel. Have a look! Awareness stage:This is the first stage in which you make the people aware of your product or services. The main concern is the number of people knows about your brand, product, services or other offerings. You do not need to make sales or deliver sales messages to the people. Your aim is to curate a content which directly targets the online prospective customers. If the product has created the required buzz, it will match the people’s search results. The content will help in upraising the organic ranking on the search engine. What type of content is used in the Awareness stage? Informative videos Educational articles Info graphics IGTV videos Example:An article post by Hub Spot about lead scoring. Suppose you are the prospective customer and you are looking for the phrase

  2. - what is lead scoring. You will find this article. They have used the keywords which show that you are not much familiar with this term. To know about the metrics of your strategies on social media platforms, you can review the track metrics like reach, likes etc. Acquisition Stage:This is the second stage. If you providing information about the product in an interesting way, it will attract a lot of people. Likewise, you can share a story and place a link to your site. People have to provide their emails, phone numbers and basic personal details. This will help to reach out to the customer. Lead generation starts from here. What type of content used in the acquisition stage? E-Books Email newsletters How to guides Stories with links Example:A perfect example is Facebook Canvas advertisement by Royal Caribbean. They advertise through a video which people can zoom, tap on, and scroll through to know about sea life. To measure the outcomes, you can review followers of the page, likes, clicks, number of prospective leads and newsletter subscribers etc. Activation stage:In the third stage of the digital marketing funnel, the engagement between leads and company is increased through social media, websites, emails etc. Ensure that landing pages are optimised. Perform A/B testing using Google tools. What type of content used in the activation stage?

  3. Customised emails Webinars and live tutorials Free consultations If you see an increase in the number of signups, you are on the right track. Conversion Stage:At this stage, both sales and marketing team works together to convince the leads to become their customers. This is a crucial stage in the digital marketing funnel. What type of content used in the conversion stage? Case studies Videos demos Product comparison Influencer videos Direct messaging ads The increase in the conversion rate depends on the two following things: What type of product/service you are selling? Which platform you are using? Retention Stage:This is another crucial stage as you have to keep plenish their demand. The positive review from the customer assures that you have fulfilled their satisfaction level. What type of content used in the retention stage? Personalised newsletters Guiding articles Product previews Product tutorials

  4. Checking the engagement with the content and customer retention rate helps in knowing about their needs. If you fail to do so, you may lose half of the customer. They may shift to other brands. Referral Stage:Brand advocates represented by the satisfied and happy customer of your business. It is one of the result-oriented tools to get referrals of new customers. You don’t need to spend much time to convince them to buy your product/services. What types of content is used in the referral stage? Limited use free premium product or service in exchange for a referral Testimonials Referrals You can track the new referrals to know how many new customers are connected to you. Reference: https://www.sooperarticles.com/business- articles/marketing-articles/what-type-content-strategies-used-each- stage-digital-marketing-funnel-1776161.html

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