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Learning plumbing in Iceland

Learning plumbing in Iceland. Iðnskólinn í Hafnarfirði Skarphéðinn Skarphéðinsson. Basic Study in Building and Construction Trades (GBM) 20 credits.

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Learning plumbing in Iceland

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  1. Learning plumbing in Iceland Iðnskólinn í Hafnarfirði Skarphéðinn Skarphéðinsson

  2. Basic Study in Building and Construction Trades (GBM) 20 credits • Basic study in building and construction trades provides general and professional basic training for specialised learning in the building and construction trades, i.e. house building, cabinet making, painting, masonry, plumbing and tapestry/floor laying. The average duration of study is one semester in a school.

  3. Basic Study in Building and Construction Trades (GBM) 20 credits • General subjects 5 credits • Mathematics STÆ 102 • Life skills LKN 101 111 • Athletics ÍÞR 101 • Specialised subjects 15 credits • Material technology (construction) EFG 103 • Practices and security in the workplace FRV 103 • Basic technical drawing GRT 103 • Introduction to practical building technology (construction) VTG 106

  4. Plumbing (PL9) 175 credits • Technical study on a contractual basis • Plumbing is a certified trade. The average duration of study is four years including basic study in building and construction, a total of four semesters in a school and 96 weeks of workplace training. The objective of the study programme is for students to gain understanding, knowledge and skill to lay geothermal, consumer water and sewage systems, and various specialised systems in buildings and structures, distribution systems for water and geothermal distribution, and external drainage systems, along with installation of equipment and machinery that is connected to and directs such systems. The study programme concludes with a journeyman’s examination that provides qualifications to work in the trade and to enter a study programme leading to a master craftsman examination.

  5. Plumbing (PL9) 175 credits • General subjects 23 credits • Icelandic ÍSL 102 202 • Foreign languages ENS 102 DAN 102 + 4 credits • Mathematics STÆ 102 122 • Life skills LKN 103/101 111 121 • Athletics ÍÞR 101 111 201 211  Norwegian or Swedish.

  6. Plumbing (PL9) 175 credits • Specialised subjects 56 credits • Plan, strategy and quality management ÁGS 102 • Material technology (construction) EFG 103 • Restoration and repair ENV 102 • Practices and security in the workplace FRV 103 • Drainage systems FRK 105 • Basic technical drawing GRT 103 • Heating systems HIK 104 • Sanitation equipment HRT 102 • Final project in plumbing LPL 104 • Metal and plastic welding MÁP 103 • Consumer water systems NEK 104 • Specialised plumbing systems SÉL 102 202 • Controls and technical equipment STT 102 202 • Technical drawings (plumbing) TPL 103 202 302 • Introduction to practical building technology (construction) VTG 106 • Workplace training 96 weeks 96 credits

  7. Plumbing (PL9) 175 creditsTechnical study on a contractual basis

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