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U. S. Department of Labor --- -- Organizational Chart

The Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP) and Local Veterans Employment Representative (LVER) Programs “The Law” Jobs for Veterans State Grant (JVSG) programs in accordance with Title 38, Chapter 41 and 42 of the United States Code (38 U.S.C.).

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U. S. Department of Labor --- -- Organizational Chart

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  1. The Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP) and Local Veterans Employment Representative (LVER) Programs“The Law”Jobs for Veterans State Grant (JVSG) programs in accordance with Title 38, Chapter41 and 42 of the United States Code (38 U.S.C.).

  2. U. S. Department of Labor --- -- Organizational Chart Secretary of Labor LVER/DVOP Program VWIP (WIA Section 168) HVRP TAP FCJL USERRA Assistant Secretary for Veterans Employment and Training RAVET DVET ADVET VPS/VPA CTDOL-OVWD LVER DVOP


  4. STATE PLANS Section 4102 A ( c ) 2 • Funds provided to States will be based upon an approved plan that contains: • A description of services to be provided • The duties assigned to DVOPs and LVERs • The manner in which DVOPs and LVERs are integrated in the employment service delivery system • The veteran population to be served and • Incentive performance plan

  5. Performance Goals for the One-Stop Delivery System VPL 4-06 • For All Veterans and Disabled Veterans: • Veterans Entered Employment Rate • Veterans Employment Retention Rate

  6. DVOP/LVER Programs VPL 07-05 • Preference for hiring: • Qualified service-connected disabled veterans • Qualified eligible veterans • Qualified eligible persons

  7. DVOP Program • Section 4103A • Full or part-time • Intensive services • Priority of service A.Special disabled veterans B. Other disabled veterans C. Other eligible veterans

  8. DVOP Specialist Duties VPL 07-05 • of intensive services to veterans with special Facilitation employment and training needs.a.Conduct an assessment b. Develop plan of action that is documented (EDP) • c. Provide career guidance d. Coordinate supportive service(s) e. Make job development contact(s) f. Provide referrals to training g. Make Referrals to job openings

  9. DVOP VPL 07-05 • 2.Conduct outreach to locate veterans for intensive services such as: • (a)   VR&E • (b)  HVRP • (c)   VA Medical centers and Vet Centers • (d)  Homeless Shelters • (e)  Civic and service organizations • (f)    Community Stand Downs • Military Installations • WIA partners • State Vocational Rehabilitation Services

  10. DVOP VPL 07-05 • Provide a full range of employment and training services to veterans, with the primary focus of meeting the needs of veterans and eligible persons who are unable to obtain employment through core services. • DVOP specialists facilitate Transition Assistance Program (TAP) Employment workshops as approved in the State Plan.

  11. LVER ProgramSection 4104 (1) Conduct outreach to employers in the area to assist veterans in gaining employment, including conducting seminars for employers and, in conjunction with employers, conducting job search workshops and establishing job search groups; (2) Facilitate employment, training and placement services furnished to veterans. (d) Manager’s Report

  12. LVER Duties VPL 07-05 • As an integral part of the State’s Labor Exchange System, LVER staff work with other service providers to promote veterans as job seekers who have highly marketable skills and experience.

  13. LVER Duties VPL 07-05 • Advocate for employment and training opportunities with business and industry, and community-based organizations. Responsibilities may include the following activities: • Plan and participate in job fairs to promote services to veterans. • Work with unions, apprenticeship programs and businesscommunity to promote employment and training opportunities for veterans. • Promote credentialing and training opportunities for veterans with training providers and credentialing bodies.

  14. LVER Duties VPL 07-05 • Establish, facilitate, and/or maintain regular contact with employers to include federal contractors. They should coordinate with employer relations representatives as part of the One-Stop system to include veterans in their marketing efforts.

  15. LVER Duties VPL 07-05 • Provide and facilitate a full range of employment, training and placement services to meet the needs of veterans. These services may include: • Conducting job search assistance workshops • Providing job development and referral • Providing vocational guidance • Providing Labor Market Information • Providing referrals to training and supportive services

  16. LVER DUTIESVPL 7-05 5. LVER staff facilitate TAP employment workshops as approved in the state plan. 6.Coordinate with the SDP manager in the preparation of the Manager Report on services to veterans.


  18. P. L. 107-288 Section 4215 (a) (2) (3) Priority of service for veterans in Department of Labor job training programs “Qualified job training program” is any workforce preparation, development, or delivery program or service that is directly funded, in whole or in part, by the Department of Labor.

  19. Training and Employment Guidance Letter No. 5-03 • 20 DOL-Funded workforce programs are covered by section 4215: • WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker • Wagner-Peyser Employment Services • Trade Act Programs • National Emergency Grants • Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) • Migrant and Seasonal Farm Worker Program • Indian and Native American Program • Job Corps • WIA Demonstration Projects • Labor Market Information Grants • Career One-Stop Electronic Tools • Other Internet-based self-service tools operated by DOL programs

  20. P. L. 107-288Section 4215 (a) (2) (3) Priority of service for veterans in Department of Labor job training programs `Priority of service' means, with respect to any qualified job training program, that a covered person shall be given priority over nonveterans for the receipt of employment, training, and placement services provided under that program.

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