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Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics: the State of the Art

Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics: the State of the Art. Barbara V. Jacak Stony Brook Feb. 15, 2002. outline. Science goals of the field Structure of nuclear matter and theoretical tools we use Making super-dense matter in the laboratory the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider

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Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics: the State of the Art

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  1. Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics: the State of the Art Barbara V. Jacak Stony Brook Feb. 15, 2002

  2. outline • Science goals of the field • Structure of nuclear matter and theoretical tools we use • Making super-dense matter in the laboratory • the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider • experimental observables & • what have we learned already? • Next steps...

  3. Studying super-dense matter by creating a little bang! Structure of atoms, nuclei, and nucleons At very high energy shatter nucleons into a cloud of quarks and gluons Expect a phase transition to a quark gluon plasma Such matter existed just after the Big Bang

  4. At high temperature/density • Quarks no longer bound into nucleons ( qqq ) and mesons (qq ) • Phase transition  quarks move freely within the volume • they become a plasma  • Such matter existed in the early universe • for a few microseconds after Big Bang • Probably also in the core of neutron stars

  5. Phase Transition • we don’t really understand • how process of quark confinement works • how symmetries are broken by nature  massive particles from ~ massless quarks • transition affects evolution of early universe • latent heat & surface tension  • matter inhomogeneity in evolving universe? • more matter than antimatter today? • equation of state  compression in stellar explosions

  6. + +… Quantum ChromoDynamics • Field theory • for strong interaction • among colored quarks • by exchange of gluons • Works pretty well... • Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) • for electromagnetic interactions • exchanged particles are photons • electrically uncharged • QCD: exchanged gluons have “color”charge •  a curious property: they interact among themselves This makes interactions difficult to calculate!

  7. Transition temperature? QCD “simplified”: a 3d grid of quark positions & summing the interactions predicts a phase transition: Karsch, Laermann, Peikert ‘99 e/T4 T/Tc Tc ~ 170 ± 10 MeV (1012 °K) e ~ 3 GeV/fm3

  8. So, we need to create a little bang in the lab! Use accelerators to reach highest energy vBEAM = 0.99995 x speed of light at RHIC center of mass energy s = 200 GeV/nucleon SPS (at CERN) has s  18 GeV/nucleon AGS (at BNL) s  5 GeV/nucleon Use heaviest beams possible maximum volume of plasma ~ 10,000 quarks & gluon in fireball

  9. Experimental method Look at region between the two nuclei for T/density maximum Collide two nuclei RHIC is first dedicated heavy ion collider 10 times the energy previously available!

  10. RHIC at Brookhaven National Laboratory Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider started operations in summer 2000

  11. STAR 4 complementary experiments

  12. What do we need to knowabout the plasma? • Temperature • early in the collision, just after nuclei collide • Density • also early in the collision, when it is at its maximum • Are the quarks really free or still confined? • Properties of the quark gluon plasma • equation of state (energy vs. pressure) • how is energy transported in the plasma?

  13. In Heavy Ion Collisions When nuclei collide at near the speed of light, a cascade of quark & gluon scattering results…. 104 gluons, q, q’s

  14. pR2 2ct0 Is energy density high enough? PRL87, 052301 (2001) Colliding system expands: Energy  to beam direction per unit velocity || to beam e 4.6 GeV/fm3 YES - well above predicted transition! 50% higher than seen before

  15. Density: a first look Central Au+Au collisions (~ longitudinal velocity) Adding all particles under the curve, find ~ 5000 charged particles These all started in a volume ~ that of a nucleus!

  16. schematic view of jet production hadrons leading particle q q hadrons leading particle Observables IIDensity - use a unique probe Probe: Jets from scattered quarks Observed via fast leading particles or azimuthal correlations between the leading particles But, before they create jets, the scattered quarks radiate energy (~ GeV/fm) in the colored medium  decreases their momentum  fewer high momentum particles  beam  “jet quenching” See talk by X.N. Wang

  17. Deficit observed in central collisions charged p0 transverse momentum (GeV/c) Charged deficit seen by both STAR & PHENIX See talk by F. Messer

  18. u, d, s u, d, s c c Observables IIIConfinement • J/Y (cc bound state) • produced early, traverses the medium • if medium is deconfined (i.e. colored) • other quarks “get in the way” • J/Y screened by QGP • binding dissolves  2 D mesons See talks of D. Kharzeev & J. Nagle

  19. J/Y suppression observed at CERN NA50 J/Y yield Fewer J/Y in Pb+Pb than expected! But other processes affect J/Y too so interpretation is still debated... RHIC data being analyzed now !

  20. Observables IV: Propertieselliptic flow “barometer” Origin: spatial anisotropy of the system when created followed by multiple scattering of particles in evolving system spatial anisotropy  momentum anisotropy v2: 2nd harmonic Fourier coefficient in azimuthal distribution of particles with respect to the reaction plane Almond shape overlap region in coordinate space

  21. Large v2: the matter can be modeled hydrodynamics v2= 6%: larger than at CERN or AGS! Hydro. Calculations Huovinen, P. Kolb and U. Heinz STAR PRL 86 (2001) 402 pressure buildup  explosion pressure generated early!  early equilibration !? first hydrodynamic behavior seen

  22. q e-, m- g * Thermal dilepton radiation: e+, m+ q q Thermal photon radiation: g q, g Observables VTemperature Look for “thermal” radiation processes producing it: Rate, energy of the radiated particles determined by temperature NB: g, e, m interact electromagnetically only  they exit the collision without further interaction See talk of D. Kharzeev

  23. At RHIC we don’t know yet But it should be higher since the energy density is larger At CERN, photon and lepton spectra consistent with T ~ 200 MeV Temperature achieved? NA50 WA98 photons m+ m- pairs

  24. The state of the art (and the outlook…) • unprecedented energy density at RHIC! • high density, probably high temperature • very explosive collisions  matter has a stiff equation of state • new features: hints of quark gluon plasma? • large elliptic flow, suppression of high pT, • J/Y suppression at CERN? • but we aren’t sure yet… • To rule out conventional explanations • extend reach of Au+Au data • compare p+p, p+Au to check effect of cold nuclei on observables • study volume & energy dependence

  25.  If jets from light quarks are quenched, shouldn’t charmed quarks be suppressed too? See talk of J. Nagle Mysteries... How come hydrodynamics does so well on elliptic flow and momentum spectra of mesons & nucleons emitted … but FAILS to explain correlations between meson PAIRS? not explosive enough! pT (GeV)

  26. Compare spectra to p+p collisions Peripheral collisions (60-80% of sgeom): ~ p-p scaled by <N bin coll> = 20  6 central (0-10%): • shape different (more exponential) • below scaled p-p! • (<N bin coll> = 905  96)

  27. vacuum matter box QGP Did something new happen? • Study collision dynamics • Probe the early (hot) phase Do the particles equilibrate? Collective behavior i.e. pressure and expansion? Particles created early in predictable quantity interact differently with QGP and normal matter fast quarks, bound cc pairs, s quarks, ... + thermal radiation!

  28. Thermal Properties measuring the thermal history g, g* e+e-, m+m- p, K, p, n, f, L, D, X, W, d, Real and virtual photons from quark scattering is most sensitive to the early stages. (Run II measurement) Hadrons reflect thermal properties when inelastic collisions stop (chemical freeze-out). Hydrodynamic flow is sensitive to the entire thermal history, in particular the early high pressure stages.

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