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Welcome to MYP New Teacher Training ! [Please be seated and prepared to answer at 8:01.]

Welcome to MYP New Teacher Training ! [Please be seated and prepared to answer at 8:01.]. FILL IN THE BLANK: I want my students to become ____ people . - Lost Generation Clip. Welcome to… MYP New Teacher Training.

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Welcome to MYP New Teacher Training ! [Please be seated and prepared to answer at 8:01.]

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  1. Welcome to MYP New Teacher Training![Please be seated and prepared to answer at 8:01.] FILL IN THE BLANK: I want my students to become ____ people. - Lost Generation Clip

  2. Welcome to… MYP New Teacher Training Lisa Lilley, MYP Coordinator Adrienne Deckard, Teacher (Science/Technology) Adrienne Deckard Central High School (Springfield, MO) 2012

  3. IB Learner Profile IB learners strive to be: • Inquirers • Knowledgeable • thinkers • Communicators • Principled • Open-minded • Caring • Risk-takers • Balanced • Reflective

  4. IB Mission Statement The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challengingprogrammes of internationaleducation and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people,with their differences, can also be right.

  5. International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Program (PYP) PreK – 5th Middle Years Program (MYP) 6th - 10th Diploma Program (DP) 11th -12th • Pre-MYP • No set curriculum • Abstract, thematic units • Delivery, not content • All non-DP classes • Personal Project • Set curriculum • Certificate or diploma seeking students only • End of Course Exams • Extended Essay

  6. IB Program Models


  8. Approaches to Learning • Be aware of your own learning… • Organizational skills • Processing information • Communication • Self Assessment

  9. Areas of Interaction Activity • Partner with someone from a different subject area. In this case, partner up with language arts • Access the OCC • Principles to Practice • Areas of Interaction • Select and claim and Area of Interaction • Access MYP AOI Sign Scaffold or MYP AOI Brochure Scaffold • Use the internet to search for pictures. • Produce a sign that describes/illustrates your AOI.

  10. Approaches to Teaching • Backwards Design • Inquiry Based Learning

  11. New this year… • Concepts

  12. Service and the Personal Project

  13. 8 Subject Groups • Language A • Language B • Mathematics • Arts • Humanities • Technology • Physical education • Sciences

  14. Subject Groups Activity • Organize into subject groups • Access the OCC • Subject Guide • Aims and Objectives • Compare and contrast with SPS MIGS and Objectives

  15. International Mindedness • Global Community • Utilization, NOT just recognition/celebration, of differences

  16. Program Model Activity • Communicating with Stakeholders • Parents • Future students • Current students • Other teachers • Administrators • Counselors • Produce an explanation of your class in relation to the IB program • Narrative • Concept web • Outline • Illustration

  17. BREAK until _____ • Ticket out the door: FEEDBACK CUBE

  18. Please be seated and prepared for a POP QUIZ at _____.

  19. Pop Quiz

  20. MYP Unit Planning

  21. Phases of Unit Planning • Phase 1: The MYP Unit Planner • Phase 2: Unpacking content (SPS MIGs)

  22. 5 Elements of the MYP Unit Planner • Unit Title • Unit Question • Major Concept • Area of Interaction • Unit Assessment • Access Unit Planner and rubric.

  23. Traditional Unit • The Scientific Method • Testable questions, hypotheses, predictions, and conclusions • Qualitative and quantitative data • Manipulating variables • Validity/reliability of an experiment • Tables and graphs • Observations and inferences • Quantities and measurements (Mass, length, volume, temp and time)

  24. HOW “WHAT were you THINKING?!” the thought process of scientific inquiry STUPID PEOPLE TRICKS

  25. AOI: Approaches to Learning • Be aware of your own learning… • Organizational skills • Processing information • Communication • Self Assessment

  26. Unit Question • What is the difference between thinking, knowing, and predicting? • good choices and logical decision making • observations and predictions

  27. Major Concept • Inquiry uses a logical, calculated way of thinking based on sound observations Well, there’s the sun… so that direction is UP!

  28. Unit Assessment • Design and conduct a laboratory investigation • Produce a lab report

  29. $4 Billion + some change

  30. Unit Question • How do we cause and how are we affected by change?

  31. Major Concept Everything came from somewhere; how did everything come to be?

  32. How will we use these concepts to analyze the unit question? • By analyzing environments • Specifically, the interdependence of humans and both the natural and man-made environment

  33. Unit Project • Research a case study concerning causes and effects of changes in our environment • Orally present your findings to the class • Submit a hard copy of your presentation

  34. You don’t have to change your unit!

  35. Unit Planning Activity • Get out your notes, lesson plans, ideas, objectives, whatever good stuff you brought for your favorite unit. • Access the blank MYP Unit Planner. • Complete the scaffolding for your favorite unit.

  36. BREAK until _____.

  37. Please be seated and prepared to answer at _____. • How will you communicate and how will your classroom reflect that you are in an IB/MYP class? Share and discuss.

  38. Practical Application of the MYP Unit Planner [a not so practical application]

  39. Introduce as an MYP Unit • Use a PowerPoint or some other tool for discussion to introduce the unit.

  40. We’re all in this TOGETHER

  41. Unit Question How does your every little move impact the world around you?

  42. Major Concept All things, living and non-living, contribute in some way to how the whole system works.

  43. Area of Interaction:ENVIRONMENTS • What are our environments? • Natural, built, or virtual • How do I affect my environments? • How do my environments affect me?


  45. Unit Question • Where are the instructions for making living things, and how are they read?

  46. Significant Concept • Instructions must be written so that they can be followed and copied accurately; otherwise unintended results can occur!

  47. How will we use this concept to analyze the unit question? Health and Social Education • How can “misreading” a recipe impact individuals and communities? “Although we all like symmetry, it is really imperfection that we owe our existence to.” –Dmitri Kharzeev

  48. Unit Assessment • Make your own organisms • Build an imaginary organism and produce the “recipe” it would have been made from • Build a second organism with an error in its recipe • Describe how the recipes were followed and compare the resulting organisms

  49. Display the MYP Unit Elements • Visually display the title, question, concept, and assessment.

  50. Refer Back to the MYP Unit Elements • ALWAYS refer to the unit by the unit title. • Reference elements of the MYP scaffolding.“You need to know so you can answer the unit question or __ on your final assessment”

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