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HUNGARY for ESS Proposal for a Large Research Infrastructure in the

HUNGARY for ESS Proposal for a Large Research Infrastructure in the Central and Eastern European Region László ROSTA Budapest Neutron Centre ESS Hungary Company. The Hungarian story ESS Council, 2003: Why not to propose to locate ESS in one of the new accession countries?

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HUNGARY for ESS Proposal for a Large Research Infrastructure in the

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  1. HUNGARY for ESS Proposal for a Large Research Infrastructure in the Central and Eastern European Region László ROSTA Budapest Neutron Centre ESS Hungary Company Debrecen

  2. The Hungarian story • ESS Council, 2003: Why not to propose to locate ESS in one of the new accession countries? • F. Mezei and L. Rosta – proposed for the government to investigate the feasibility of ESS in Hungary • Detailed socio-economic studies • December 2007: Final approval of the government for the ESS-Hungary project, final decision on the site • The Hungary for ESS project was presented at Bussels in January 2008 Debrecen

  3. Hungary for ESS – an attractive proposal • Favourable scientific environment • Traditions and competence in neutron science and instrumentation • Carefully selected site candidate in Hungary • Two phase selection procedure: Final candidate - city of Debrecen • Highly cost-effective construction conditios • Experience in hosting investments, site/land offred, favorble price level index • (EUSTAT) • Novel approch for financing • Scheme of collaborative core-partnership, substantial funds from the hostsite • Full political and economical engagement of the government and scientific community: to serve the EU’s goal to improve the geographyic balace of Europeanresearch infrastructures Debrecen

  4. Neutron Research Background in Hungary Neutron research was established in Hungary with starting the reactor in 1959 Major milestones: Start: 1959, 2.5 MW Upgrad: 1967, 5 MW Full scale refurbishment: 1986-90 Recommissioning: 1992, 10 MW Cold neutron source: 2000-01 Second operating cycle: 2004-14 Transition to 20% fuel, modernisation 2008-11 Debrecen

  5. Panoramic view of the reactor hall 2007 TOF CNS Debrecen

  6. PSD TAS CNS Measuring Hall PGANIPS Shielding tunnel(for 3 neutron guides) IBMS SANS NG-3 REFL MTEST NG-2 BIO TASC NG-1 Shutters(3 pcs.) Reactor Hall SNR DNR Cold neutron instruments: REFL – Reflectometer TASC - TAS  Triple axis spectrometer on CNS SANS  Small-angle scattering spectrometer PGAA  Prompt gamma activation analysis NIPS  Neutron-induced prompt gamma-rayspectrometer IBMS – In-beam Mössbauer spectrometer(under construction) TOF(neutron guide) TOF – Time of flight diffractometer (multiframe monochromatisation) DNR – Dynamic neutronradiography SNR – Static neutron radiography BIO – Port used for biologicalexperiments MTEST – Material testingdiffractometer TAS – Triple axis spectrometer PSD – Powder diffractometer TOF(measuring hall) Lay out of the Neutron Beam Facilities Entrance to the reactor hall Debrecen

  7. Neutron Research Background in Hungary Small angle neutron scattering study of the nanoscale defect structure in Al-alloy pistons at different stages of usage. Anisotropic distribution and highly geometry dependent growth of precipitates was revealed. The technology was improved for life-time prolongation of the engine. M. Rogante, V.T. Lebedev, F. Nicolae, E. Rétfalvi, L.Rosta, Physica. B 358, 224 (2005) Debrecen

  8. Neutron Research Background in Hungary The principle and two ways of experimental realisation of atomic resolution neutron holography was proposed by László CSER (BNC). A team lead by L. Cser has performed the first successful experiment (on D9 diffratometer at the ILL) proving the feasibility of holography (Figure on the left - 3D image of the 12 Pb atoms on a sphere of a 3.5 Å radius surrounding the Cd nucleus. Neutron holography is a unique method for direct measurement of local lattice distortionss with sub-picometer accuracy.) Recently a dedicated holography instrument was installed at the Budapest Reactor. Debrecen

  9. Nuclear research in Debrecen Science and techology of accelerators at ATOMKI (HAS): - Two Van de Graaff accelerators. - The cyclotron shown in the picture below is a major accelerator facility in Hungary Debrecen

  10. Ferenc Mezei is a Hungarian physicist, and pioneer of finding new methods for neutron scattering, proposed first the idea of the long pulse spallation source in 1994 The most relevant contribution to the ESS story: The 5 MW long pulse target station version of ESS proposed by ESFRI is the Hungarian bid Debrecen

  11. Site selection Two phase procedure: 6/2 candidates International selection panel • CITY OF DEBRECEN • the second largest city in Hungary in a region dynamically developing, main beneficiary of EU stuctural funds. • Debrecen: Scientific centre,rich cultural life and a wealth of hospitality Debrecen

  12. ESS Hungary: Costing and financing • The investment budget amounts to a total ofEUR 1063 million. • The operational budget of ESS will be yearlyEUR 95 million. • includes funding for the 10 beam-line instruments (the operational costs for the subsequent 6 years contain funds for adding 2 new instruments per year). • Contingency:17%, • does not include (paid by the host country / site) • the costs of pre-planning and construction preparation for the project the price of the specified construction site with infrastructure up to the border. • cost for the administrative and technical support of the first year of project work. • The costing model is based on the WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) methodology. Sources: • SNS Oak Ridge Actual Spending Rep. • ESS Reference Volume III • ESS Technical descriptions • ESS Hungary documentation of implementation • Interviews with leading Hungarian and foreign scientists, and with the technical and financial experts of SNS Debrecen

  13. Global building costs • Large savings in Hungary: • a) Buildings and local services • SNS: local contractors $ 460 M (2007 value). • Approximately scales with building costs Price Level Index: • in HU: $ 255 M • in ES: $ 332 M • in SE: $ 607 M b) Salaries for Hungarian staff: ~ 30 % of Western EU average (expected ~ 40 % by 2018) • more than competitive salaries to offer to expatriate employees • larger supporting staff for optimal overall out-put Debrecen

  14. ESS Hungary: Costing and financing • Cost advantages: • Low construction costs; EUROSTAT construction index: EU27100% - HU 66% • Low manpower costs for the construction and the starting operation period (model for site dependence of costs based on that at SNS distribution of contracts) • Lower costs of living (e.g. housing, good living conditions, efficient and time saving local transport) • reletively low wages for Hungarian emloyees (mostly supporting staff), better than usual compensation for non-Hungarian staff (90 % of professionals) according to Hungarian practice for expatriate workers: atrract the "best and brightest" from all Europe. • take advantage of low salary costs for locals to employ a much larger workforce for supporting staff: optimize the use of time of the highly paid expatriates. • EU cohesion and balance Debrecen

  15. Financing of ESS Hungary The financial proposal The construction costs (in 2007 value) will be underwritten in the form of shares in a non-profit ESS consortium (property and usage rights for theshareholders) Shares will be tradable on non-profit basis. The Hungarian government will use the following resources • Treasury (through e.g. National investment bank) – flexible ~130 M€ • European structural funds (GOP 75 M€, ROP 60 M€) • National R&D („Innovation Fund”) – flexible ~ 120 M€ Total: ~385 M€ • If needed for a timely start ~170 M€ will be vailable asloan, offered by EIB using the new ESFRI Risk Capital Facility. Strategic partners • Regional partners International partners Shares • Bilateral preparatory contacts with a number of European countries (Cz, Fr, De, Nl, It, CH, Ru....) and collaboration with Spain, leave little doubt that financing goal can be achieved in a timely manner. Debrecen

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