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Olive oil and Health

Olive oil and Health. Elias Castanas University of Crete, School of Medicine, Heraklion, Greece. D Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases E Diabetes Mellitus F Alzheimer’s Disease.

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Olive oil and Health

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  1. Olive oil and Health Elias Castanas University of Crete, School of Medicine, Heraklion, Greece

  2. D Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases E Diabetes Mellitus F Alzheimer’s Disease A Total CVD B Cancer C Accidents Leading Causes of Death for All Males and Females United States: 2001 Source: CDC/NCHS.

  3. Change in the US Death Rates* by Cause, 1950 & 2001 Rate Per 100,000 1950 2001 HeartDiseases CerebrovascularDiseases Pneumonia/Influenza Cancer * Age-adjusted to 2000 US standard population. Sources: 1950 Mortality Data - CDC/NCHS, NVSS, Mortality Revised. 2001 Mortality Data–NVSR-Death Final Data 2001–Volume 52, No. 3. http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr52/nvsr52_03.pdf

  4. Epidemiological data • Epidemiological studies indicate the role of olive oil in health promotion, especially in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases

  5. Epidemiological data

  6. Epidemiological data

  7. Food consumption in a small town Kroussonas 1999

  8. Epidemiological data

  9. Epidemiological data

  10. Chemistry of Fatty acids Saturated Mono-Unsaturated Poly-Unsaturated Oxidized

  11. Chemistry of Triglycerides

  12. Fatty Acid Composition of Different Oils

  13. Constitution of olive oilFatty acids 1. Oleic (C18:1) 2. Linoleic (C18:2) 3. Linolenic (C18:3) 4. Arachidonic (C20:4) 5. Palmitoleic (C16:1) 6. Palmitic (C16:0) 7. Stearic (C18:0)

  14. Vitamin Α Vitamin Ε Provitamin Α α-caroten β-caroten Phytosterols Saponins Coumarins Dithiones Indols Terpens Isoflavones Polyphenols Phylic acin Proteases inhibitors Olive oil constitutionOther ingredients

  15. Effect of Olive oil on cell function • Replacement of saturated fatty acids from cell walls (better cell plasticity) • Import of antioxidant microconstituents (ex. Vitamin A, Vitamin E) and decrease of oxidized lipids. • Replacement of oxidized lipids from vessel walls.

  16. Atherosclerosis

  17. Detection of oxidized proteins in vascular endothelium

  18. Detection of oxidized proteins

  19. Experimental data

  20. Experimental data

  21. No Cases - Sex Age Years of Stud y Rel Risk 1 805 ? 65 - 84 5 0.32 2 5133 ?+? 30 - 69 20 0.73?0.67? 3 34789 ? 40 - 75 6 1.08 4 1900 ? 49 - 59 14 1.6 5 552 ? 50 - 69 15 0.27 6 12763 ? 7Countries 40 - 59 25 0.50 1 Hertog et al., Lancet 342, 1007-1011, 1993; 2 Knekt et al. Brit. Med. J. 312, 478-481, 1996; 3 Rimm et al. Ann. Int. Med. 125, 384-389, 1996; 4 Hertog et al. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 65, 1489-1494, 1997; 5 Keli et al. Arch. Int. Med. 156, 637-642, 1996; 6 Hertog et al. Arch. Int. Med. 155, 381-386, 1995 Population StudiesAntioxidants and Atherosclerosis

  22. Population StudiesAntioxidants and Cancer 1 Hertog et al. Nutr. Cancer 22, 175-184, 1994 ; 2 Goldbohm et al. Am. J. Epidemiol. 141 (Suppl) s61, 1995; 3 Knekt et al. Am. J. Epidemiol. 146, 223-230, 1997

  23. Flow-chart of transformations in the agro-alimentary industry Raw Material conservation pretreatment primary transformation mixing of materials Finalized Product Conditioning and storage Conservation methods secondary transformation (cooking, extraction, etc)

  24. Olive Oil

  25. Features of the Mediterranean Diet

  26. Economical flow among countries Finances Northern Countries Agro-alimentary Culture Primary Economy Natural Products Technology Luxurious Products Non-transformed or slightly transformed products Mediterranean Countries Agro-alimentary

  27. Positive Variety of products Nutritional value Cultural status Health effects Negative Cost Nutritional habits of the country Cultural level-history Factors affecting the penetration of olive oil in non-consuming countries

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