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Atmospheric pressure as a function of height

Atmospheric pressure as a function of height. Temperature as a function of height. Latitudinal distribution of temperature. Peixoto and Oort. Seasonal cycle in insolation. Planetary albedo. Annual. JJA. DJF. Outgoing longwave radiation. Annual. JJA. DJF. Net radiation. Annual.

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Atmospheric pressure as a function of height

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Atmospheric pressure as a function of height

  2. Temperature as a function of height

  3. Latitudinal distribution of temperature Peixoto and Oort

  4. Seasonal cycle in insolation

  5. Planetary albedo Annual JJA DJF

  6. Outgoing longwave radiation Annual JJA DJF

  7. Net radiation Annual JJA DJF

  8. Annual range in surface temperatures

  9. Mean meridional circulation of the atmosphere Hadley Cells (thermally direct) Ferrell Cell (thermally indirect) Polar cell NCEP reanalysis

  10. Variability of Hadley circulation Time series of variability >+1 s <-1 s

  11. Zonal mean winds Annual DJF JJA

  12. Zonal mean wind variability Time series > +1 s < -1 s

  13. Circulation at the surface DJF JJA

  14. Circulation at 200mb (~10km) DJF JJA

  15. Stormtracks in the atmosphere Chang, 99

  16. Hydrological cycle Hartmann, ‘94

  17. Evaporation minus Precipitation Peixoto and Oort, 92

  18. Latent heating in the atmosphere Peixoto and Oort, 92

  19. Annual mean precipitation distribution

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