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Factors that can Make or Break your Choice of a Web Host

Web Hosting is a service provided by web hosting companies that enables anyone to make their website available and accessible via the Internet. While choosing a web host that suits best oneu2019s requirements, one must consider a few key factors that can heavily impact the consequences if not paid attention to.

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Factors that can Make or Break your Choice of a Web Host

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Factor that Can Make or Break Your Choice of a Web Host

  2. Table of Contents • Free Trial and/or Money-back Guarantee • Reputation • Website Builder • Customer Support • Server Locations • Conclusion • Web Hosting • Web Hosting Packages • Amount of Visitors/Traffic • Price • Scalability • Features

  3. Web Hosting is a service provided by web hosting companies that enables anyone to make their website available and accessible to anyone using the Internet. It provides the services and technology that keeps a website up and running efficiently. The major types of hosting services are- shared, dedicated, VPS, cloud, reseller, WordPress.

  4. There are many web hosting service providers that offer various plans at various prices. Some of these companies have made a name for themselves as the best Windows hosting companyor as the top cloud hosting company, or even as the best website hosting company.

  5. Web Hosting Packages YELLOW • Almost all the web hosts offer various plans that suit the needs of different websites and cater to different budgets. • The level of resources that you think you’ll need to run your website effectively will decide which web hosting package is the best for you. You need to consider several factors before reaching any conclusion about your exact hosting needs. Here, we take a look at some of the key factors that you need to consider in order to establish your hosting needs and choose a plan accordingly.

  6. Amount of Visitors/Traffic • One of the most important deciding factors is the amount of traffic you anticipate your website will be receiving. If your web hosting plan is not adequate enough to deal with high traffic, it will result in very slow load times which will drive visitors away from your site and ultimately make you lose viewers in the long run, rather than gaining them which should be your aim. • Having a realistic idea/ expectation about how many visitors your site will get in a month will help you gauge the resources that you will need to host your website effectively.

  7. Price “Economy does not lie in sparing money, but in spending it wisely”. This quote emphasizes the importance of spending money wisely. This applies to your decision regarding investing in a hosting plan as well. You should choose a package that fits your budget and at the same time fulfils your requirements. There is no point paying extra for a plan or a particular type of hosting if your website does not need it. Conversely, if you go for a plan wanting to spend less and compromise on resources then that will impact adversely your website’s performance.

  8. Scalability You should make sure that your web hosting plan accommodates scalability. You will require scalability as your business grows and you need quick access to more resources. Since every business aims to expand, scalability should be an important feature on your list of factors to consider while choosing a hosting package.

  9. Features Every web hosting plan will provide certain features, such as bandwidth, disk space offered, and customer support, to name a few. You must choose a hosting plan that offers you all those features that are essential for your website.

  10. Free Trial and/or Money-back Guarantee Any hosting company that has confidence in its service will offer either or both when it comes to free trial of its service or a money-back guarantee in case you are not satisfied. Offering these options reflects that the web host prioritizes customer satisfaction and is also confident about providing quality service.

  11. Reputation “You can’t buy a good reputation; you must earn it.” This quote makes it evident that any web hosting service provider that has established itself as a quality service provider, has definitely earned this reputation through the outstanding service that it has provided which has ensured customer satisfaction and helped it to retain its existing customers and at the same time helped it draw new customers. This reliability in its service has made it emerge as a constant popular choice. Thus, one must check the reputation of a web host in the industry before choosing it.

  12. 1-800-123 -8156 Whoa! That’s a big number, aren’t you proud?

  13. Website Builder An added feature to consider is whether or not the web host that you are considering to opt for, offers a website builder. A built-in website creator is always an advantage that you must consider having.

  14. Customer Support Customer support is always an essential feature to look for when choosing any web hosting service. You might run into some technical problem and at that time all you need is a quick and effective resolution. So, you need to select a web host that provides 24*7 customer service to address and effectively resolve your issue in the shortest duration.

  15. Server Locations This might not seem important at first but your server’s locations can impact to a great extent your website’s performance. Finding out where a company’s server locations are, can indeed help you foresee any issues with performance or speed that might appear in the future. Hence, this is an important factor to consider.

  16. Conclusion Choosing the right web host that is offering the features that you need at the price that suits your budget the best, is often a challenging yet crucial decision that you need to make. The performance of your website and eventually its success based on its reach will depend majorly on selecting the right web host for your needs, in the long haul. Hence, it becomes very important to understand the importance of the factors that impact this choice and let these factors guide your choice of the web host that you decide to opt for.

  17. Thanks! ANY QUESTIONS? You can find me at: www.htshosting.org www.htshosting.org/best-web-hosting-company-India www.htshosting.org/best-windows-hosting support@htshosting.org

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