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Clearing the air about several widespread myths about mobile app development

Mobile app development has become the need of the day for any business to succeed. But along with the high demand, there are several myths that obstruct the progress of any developing mobile app. Not steering clear of all these myths may cause the app to fail in the market.

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Clearing the air about several widespread myths about mobile app development

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  1. Clearing the air about several widespread myths about mobile app development

  2. People have adopted smartphones as their primary choice of browsing. People prefer accomplishing a lot of their tasks through mobile applications. This obviously demands that every business owner focuses on rolling out an app for his or her business that offers the customers all the services at the fingertips. With the increasing popularity of the smartphone platform, mobile application development has become a top priority for all business owners in order to gain a loyal customer base. It has been noted that the sales of well-established and famous companies went up by at least 15-20% after all those companies launched custom mobile apps.

  3. This is enough to encourage any enterprise owner to start planning to get app development services. While everyone seems to be gearing up for designing mobile apps for their business, there are several myths related to mobile application development that are on the rise among app developers as well as enterprise owners. These myths are so widespread that they seem to be hindering a lot of mobile app development progress. Users get disappointed because of apps full of errors and bugs or the launched app does not even take off the ground due to a lack of proper marketing. All these are results of the app development process being shrouded in myths.

  4. We, an app development company finally have decided to do something about it. After consulting all the app development experts of our team, we have come up with a list of all the app development myths that people completely believe in and have demystified them all. Here are all the widespread myths demystified: Myth: 1 - Android mobile apps reap low revenues:

  5. This is a myth even app developers believe in. Several software companies suggest their clients to steer away from android mobile app development as there is a higher scope of earning revenue on the iOS platform. The logic behind this fails us. Over 70% of the smartphone share is held by Android and iOS hold only 20% of it.

  6. Some experts say that as the Apple app store has very strict policies for publishing an app while the Play Store is liberal with its policies, the Android platform is too cluttered with useless apps. But that does not conclude that there can be no monetary benefits on the Android platform. If the app is good enough, it is bound to earn revenues on any platform and the Android having more user base, the probability of gaining profit there is more too. Myth: 2 - The more features the app has, the better:

  7. Most business owners think that the mobile app is a miniature version of their complete enterprise website. One should understand that a mobile application is meant to be focused on offering a specific set of features and functionality to a fixed type of targeted users. When one tries to attract all types of users to the app, the app tends to lose its functionality and gets too cluttered. It is always advisable to never try to kill two birds with one stone.

  8. As the app would be installed on the phone and constantly communicating with the server, too many features may slow it down or make it occupy a lot of memory space, both of which are a total turn off for app users. Myth: 3 - Once the app is launched, your work is done

  9. Launching an app is just the first step of the process. Once the app is launched, then comes the marketing requirements, the regular updates, the elimination of bugs, and so on. The first thing that you need to note down in block letters is: The app cannot promote itself. It is a common assumption among most business owners that once the app is published on the app store or the play store, it will just promote itself. This is completely untrue. You need a lot of promotional tactics to get the app off the ground. It is a common assumption among most business owners that once the app is published on the app store or the play store, it will just promote itself. This is completely untrue. You need a lot of promotional tactics to get the app off the ground.

  10. Myth: 4 - The mobile app idea has to be unique to gain popularity There are several people out there who think that launching an app which does not have a unique or an intellectual idea to support it is futile.

  11. This is completely untrue. One can launch an app with a pre-existing app concept and yet watch it rise high on popularity ranks. Undoubtedly, an app with a unique idea does attract more eyeballs but that can happen only when the app has an impressive UI/UX as well. In short, for an app to become successful, it needs seamless UI/UX more than a unique idea. Myth: 5 - High-level of graphics attract more users:

  12. Unless your app is meant for gaming or entertainment purpose, the graphics are not extremely significant. Don’t get us wrong, we are not saying that those graphics are not at all important. Graphics are needed but only to improvise the usability of the app. The most significant factor is the UX. There are several applications which have a minimalist design and a well-defined functionality on the top grossing list of the Play Store.

  13. Summing Up The moment you are out of the bubble of these myths, you can successfully get a mobile app developed, launch it and receive an overwhelming response from the users. Also, the sole key to getting a good custom enterprise app developed lies in choosing quality app development services. Originally Posted On:- https://bit.ly/2Jjco9y

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