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Laps and Raps

Applying the Methodology Haroon Saad Director – QeC-ERAN Second Peer Review Workshop, Prague 1-3 October 2008. Laps and Raps. Introduction: The cycle. Process 3 Clustering and prioritising. Process 1. Understanding the context. Process 4 Review and scenario making. Process 2.

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Laps and Raps

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  1. Applying the Methodology Haroon Saad Director – QeC-ERAN Second Peer Review Workshop, Prague 1-3 October 2008 Laps and Raps

  2. Introduction: The cycle Process 3 Clustering and prioritising Process 1. Understandingthe context Process 4 Review and scenario making Process 2. Agreeing Indicators Process 5 Publicity, publicising and influencing policy LAP’S AND RAP’S

  3. LAP’S AND RAP’S • Aims and Objectives • Explain clearly what Imagine is and does and how it should be used • Provide you with all the tools necessary to undertake an ‘Imagine’activity within your own context. • Promote and support the acquisition or improvement of generic skills to include: • breakthrough thinking and thinking outside the box • inclusive visioning and innovative thinking • team working and networking • stakeholder management analysis • decision making.

  4. LAP’S AND RAP’S • Sustainability is the idea of our times • Indicators are a key way of measuring it – for any community and any community of practice • The presentation of indicators is a big problem.. dense texts that no one can fathom. • So .. no surprise that no-one seems interested in indicators except the people who produce them • How do I interest people in the indicators? • Engage stakeholders and experts in a participatory and exciting process? Get them to develop their own? • Turn indicators from being purely monitoring and evaluation tools to being shapers of policy and strategic change?


  6. Process 3 Clustering and Prioritising Process 1. Understandingthe context Process 4 Review and scenario making Process 2. Agreeing Indicators Process 5 Publicity, publicising and influencing policy LAP’S AND RAP’S text

  7. LAP’S AND RAP’S Simply we need to Know……. • What is the problem? • How did we get there? • What might be ? What do we need to do?

  8. LAP’S AND RAP’S • TASK FOR FIRST SMALL GROUP SESSION: • Produce a Rich Picture of What is. • Include all relevant Structures and Processes • This enables you to capture your context in a cartoon like diagram • Important elements of the context you are interested in • Things that you need to take into account in planning any possible future


  10. LAP’S AND RAP’S • TASK FOR FIRST SMALL GROUP SESSION: • From the Rich picture draw out • Some major tasks that need to be addressed • and\or: • Some major issues which need to be taken into account • Emergent properties


  12. Process 3 Clustering and Prioritising Process 1. Understandingthe context Process 4 Review and scenario making Process 2. Agreeing Indicators Process 5 Publicity, publicising and influencing policy LAP’S AND RAP’S Stage two

  13. LAP’S AND RAP’S • TASK FOR SECOND GROUP SESSION • In your groups • Consider the tasks and issues • Consider three indictors which relate to each of the tasks and issues (24 in all) • THEN

  14. LAP’S AND RAP’S Prioritize the indicators as follows: Easier To Gather Less Easy to Gather Less important More important

  15. Process 3 Clustering and prioritising Process 1. Understandingthe context Process 4 Review and scenario making Process 2. Agreeing Indicators Process 5 Publicity, publicising and influencing policy LAP’S AND RAP’S

  16. LAP’S AND RAP’S TASK FOR SMALL GROUP SESSION THREE • Identify and discuss the Indicators that are most critical • Select the top 10 • What were the indicators five years ago? • Ten years ago? • What are the trends?

  17. Process 3 Developing Clusters and prioritising Process 1. Understandingthe context Process 4 Review and scenario making Process 2. Agreeing Indicators Process 5 Publicity, publicising and influencing policy LAP’S AND RAP’S task

  18. LAPS AND RAPS SCENARIOS:Projecting for trends Peter Scwartz said: • A tool for ordering one’s perceptions about alternative future environments in which one’s decisions might be played out (or) a set of organised ways … to dream effectively about our own future’. A tool for ordering one’s perceptions about alternative future environments in which one’s decisions might be played out (or) a set of organised ways … to dream effectively about our own future’.

  19. LAP’S AND RAP’S Magnus Ramage said: • ‘Scenarios are not just wild guesses or science fiction stories. • However vital imagination is to the process, there are some rules that need to be followed if scenarios are to help in strategic planning’

  20. LAP’S AND RAP’S A Scenario is made up of: • An initial view of the system – rich pictures • Then .. a choice: How is the system likely to evolve? Chose what you think is probable and what is relevant • You need to show a pathway, a link between present and future • The scenario is a description of a possible situation

  21. LAP’S AND RAP’S TASKS FOR SMALL GROUP SESSION FOUR AND FIVE Decide on the future theme of your scenario • Pessimistic;optimistic etc Draw this as a rich picture-with as scenario for the next five years. • What are the ten main activities that need to take place to make the scenario come true? • Or • What are the ten main activities that need to take place to make sure that the scenario does not come true? • Place them on a time line • Who needs to do what, when?

  22. Process 3 Developing Clusters and Priorities Process 1. Understandingthe context Process 4 Review and scenario making Process 2. Agreeing Indicators Process 5 Publicity, publicising and influencing policy LAP’S AND RAP’S

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