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Particles and Fields Package Quarterly Status Review (QSR) January 18, 2012

Particles and Fields Package Quarterly Status Review (QSR) January 18, 2012. Dave Curtis, PFP PM. Schedule Status. STATIC on critical path 7.2 weeks margin to delivery to LM Critical Path runs through electronics fab & test PFP package integration start date shifted ~1+ weeks

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Particles and Fields Package Quarterly Status Review (QSR) January 18, 2012

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  1. Particles and Fields Package Quarterly Status Review (QSR) January 18, 2012 Dave Curtis, PFP PM

  2. Schedule Status STATIC on critical path 7.2 weeks margin to delivery to LM Critical Path runs through electronics fab & test PFP package integration start date shifted ~1+ weeks Late April 2012 SWIA/STATIC calibration will not be complete at that time, get completed after package I&T Note that STATIC takes the longest to qualify. If STATIC schedule deteriorates we could consider delivering that separately; the rest of the package has 9.4 weeks of margin We have 2 weeks in the schedule from completion of testing to PSR to complete EIDP Can perhaps work the EIDP in parallel with testing to get back some schedule margin if needed

  3. EVM The up-tick in PFP EVM indices show that we are completing instrument fabrication milestones at the planned rate. This has been achieved at the cost of additional manpower resulting in somewhat higher than planned costs in recent months. An updated budget plan is in the works which will show more accurately where we expect to be at completion

  4. Accomplishments Last of the Parts Stress Analyses complete EM progress: All EM testing complete FM SWEA Analyzer delivered from IRAP FM Electronic Progress: 25 PFP flight PWB types fabricated, 7 PWB loaded and in test 19 passed coupon tests (4 failed) 3 failed coupons very recent, all STATIC, built around holidays All remaining bards are being built in parallel by 2 houses 13 PWB being loaded (SWEA/SWIA digital almost done, just waiting on FPGA) MAG MAD & ACHE boards, SWEA IRAP boards in test 2 boards in PWB fabrication (plus the 4 which failed coupons) 1 board still in final layout STATIC ACC/MCP, completed layout review, in final adjustments. All FM parts delivered by GSFC! (some qualification tests remain) FM Mechanical All mechanical parts all out to fab Most parts received and in assembly Operational FSW progress; SEP, SWEA, SWIA, LPW mostly done STATIC starting More in instrument sections…

  5. Ongoing Work Supporting Project planning process Supporting EMC, Payload, SIT working groups Get last FM PWBs out to fab Get FM PWBs loaded Get the last of the board-level thermal analyses complete

  6. PFP RFA Status • Board level thermal analysis supporting the last open SSL CDR RFA has been submitted • Peer review RFA closed (PFDPU Thermal interface) • One more peer review action to go.

  7. Trades, Issues Working on an analysis to decide if the PFDPU mechanical design needs to be augmented to support the PWBs to avoid excessive displacements in vibe Reached agreement on solution (DFB stiffener characteristics) Adds mass to PFDPU to enhance stiffness of chassis. CLOSED PFDPU Thermal conduction to deck Current design does not meet ICD Modifying deck mounting to increase conductivity CLOSED.

  8. Thermal Status Working on board level thermal analyses Board analysis model in place and providing results and feedback into layouts Analysis completed and submitted! Thermal Blanket models still in work – a bit late Custom heaters on order

  9. Top Risks Parts qual almost complete; all parts delivered!

  10. Risks List

  11. PFP Mass FM measured SWEA Analyzer Mass Small change

  12. Mass Tracking Chart

  13. PFP Power No change this month

  14. PFP Power Trend

  15. PFP Data Rate Latest allocations per TRAS

  16. Requirements Verification Status A few new module-level verifications in operational FSW this month.

  17. MAVEN PFP MAG Status January 2012 Jack Connerney, MAG Lead

  18. MAVEN MAG Status Summary As of 12/11/11 • Administration • Schedule & budget: on plan • FM1 and FM2 Sensors complete • Completed thermal cycles for stress release • Electrical • FM1 & FM2 Magnetometer Analog and Digital boards complete, initial tuning completed. • A/C Heater Electronics (ACHE) boards in fab. • FPGA rev 06 testing in process. • FM2 coarse scale factors set • Mechanical • Sensor bracket design complete, GSFC fab. • Sensor EMI shield cover in fabrication. • Thermal blanket mold in fabrication. • Magnetic Cleanliness • Supported solar array magnetic tests at LM Denver (qualification coupon) Dec 5-6/2011. • Issues or Concerns • ~10 Hz noise from spacecraft reaction wheels • More in separate MAG report FM Magnetometer Analog and Digital (MAD) board FM Sensor Assembly complete

  19. MAVEN PFP SWEA Status January 2012 Dave Mitchell, SWEA Lead

  20. SWEA Status – IRAP & SSL • FM analyzer delivered to SSL on Jan. 10! • FM analyzer calibration is complete. • Functional testing with SSL EM electronics was successful. • SSL FM Electronics and Pedestal • SWEA FPGA was reviewed, tested, and flight part is being programmed at JPL  expect testing to start week of Jan 16. • SWEA LVPS has been loaded at JPL. • Back at SSL for magnetics loading, test • Pedestal has been fit-checked and is ready for FM electronics

  21. SWEA Issues – IRAP & SSL • SSL manipulator is nearly repaired • Ready to resume investigation of charging anomaly with SSL EM after PSG. • STEREO SWEA was tested in flight  no obvious evidence for charging anomaly.

  22. MAVEN PFP SWIA Status January 2012 Jasper Halekas, SWIA Lead

  23. SWIA Progress • Electrical Progress • Most FM PWB fabrication complete • Digital fabricated and passed coupon testing, waiting for FPGA install • Sweep passed coupon ready to load • Preamp in coupon testing • LVPS in fabrication • Anode in re-fabrication (failed coupon testing) • Mechanical Progress • All FM drawings complete and parts in fabrication • More than 70% of parts fabricated and plated • Many remaining parts being plated • Flight Software Progress • Implementation of SWIA onboard processing in progress • Algorithm for moments computation developed • Calibration/Testing Progress • Flight preamp testing in process • First flight board testing starting in the next few weeks

  24. SWIA Issues • Anode board failed coupon testing due to de-lamination • Re-fabrication has begun • Anode board not needed immediately – also very simple, with only passive parts, so very little testing needed until calibration • Slight delay in beginning testing of digital board as a result of minor issues raised at FPGA reviews • Plan to burn SWIA flight FPGA at JPL after quick test of final rev. of EM FPGA (changed staging of DAC control to facilitate quicker HV ramp up, streamlining instrument checkout etc.) • MCP/Preamp board testing plan changed • Now plan to load both halves of the board simultaneously to save time over sending the board out for loading twice • Board CogE’s indicate there is very little risk of preamp damage during MCP supply testing (also, clamp diodes provide protection)

  25. MAVEN PFP STATIC Status January 2012 Jim McFadden, STATIC Lead

  26. STATIC Accomplishments FM TDC board fabricated (coupon testing next) FM HV SWP board coupons passed (loading instructions in review) FM digital board coupons passed, board being load at JPL. FM HV ACC/MCP board layout complete (reviewed last week). FM LVPS board layout reviewed (send out for fab last week) FM Anode board – waiting on results of coupon testing FM Preamp board did not pass coupons, boards reordered. EM Sensor continues vacuum testing – HV sweep table load and HV sweep verified, HV offset circuits verified. Thick foils ordered 60% of FM mechanical parts have been delivered Test parts sent out to review Ebanol-C and Black Nickel plating Designed and fabricated test and fabrication fixtures for flight build Dry Nitrogen boxes (desiccators) installed in clean room for FM storage.

  27. STATIC Open Issues Mechanical procedure development and FM part inspection continuing Calibration vacuum chamber assembly proceeding – problems with manipulators being resolved, ion gun assembly proceeding. FPGA production of data messages P1, P2, P3, P4 and mass histograms need real time verification EM SWP HVPS raw supply needs increased control voltage filtering Test fixtures for delay line part selection being fabricated. Vacuum testing and calibration script writing continuing on EM sensor

  28. MAVEN PFP SEP Status January, 2012 Davin Larson, SEP Lead David Glaser, SEP ME Miles Robinson, SEP EE

  29. Accomplishments, 2012-01-14 DFE Board stuffing done at JPL and returned. Remainder of stuffing starting here. DAP 4 of 6 boards passed coupon tests. 3 Boards going out to JPL for parts loading. Actel version 37 still in testing – decided to ask for version 38 that will remove synchronous outputs. Detectors One set of “flight” detectors delivered – however travelers were not include with them so these will be treated as ETU . Mechanical Painting completed (with exception paddles).

  30. Open issues Paper work is slowing down production

  31. MAVEN PFP DCB, Power Converter & GSE Status January 2012 Dorothy Gordon Timothy Quinn Peter Berg Chris Tiu

  32. DCB Status (1) Data Controller Board DCB ETU #3 has been built and is currently under test DCB Flight Assembly instructions completed Flight coupons passed for two DCBs The two DCB kits have been shipped to JPL for population FPGA Daughter Board Board in-house (received from Valley Syncom) Coupons out for approval Plan to build one test board (using the “dummy” CCGA package and HDLP connectors). Initial process and fit-check prior to installation of AX-FPGA

  33. DCB Status (2) DCB Test/Diagnostics DCB Test Plan is being exercised with ETU#3 Test Plan minor modifications will be incorporated in next revision, used for flight board verification Flight-like PROM installed on ETU#3 Jumper selectable between FSW (boot) and diagnostic section (ROMMON) ROMMON allows for downloading of custom diagnostics DCB FPGA Currently using FLASH FPGA Daughter boards for DCB test Port to AX/RTAX in process for FLIGHT FPGA Daughter board The Coldfire multiply and divide instructions are being exercised/characterized via simulation

  34. GSE Status GSEOS plotting routine enhancements The original Python plotting function, which allowed users to plot housekeeping quantities during a single GSEOS session, updated to allow users to access plot files created during previous GSEOS sessions. First version of a new plotting system completed The new system is GUI driven and uses a database to collect data and make it available for plotting. Users can plot raw or converted housekeeping quantities over the span of data that exists in the database. Labview Interface to GSEOS GSEOS updated to perform telemetry and command control of LabView subsystems drives heaters for thermal vac power/actuator simulator for the High Fidelity Simulator and FSW testing.

  35. Power Converter Status (1) REG The REG EM2 was system tested to demonstrate output voltages, actuator voltages, and deadman timer operation.  A small modification was made to the deadman timer (incorporated into the flight/EM3 layout). Bench tests of the EM2 supply were made to verify range of operation and thermal excursions. EM2 was integrated with a DCB to verify the interface, actuator control and housekeeping. The EM3 layout was completed and fabricated boards have been received. Partial population by Digicom (due in on January16th). Coils have been wound and are in test. Remaining parts will be installed on EM3 next week. FM PWB out to fab

  36. Power Converter Status (2) IIB FM board fabrication is complete and coupons have passed. Assembly instructions are in review.

  37. MAVEN PFP Flight Software Status January 3 2012 Peter Harvey

  38. Boot Status • Interface Documents, Meetings • None • IV&V • None • FSW Development None • Test Status (FPGA revision 12) • Awaiting rev 12 review • Awaiting rev 12 installation • Dates coming up • TBD – Boot FSW CPT (with rev 12) • TBD – Boot FSW ATR • TBD – Boot Test with Actuators • TBD - PROM Burn

  39. Operational Status • Interface Documents, Meetings • Reviewed SWIA specification. Will need to revise L4 requirements as noted below • New Requirements • Modified SWIA requirements see below • SWIA Moment data processing deferred to Build 3 • IV&V • None • FSW Development • Completed SWEA 3D Distributions • Completed SWIA RAW Packets (P0) • Completed SWIA Coarse and Fine Distribution Packets • Completed SWIA Spectra Packets • Completed SWIA Fast and Slow Hsk • Measured SWIA worst case performance ~ 120 msec / 4 second cycle • Completed SWIA mode control • Completed SWIA attenuator control • SWIA LUT, HV remain to be developed for Build 2 • Next Month • STATIC 1/6/12 kickoff

  40. SPRs and SCRs

  41. Metrics Chart

  42. Defect Chart

  43. Safety and Mission Assurance Monthly Status Report (MSR) January 2012 Jorg Fischer, PFP SMA

  44. SMA SUMMARY December 2011 • GSFC continued to deliver FM parts. QA produced FM parts kits, prepared and supported reviews for layouts, SOW, P.O., and PWB fabrication, PWB coupon testing, assembly preparation, and fabrication efforts. • Updated flight kit status list • Performed monthly ESD – no issues • Performed calibration checks – no issues • Alert checks – no new issues, no impact • Flight fasteners are in the process of inspections and cleaning

  45. SMA SUMMARY • SMA supported FSW, FPGA reviews • The QA team provided support for thepre-ship review for the MAVEN flight SWEA Analyzer at IRAP, in Toulouse France.

  46. SMA Details • Layout package review and preparation • Layout submittals to Valley Syncom Circuits and Streamline Circuits • Processing of Board Fabrication Quotes and set up of Purchase Agreements to VSC and Streamline Circuits • LPW Document Review • Post PCB Population and Acceptance Inspection at JPL • PFR Documentation of JPL Fabrication Problems • Purchase Order Modification for VSC paperwork and coupons • FLT kit preparations (see next slide)


  48. SMA PFRs PFR 003 - Repair of SEP Support Structures, Attenuator Covers, and Collimators, 12/12/2011 PFR 006 – NCR SWIA Digital Board Solder Rework, 12/20/2011 PFR 007 - NCR SWEA Digital Board Solder Rework, 12/20/2011

  49. SMA SUMMARY – Concerns Preparation of the flight assembly and test areas is under way. Areas will be checked and signed off by SSL and GSFC QA.

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