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Watershed Best Management Practices Program for Illinois River

A project that aims to improve water quality in the Illinois River Priority Watershed by implementing best management practices and reducing nutrients through cost-share funding and technical assistance.

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Watershed Best Management Practices Program for Illinois River

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  1. Benton County Illinois River Watershed Best Management Practices/CNMP Cost Share Program

  2. Project Goals/Objectives • Improve water quality in the Illinois River Priority Watershed by utilizing 319(h) cost share funding and provide technical assistance to the land user implementing best management practices, therefore reducing nutrients in the basin.

  3. Poultry and livestock production practices in the watershed generate considerable quantities of manure and animal waste. Historically, this by-product from farming operations has been applied to pastureland within the watershed. In the past animal waste from poultry operations have been applied at the agronomic rate of nitrogen need of forage crops. This has led to applications of phosphorus in excess of crop uptake of phosphorus. Ed Brocksmith Photo.

  4. Measures of Success • 101 Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plans (CNMP’s) have been developed on farms within the watershed. Proper application of nutrients result in a significant reduction of Phosphorus runoff. As CNMP’s are development land users learn the availability of cost share and technical assistance provided to them by this program.

  5. Implementation of Contracts • Technical assistance has been provided to land users in the form of a farm conservation planning. Producers were not eligible for financial assistance unless they are District Cooperators or are willing to become a District Cooperator.

  6. Program BMP’s • Alum Treatments to Broiler Litter • Fencing • Pasture Planting • Pipeline • Ponds • Waste Storage Structures • Water Well & Components • Watering Facilities with Components

  7. 59.4 Tons Alum Treatments Applied 17,422 Feet of Fencing 390 Acres of Pasture Planting 4,885 Feet of Pipeline 8,238 Cubic Yards on Ponds 12,000 Square Feet Waste Storage Structures 13 Watering Facilities with Components BMP’s Implemented

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