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Jennifer Herriman Språkworkshop II, 5 November 2010

Jennifer Herriman Språkworkshop II, 5 November 2010. Time and Tense In English and Swedish Social Interaction. Do you have time? time consuming Don’t waste time! Save time Buy time. Har du tid? tidskrävande Slösa inte tid! Spara tid Köpa tid. TIME IS A COMMODITY. Time flies,

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Jennifer Herriman Språkworkshop II, 5 November 2010

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  1. Jennifer HerrimanSpråkworkshop II, 5 November 2010 Time and Tense In English and Swedish Social Interaction

  2. Do you have time? time consuming Don’t waste time! Save time Buy time Har du tid? tidskrävande Slösa inte tid! Spara tid Köpa tid TIME IS A COMMODITY

  3. Time flies, The flow of time Time is drawing near Tiden går fort Tidens gång. Tiden närmar sig Tiden löper ut TIME MOVES THROUGH SPACE

  4. For any length of time Time is short We are running out of time To the end of time En längre tid Tiden är kort TIME IS SPACE IN THE PAST IN THE PRESENT IN THE PRESENT IN THE FUTURE IN THE PAST


  6. Vi går mot framtiden/ Heading for the future PRESENT FUTURE 6


  8. You don'tlook back along time but down through it, like water. Sometimes this comes to the surface, sometimes that, sometimes nothing. Nothing goes away. (Margaret Atwood. Cat’s Eye) Man serinte tillbaka längsmed tiden utan ner genom den, som vatten. Ibland är det ett som kommerupp till ytan, ibland något annat, ibland ingenting. Ingenting försvinner. THE PRESENT TENSE


  10. Den natten då Ronjaföddesgickåskan över bergen, ja, det var en åsknatt så att allt oknytt som höll till i Mattisskogen förskrämt kröp undan i sina hålor och gömslen. (Astrid Lindgren Ronja Rövardotter) On the night that Ronia wasborn a thunderstorm wasraging over the mountains, such a storm that all the goblinfolk in Matt's Forest crept back in terror to their holes and hiding places. THE PAST TENSE

  11. ANTICIPATING THE FUTURE will, shall, going to, etc. ska, komma att, osv. PAST FUTURE PRESENT 11

  12. "Ja", sa Lovis, "det stämmer på lite av varje. Därför är det säkrast att inte vara rädd i Mattisskogen.""Det ska jag komma ihåg", sa Ronja. (Astrid Lindgren Ronja Rövardotter) "Yes," said Lovis, "that's true of all sorts of things. So the safest thing is not to be frightened in Matt's Forest.""I'llremember that," Ronia said. INTENTION

  13. "Ge er iväg, vildvittror", skrek han. "Jagska ju ha barn nu i natt, begriper ni det, era maror!” (Astrid Lindgren Ronja Rövardotter) "Be off with you, harpies!" he shouted. "I'm goingto have a baby tonight‑‑get that into your heads, you hags!" PREDICTION

  14. Lack of correspondencetime and tense PRESENT TIME - PAST TENSE Did you want to speak to me now? PAST TIME –PRESENT TENSE And before we could do anything, in comes Peter and punchesSimon on the nose. Ville du tala med mig nu? Och innan vi kunde göra något, in kommer Peter och slårSimon på käften.

  15. Social Interaction Language is used to relate to others. • Exchanging information (telling, asking, etc) • Exchanging goods and services (offering, commanding, etc.)


  17. Exchanging Information • Involvement, commitment = close • Lack of Commitment = remote

  18. Exchanging Information about future time certainty = present tense The train leavesat nine tonight Tåget gårklockan nio ikväll

  19. Exchanging information about past timeinvolvement = present tense Han svarade ”Vi får träffa människor av alla slag och från alla världsdelar.” Det är toppen! Just när han säger så, passerar Lars Larsson bärande på en plastback med lunchmat till uppvärmning. He answered “Here we get to meet all kinds of people and from all parts of the world and everyone is so nice. This is great!" Just as he is sayingthis, Lars Larsson passes by carrying a plastic box filled with food to be heated up for lunch

  20. 'I wish life waslike banking,' I said. 'I don't mean it's straightforward. Some of it's incredibly complicated. But you can understand it in the end, if you try hard enough. (Julian Barnes Talking it over) Jag önskar livet var som bankjobbet", sa jag. "Jag menar inte att jobbet är enkelt. En del av det är otroligt komplicerat. Men man begriper i alla fall till sist om man lägger manken till. Exchanging information about present time’unreal’ = past tense

  21. Exchanging information about present time’unreal’ = past tense • He talks as if he ownedthe place. • If only we hadmore time! • If he was here, I would ask him • Han pratar som om han ägde stället. • Om vi bara hademera tid på oss! • Om han varhär, då skulle jag fråga honom

  22. Exchanging Goods and Services Ge mig sockret, är du snäl Behöver du hjälp? • Pass me the sugar, please • Do you need any help

  23. Politeness • Positive face: close, intimacy, involvement, sharedness • Negative face: distance, deference, respect

  24. Did you want to speak to me now? I was wondering if you would water the flowers. Ville du tala med mig nu? Jag tänkte be dig vattna blommarna Negative face

  25. Speaker is in the centre • Present = close, real, positive face • Past = remote, unreal, negative face • Are there differences between English and Swedish?

  26. "Akta dej för vildvittror och grådvärgar och Borkarövare", sa han."Hur vet jag vilka som är vildvittror och grådvärgar och Borkarövare", frågade Ronja."Det märker du", sa Mattis.” (Astrid Lindgren Ronja Rövardotter) "Watch out for wild harpies and gray dwarfs and Borka robbers," he said."How will I know which are wild harpies and gray dwarfs and Borka robbers?" asked Ronia."You'll find out," Matt said Exchanging information about future timecertainty = present tense

  27. Vad som sedan hände minns jag otydligt. Mor satt på soffan I sitt rum och blödde näsblod. Hon försökte lugna min syster. Jag står i barnkammaren och betraktar min kinematograf, fallerpatetiskt på knä och lovar gud både film och apparat om mor och far blirvänner. (Ingmar Bergman Laterna Magica) I can’t remember clearly what happened next. Mother was sitting on the sofa in her room, her nose bleeding. She was trying to calm my sister. I was in the nursery looking at my cinematograph. I fell pathetically to my knees and promised God he could have my films and all my apparatus a long as Mother and Father became friends again. Exchanging information about past time involvement = present tense

  28. Jag satti någons knä och blev matad med välling. Tallriken stod på en grå vaxduk med röd bård. Emaljen var vit med blå blommor, den speglade det sparsamma ljuset från fönstren. Genom att böja mig åt sidorna och framåt,prövadejag olika blickpunkter. Allteftersom jag rördehuvudet förändrades reflexerna I vällingtallriken och formadenya mönster. Plötsligt kräktesjag över alltsammans. (Ingmar Berman: Laterna Magica) I am sitting on someone's knee being fed with gruel. The plate ison grey oilcloth with a red border, the enamel white, with blue flowers on it, and reflecting the sparse light from the window. By bending my head sideways and forwards, I try out various viewpoints. As I move my head, the reflections in the gruel plate changeand form new patterns. Suddenly I vomitover everything. Exchanging information about past timeinvolvement = present tense

  29. Det var ju konstigt så mycket skog som här växer Va gott det var! Det varså sant! Det var en fin jacka du har. That's odd, there is so much forest here. This is delicious! That is really true! That’s a nice jacket you’ve got there Exchanging information about present timeopinions = past tense

  30. Det varbra, Mattis, att du kom så övermåttan hastigt", sa Borka (Astrid Lindgren Ronja Rövardotter) "It's a good thing you came so uncommonly fast," said Borka. Exchanging information about present timeopinions = past tense

  31. Den spiken sattväldigt hårt, kom och hjälp mig dra! (SAG) This nail is really stuck. Come and help me pull it out! Exchanging information about present timeopinions = past tense

  32. Förlåt att jag stör men det gälldeett fornminne som ska finnas här. (Stig Claesson Vem älskar Yngve Frej) I'm sorry to disturb you, but it's about an ancient monument there's supposed to be somewhere here. Exchanging Goods and Services past tense for present timenegative face

  33. Exchanging Goods and Services past tense for present timenegative face Hur var namnet? Då var det dags för middag Här var biljetterna, varsågod. What isyour name? It’s dinner time! Here arethe tickets 33

  34. Fanns det växel? Så var vi framme. Hade du min kofta? Do you have any change? Here we are! Have you got my cardigan? Exchanging Goods and Services past tense for present timenegative face

  35. Exchanging Goods and Services present tense for future timepositive face Vi tar den andra Jag följer dig hem We’ll take the other one I’ll walk you home.

  36. Time is conceptualised as space experienced from the speaker’s point of view. is expressed by tense Events Close in time = present tense Remote in time = past and future tenses

  37. Social Interaction • Distance vs. proximity in the time space = distance vs. proximity in human relations • Distance to others expressed by tense • Present = close, real, familiar • Past = remote, unreal, deference

  38. Tense in Social Interaction Swedish uses past tense more often to create a deferential distance, e.g. when expressing opinions and making requests (in many set expressions) 38

  39. Nuvardet äntligen dags att sluta! TACK! Now, it istime to finish at last! THANK YOU!

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