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Department of Communications Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008

Department of Communications Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008. Strategic Plan Department of Communications 2005 – 2008 Presentation to the Select Committee on Labour and Public Enterprises 18 May 2005.

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Department of Communications Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008

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  1. Department of Communications Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008 Strategic Plan Department of Communications 2005 – 2008Presentation to the Select Committee on Labour and Public Enterprises 18 May 2005

  2. Department of Communications Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008 Strategic Plan for 2005 – 2008Department of Communications

  3. THE DoC LEADERSHIP TEAM • Lyndall Shope-Mafole DG • Gerda GrabeCOO • Joe Mjwara DDG P • Phumele Ntombela-NzimandeDDG SPC&I • Pakamile PongwanaDDG IA & R • Harry Mathabathe CFO

  4. Department of Communications Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008 INTRODUCTION • DoC and the ICT sector have a pivotal role to play in turning the “confluence of encouraging possibilities” into realizable opportunities for all the people of South Africa • The DoC is working with other departments and spheres of government and SOEs in using ICTs to improve the lives of the people of our country, the continent and building a better world • We are now poised to be the employer of first choice in the public service and the preferred place in the ICT sector for intellectual stimulation, leadership growth and national contribution • Critical priority - to ensure that we have the capacity, capability and personnel that is sufficiently resourced and motivated to meet the challenges faced by our democratic developmental state

  5. Department of Communications Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008 CONTEXT • Our Strategic Plan is shaped by national strategic objectives and takes cognizance of the developments within the ICT sector, nationally and internationally • This year the plan is guided by the following national strategic objectives: • Achieving higher rates of investment in the economy • Increasing the competitiveness of our economy • Broadening participation participation in the economy • Improving the capacity of the State to deliver on its mandate • Contributing to a better world

  6. Department of Communications Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008 CONTEXT • The strategy takes into account the following developments in the ICT environment, namely: • Increasing requirements to liberalise the industry as a result of globalization • Rapid technological developments, such as the convergence of previously separate and distinct technologies ; and • The imperative to lower the cost to communicate

  7. Department of Communications Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008 …CONTEXT • The key challenges the Department will face in the next three years are: • Effective implementation of the ICT BEE charter • Building of additional ICT infrastructure • Provision of affordable broadband services for business and the public • Digitisation of the electronic, especially broadcasting, communications network • Repositioning of the Post Office and Post Bank

  8. Department of Communications Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008 MEDIUM TERM STRATEGY VISION A global leader in harnessing Information Communication Technologies for Socio-economic development

  9. Department of Communications Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008 MEDIUM TERM STRATEGY MISSION To enhance the well being of the peoples of South Africa, the African continent and the world through the creation of a sustainable and enabling Information Communication Technology environment. We shall through leveraging our world class knowledge, skills and experience, deliver on our social contract to the people in a professional manner reflective of our national value system informed by the Batho Pele


  11. Department of Communications Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008 ACHIEVING HIGHER RATES OF INVESTMENT IN THE ECONOMY • Development of a Broadband policy including unbundling the local loop • Develop an Optimal network to meet the needs of the country • Finalise and implement an ICT Sector Strategy

  12. Department of Communications Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008 INCREASED COMPETITIVENESS OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN ECONOMY • Reducing the cost to communicate • Modernisation of ICT infrastructure (digitisation) • Broadening ICT skills base • Contribution to establishment of AAIICT • Strengthening ISSA and NEMISA

  13. Department of Communications Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008 BROADENING PARTICIPATION IN THEECONOMY • Effective implementation of the ICT BEE Charter • ICT support service to SMME’s eg USALs • Support for e-education, e-health, e-government services • Strengthening the capacity of the Post Office and Post Bank to provide financial and other services

  14. Department of Communications Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008 IMPROVING CAPACITY OF THE STATE • Enhance the capacity of the Department to provide effective, efficient, professional and timely service • Enhance the capacity of the Regulator, ICASA • Strengthen SOE’s, resource them and align their strategic plans with the objectives and priorities of government

  15. Department of Communications Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008 CONTRIBUTING TO A BETTER WORLD IMPLEMENT THE AFRICAN AGENDA • Support NEPAD • Operationalise the Specialised Technical Committee of the AU STRENGTHEN SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION • Implementation of IBSA ICT Plan of Action for 2005/06 PARTICIPATE IN MULTI-LATERAL FORA • WSIS

  16. PNC on ISAD Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008 Strategic Plan for 2005 – 2008Presidential National Commission on Information Society and Development(PNC on ISAD)

  17. PNC on ISAD Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008 MANDATE OF PNC • To advise the President on: • the use of ICTs to optimise the pace and the extent of addressing South Africa’s development challenges and enhancing South Africa’s global competitiveness • South Africa’s contribution to and benefit from the development of an inclusive Information Society in Africa and the world • To facilitate the coordinated and integrated development of an inclusive Information Society in South Africa • To support efforts aimed at making South Africa and Africa integral and equal members of the Global Information Society

  18. PNC on ISAD Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008 MEDIUM TERM STRATEGY VISION The leaders on the development of an inclusive Information Society

  19. PNC on ISAD Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008 MEDIUM TERM STRATEGY • MISSION To build an inclusive Information Society in which human rights, economic prosperity and participatory democracy are fully realized through optimising the usage of ICTs for a better life for all

  20. PNC on ISAD Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008 MEDIUM TERM STRATEGY As with the DoC the PNC’s strategy is guided by the national strategic objectives

  21. PNC on ISAD Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008 ACHIEVEMENT OF HIGHER RATES OF INVESTMENT IN THE ECONOMY • National ISAD Plan and implementation strategy • Strategic Framework for a co-ordinated and integrated development of the information society in South Africa • Strategic Framework for a regular assessment of the impact of ICT’s on South Africa’s development programme

  22. PNC on ISAD Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008 INCREASING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN ECONOMY • National Implementation Strategy for the e-Education Policy • Special project: Support programme for the improvement of teaching and learning especially in mathematics and natural science

  23. PNC on ISAD Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008 BROADENING PARTICIPATION IN THE ECONOMY National framework for the connectivity of health care centres

  24. PNC on ISAD Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008 IMPROVING CAPACITY OF THE STATE • Strategic National Framework for e-Governance • Working with national departments and the other spheres of government to ensure their effective participation in and contribution to programmes led by the PNC

  25. Department of Communications and PNC on ISAD Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008 Budgets

  26. Department of Communications and PNC on ISAD Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008 2004/05 Review • Budget of Department was R1,7 billion • DOC Operations budget 234 million (14% of budget) • Transfers to portfolio organization 1,440 billion (86% of the budget) • Department R1,65 billion transferred and spent • Our total expenditure represents 98,2% of the budget • R29,9 million unspent funds – represents 1,8% of the budget • of which R24,9 million has been committed and rollover will be sought • R5,1million savings to be surrendered

  27. Department of Communications and PNC on ISAD Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008 2004/05 Review

  28. MTEF Baseline allocation – operations

  29. MTEF Baseline allocation – TRANSFERS

  30. Department of Communications and PNC on ISAD Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008 Budget Challenges • In 2005/06, personnel budget is R79,1 million • There is a shortfall in personnel funds - we need another R35 million to fill all the posts in the structure • No provisions made for ICT infrastructure development in the DoC budget • Sourcing funds from Public Private Partnerships

  31. Department of Communications and PNC on ISAD Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008 CONCLUSION We are ready and fully committed to contributing to new ways of working as an integrated and co-ordinated government in this regard we will continue our high-level and active participation in the FOSAD cluster activities and seek to elevate these to include coordinated planning, prioritizing and budgeting We will deliver on the various objectives and targets set out in the strategic plan with professionalism, a sense of urgency and in partnership with all players in the sector and government. Convinced that, if harnessed, ICTs can be important tools to ensure that all shall share in the country’s wealth, we shall mainstream them into our national development agenda.

  32. The DoCThe employer of choice in the public service. The preferred place in the ICT sector for intellectual stimulation, leadership growth and national contribution.

  33. Department of Communications and PNC on ISAD Strategic Plan 2005 - 2008 THANK YOU

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