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Winter Skin Care Tips Every Girl Should Know

Winter is the season when the love in the air. But this love is not that good for your skin! Cold weather and low humidity level results in dry air, which causes dry skin. Dry skin can cause severe problems like cracking, itching, and bleeding.This is because while summers your skin will sweat more and in winters it will be more dryer. Skin Care Product In Dubai and other places, with moisturizing properties, are the top picks of the season and you can use it to restore the softness of the skin.For more info http://www.coolandcool.ae/skin-care/

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Winter Skin Care Tips Every Girl Should Know

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  1. Winter Skin Care Tips Every Girl Should Know

  2. Drink MoreWater Usually, we tend to drink less water during winters and opt for hot drinks like tea and coffee. Our skin needs hydration from inside, a little warm water with lemon can help you deal with dehydration.

  3. Use Humidifier Using Humidifier with heaters is more beneficial, as some heating systems dry out the air and humidifiers put the moister back in your home.

  4. Use Lukewarm water Hot water showers and bath make us feel better in winter. However, when you are just washing your face or hands, use lukewarm water. This will prevent the natural oil of skin from stripping out.

  5. Choose Moisturizer Carefully Be sure to choose a moisturizer having natural,nourishingingredients,optforan oil-basedsolutionratherthanwater-based,it willhelpyourskintoretainmoremoisturein winter.

  6. Change your skin Care Products This is the most basic step that you are recommendedtodoatthebeginningoftheseason. Skin Care Product InDubai andotherplaces,withmoisturizingproperties,are thetoppicksoftheseasonandyoucanuseitto restorethesoftnessoftheskin.

  7. Homemade maskscan provide you with needed moisture in this season. You can use natural moisturizing ingredients like papaya, milk, yogurt, honey, coconut oil, almond oil, bananas, strawberries andaloe. Use Homemade Masks

  8. Conclusion Sowiththesetipsyoucankeepyourskinsoft andglowingthroughthewintermonths.

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