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Advocacy Strategies for Family and Consumer Sciences

Advocacy Strategies for Family and Consumer Sciences. Dawn B. Scagnelli Family and Consumer Sciences Associate Career and Technical Education Team New York State Education Department.

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Advocacy Strategies for Family and Consumer Sciences

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  1. Advocacy Strategies for Family and Consumer Sciences Dawn B. Scagnelli Family and Consumer Sciences AssociateCareer and Technical Education TeamNew York State Education Department

  2. Family and Consumer Sciences programs offer students unique opportunities to develop human literacy skills that lead to quality of life for individuals and families.

  3. What are the three greatest challenges facing FACS programs today?

  4. Advocacy The active support of an idea or cause expressed through strategies and methods that influence the opinions and decisions of people and organizations Association for Progressive Communications www.apc.org

  5. “STEP”s for Effective Advocacy • Strategy • Timing • Empowerment • Positioning

  6. Strategy • Wide range of options from persuasion to protest • Different strategies for different moments • Selected strategy should be • Appropriate • Adequate • Effective • Efficient • Sensitive to side effects The Action Guide for Advocacy and Citizen Participation www.justassociates.org

  7. Research Collaboration Constituency Building Model Programs Public Education and Media Political Persuasion Protest Litigation Given the present climate, which of these strategies might be most appropriate, adequate, effective, efficient, and sensitive for the FACS field to employ?

  8. Timing The effectiveness of advocacy efforts is often dependent on positioning and timing. Decide when to promote ideas to maximize their influence.

  9. Empowerment • Envision self as a protagonist and see self as an active citizen • Strengthen voice through collaboration • Assess risks • Address resistance

  10. Similarity (goal) Attachment (benefit) Explanation (qualities) Integration (uniqueness) “We are trying to accomplish the same objective” “We can work together to…” “This is how to…” “While we will be…we still will be…” The Spill-over Effect:An Advocacy Strategy at www.davidsonted.org Positioning

  11. “STEP”s for Effective Advocacy • Strategy • Timing • Empowerment • Positioning

  12. How will we advocate for Family and Consumer Sciences education in these challenging times?

  13. Dawn B. Scagnelli (518) 486 -1547 dscagnel@mail.nysed.gov http://www.emsc.nysed.gov/cte/facse/

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