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A Time of Transition

A Time of Transition. The middle decades of the 1600s brought dramatic political and economic changes worldwide. EUROPE The Thirty Years War ends in 1648: Thus, ending a prolonged period of conflict in Germany and surrounding areas

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A Time of Transition

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  1. A Time of Transition The middle decades of the 1600s brought dramatic political and economic changes worldwide. EUROPE The Thirty Years War ends in 1648: Thus, ending a prolonged period of conflict in Germany and surrounding areas Louis XIV Ascends the Throne: He remained the dominant political figure until 1715 ASIA CHINA: The Manchu people establish their Qing dynasty by 1644. A reign that lasts until 1911 JAPAN: The Tokugawa clan cements power and closes Japan to foreign traders – after 1641 only a small Dutch trading post in Nagasaki remains. Japan remains in isolation for the next 200 years. SOUTH EAST ASIA The Mughal Empire.Reaches its height under absolutist monarch Aurangzeb.

  2. The Age of Absolutism Absolutist monarchs in Louis XIV in France, Peter I in Russia, and Babur in the Mughal Empire The Palace of Versailles. Eric Pouhier This file is licensed under the Creative CommonsAttribution ShareAlike 2.5 License. The Palace of Versailles. Eric Pouhier This file is licensed under the Creative CommonsAttribution ShareAlike 2.5 License.

  3. The Age of Absolutism Mughal Empire (Picture taken by Kaiser Tufail during visit to Agra, 3-5-08) This work is licensed under the Creative CommonsAttribution 3.0 License. The Taj Mahal exterior (left) the interior (bottom right).

  4. The Age of Absolutism In frequent wars over succession and religion monarchs, especially Louis XIV, spent unrestrainedly. The Treaty of Utrecht ended the War of Spanish Succession.

  5. The Age of Absolutism: An absolutist monarch, Aurangzeb, extended the empire and tried to unify realm under Islam, causing his Hindu subjects to revolve repeatedly in the face of their persecution. Similarly in France, Louis XIV would try to unify his kingdom under Catholicism, causing French Protestants to flee in the thousands – many of whom were enterprising manufacturers and artisans – causing serious damage to his economy.

  6. Age of Absolutism • The splendor of these courts was underwritten by a growing middle class of traders and manufacturers. • Congregated in towns • Known as burgers or bourgeois • Provided new sources of wealth beyond agriculture • Favored self-government over absolutism • Increasingly proposed laws, not monarchs

  7. The Ottoman Empire, 1672 • Between the 15th and 17th centuries, the Ottoman Empire achieved great cultural and social developments in terms of wealth, literary output, and architectural monuments. • Then, power shifted from palace to grand vizier’s office, and signs of decline became apparent. • Nonetheless, the Ottomans retained significant influence throughout their long decline. • -Constantinople was a major link in trade and cultural exchange between West and East

  8. Commerce and Industry • A new type of empire emerged. • Developed and maintained less by governments and guns than by companies and invoices • The world had (and continued to) open through exploration. New trading opportunities increased the outlook of the middle class • I.E. The East India Company became the de-facto ruler of the Indian subcontinent

  9. Commerce and Industry Trade increased steadily between Europe, Africa, and America. Traders would bring slaves from Africa to the Americas and Europe; raw (slave-produced) goods like sugar and cotton from the Americas to Europe; and manufactured goods from Europe to Africa and America.

  10. Asia Japan was closed to foreign traders (except for a small Dutch outpost). Nonetheless internal culture was still undergoing significant changes. –For example, unlike Noh (medieval drama staged for the elite) Japanese puppet theater was aimed at a wide audience. Illustration of positions of players on a noh stage. Center: shite (main actor) wearing mask and holding fan. Front right: waki. Right: eight-person jiutai (chorus). Back: four hayashi-kata (musicians), from right to left: fue (flute), kozutsumi (shoulder drum), ohzutsumi (hip drum) and taiko. Left rear: two kohken (stage hands). Image created by Toto-tarou.

  11. Science and Technology • The growth of commerce and industry was fed by rapid developments in science and technology • The scientific revolution that was inaugurated in the early modern period really took off in the 17th century. • Newton: theory of gravitation, calculus, white light is composed of rays • Flying shuttle, spinning jenny mechanized cloth manufacturing • James Watt: Steam power

  12. Watt Steam Engine Thurston Robert H: History of the Growth of the Steam engine, D. Appleton & Co 1878

  13. Science and Technology • The rapidly increasing grasp of the laws of nature prompted major shifts in religious understanding. • What was the role of the divine in this new, rational world?

  14. The Enlightenment This is a panoramic view of the Pantheon in Paris. (c) Jean-Pierre Lavoie, 2005 (). This is an edit of image:Pantheon_wider.jpg. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike license versions 2.5, 2.0, and 1.0

  15. The Enlightenment • In Europe, this broad movement became known as the Enlightenment • Also known as the Age of Reason • Extends roughly from the English revolution to the French Revolution or the beheading of Charles I (1649) to the beheading of Louis XVI (1793) • Note the change in technology between the use of the sword (an aristocratic implement) and the guillotine (the democratizing machine).

  16. The Enlightenment • The Enlightenment centered in England and France • France: Catholic, absolutist, favored deductive and abstract systematizing • England: Protestant, more democratic monarchy, favored positivism and inductive reasoning from empirical observation

  17. The Enlightenment • The Enlightenment emerged as a response to earlier, bloody conflicts over freedom of belief (Reformation) • The idea of religious toleration, freedom of thought, and a role for human reason in understanding revealed religious truths • Religious reformation often tied to political revolution • Questioning the divine right of kings (social contract, etc…)

  18. Enlightenment thinkers sought to organize and compile all knowledge around humankind – not God. These references often called (especially descriptions of non-European cultures) called norms into question and anatomical drawings offended conservatives. Frontispiece to D’Alembert and Diderot’s Encylclopedie

  19. The Enlightenment Travel and travel chronicles exposed readers to new cultures

  20. The Enlightenment • Monarchs tried to control philosophes through Academies • Science and literature were in constant danger of becoming embroiled in social controversy. • Advances posed serious challenges to traditional religious and political authority

  21. Satire and Revolution • Literature played a crucial role in the Enlightenment • Dangerous because it can spread radical ideas • Closely censored by royal agents (no such things as free speech) • Satire flourished as a way to critique

  22. The “Battle of the Books” • Ancients and Moderns. • Should literature imitate the classic models or should innovation be key?

  23. The World in 1700

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