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Inside PK Cryptography: Math and Implementation

Inside PK Cryptography: Math and Implementation. Sriram Srinivasan (“Ram”) sriram@malhar.net. Agenda. Introduction to PK Cryptography Essential Number Theory Fundamental Number Theorem GCD, Euclid’s algorithm Linear combinations Modular Arithmetic Euler’s Totient Function

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Inside PK Cryptography: Math and Implementation

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  1. Inside PK Cryptography:Math and Implementation Sriram Srinivasan (“Ram”) sriram@malhar.net

  2. Agenda • Introduction to PK Cryptography • Essential Number Theory • Fundamental Number Theorem • GCD, Euclid’s algorithm • Linear combinations • Modular Arithmetic • Euler’s Totient Function • Java implementation of RSA Sriram Srinivasan

  3. Security Issues • Authentication, Authorization, and Encryption, Non-repudiation • Shared Secrets (e.g passwords, Enigma) • Something shared, something (else) secret • Concept by Ellis, Cocks and Williams • Popularly attributed to Diffie and Hellman • Algorithm by Rivest, Shamir and Adelman • Used everywhere: https, SSL, email, certificates. Sriram Srinivasan

  4. Public Key Cryptography • Consider a pair of magic pens. • Write with one, use the other to decode. • Symmetric: either can be used to encode • You want to send a message to me • You borrow one of my pens and write with it. • I decode it with my other pen. • Avoids problems of shared secrets • Same tools for authentication, encryption and non-repudiation. Sriram Srinivasan

  5. Mathematics

  6. Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic • All numbers are expressible as a unique product of primes • 10 = 2 * 5, 60 = 2 * 2 * 3 * 5 • Proof in two parts • 1. All numbers are expressible as products of primes • 2. There is only one such product sequence per number Sriram Srinivasan

  7. Fundamental Theorem proof • First part of proof • All numbers are products of primes Let S = {x | x is not expressible as a product of primes} Let c = min{S}. c cannot be prime Let c = c1 . c2 c1, c2 < c Þ c1, c2Ï S (because c is min{S}) \ c1, c2 are products of primes Þ c is too \ S is an empty set Sriram Srinivasan

  8. Fundamental Theorem proof • Second part of proof • The product of primes is unique Let n = p1p2p3p4… = q1q2q3q4… Cancel common primes. Now unique primes on both sides Now, p1 | p1p2p3p4 Þ p1 | q1q2q3q4… Þp1 | one of q1, q2, q3, q4… Þ p1 = qi which is a contradiction Sriram Srinivasan

  9. GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) • gcd(a,b) = the greatest of the divisors of a,b • Many ways to compute gcd • Extract common prime factors • Express a, b as products of primes • Extract common prime factors • gcd(18, 66) = gcd(2*3*3, 2*3*11) = 2*3 = 6 • Factoring is hard. Not practical • Euclid’s algorithm Sriram Srinivasan

  10. Euclid’s algorithm a 1 b r = a % b b r1 = b % r 2 r r1 r r % r1 = 0. \ gcd (a,b) = r1 3 Sriram Srinivasan

  11. Euclid’s algorithm proof • Proof that r1 divides a and b r1 | r b = r1 + r r1 | b a = qb + r r1 | b r1 | r r1 | a Sriram Srinivasan

  12. Euclid’s algorithm proof (contd) • Proof that r1 is the greatest divisor Say, c | a and c | b c | qb + r c | r c | q’b + r1 c | r1 Sriram Srinivasan

  13. Linear Combination • ax + by = “linear combination” of a and b • 12x + 20y = {…, -12,-8,-4,0,4,8,12, … } • The minimum positive linear combination of a & b = gcd(a,b) • Proof in two steps: • 1. If d = min(ax+by) and d > 0, then d | a, d | b • 2. d is the greatest divisor. Sriram Srinivasan

  14. GCD & Linear combination (contd.) Let S = {z = ax + by | z > 0 } Let d = min{S} = ax1 + by1 Let a = qd + r. 0 <= r < d r = a - qd = a - q(ax1 + by1) r = a(1 - qx1) + (-qy1)b If r > 0, r ÎS But r < d, which is a contradiction, because d = min{S} \ r = 0 Þ d | a Sriram Srinivasan

  15. GCD & Linear combination (contd.) • Second part of proof • Any other divisor is smaller than d Let c | a, c | b, c > 0 a = cm, b = cn d = ax1 + by1 = c(mx1 + ny1) Þ c | d Þ d is the gcd Sriram Srinivasan

  16. Summary 1 • All numbers are expressible as unique products of prime numbers • GCD calculated using Euclid’s algorithm • gcd(a,b) = 1 Þa & b are mutually prime • gcd(a,b) equals the minimum positive ax+by linear combination Sriram Srinivasan

  17. Modular/Clock Arithmetic • 1:00 and 13:00 hours are the same • 1:00 and 25:00 hours are the same • 1 º 13 (mod 12) • a º b (mod n) • n is the modulus • a is “congruent” to b, modulo n • a - b is divisible by n • a % n = b % n Sriram Srinivasan

  18. Modular Arithmetic • a º b (mod n), c º d (mod n) • Addition • a + c ºb + d (mod n) • Multiplication • ac ºbd (mod n) a - b = jn c - d = kn a + c - (b + d) = (j + k) n Sriram Srinivasan

  19. Modular Arithmetic (contd.) • Power • a ºb (mod n) Þ akºbk (mod n) • Going n times around the clock • a + kn º b (mod n) Using induction, If ak º bk (mod n), a . ak º b . bk (mod n), by multiplication rule \ ak+1 ºbk+1 (mod n) Sriram Srinivasan

  20. Chinese Remainder Theorem • m º a (mod p), m º a (mod q) Þ m º a (mod pq) (p,q are primes) m-a = cp. Now, m-a is expressible as p1.p2 .p3 . . . If m - a is divisible by both p and q, p and q must be one of p1 ,p2 ,p3 Þ m - a is divisible by pq Sriram Srinivasan

  21. GCD and modulus • If gcd(a,n) = 1, and a = b (mod n),then gcd(b,n) = 1 a ºb (mod n) Þ a = b + kn gcd(a,n) = 1 ax1 + ny1 = 1, for some x1 and y1 (b + kn)x1 + ny1 = 1 bx1 + n(kx1 + y1) = bx1 + ny2 = 1 gcd(b,n) = 1 Sriram Srinivasan

  22. Multiplicative Inverse • If a, b have no common factors, there exists aisuch that a.aiº1 (mod b) • ai is called the “multiplicative inverse” gcd(a,b) = 1 = ax1+ by1, for some x1 and y1 ax1 = 1 – by1 ax1 = 1 + by2 (making y2 = -y1) ax1 - 1 = by2 ax1º1 (mod b) (x1 is the multiplicative inverse) Sriram Srinivasan

  23. Summary 2 • Modular arithmetic • Addition, multiplication, power, inverse • Chinese Remainder Theorem • If m  a (mod p) and m  a (mod q),then m  a (mod pq) • Relationship between gcd and modular arithmetic • gcd(a,b) = 1 Þaaiº 1 (mod b) Sriram Srinivasan

  24. Euler’s Totient function • f(n) = Totient(n) = Count of integers £ n coprime to n • f(10) = 4 (1, 3, 7, 9 are coprime to 10) • f(7) = 6 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 coprime to 10) • f(p) = p - 1, if p is a prime Sriram Srinivasan

  25. Totient lemma #2: product • f(pq) = (p - 1)(q - 1) = f(p) . f(q) • if p and q are prime Which numbers £ pq share factors with pq? 1.p, 2.p, 3.p, … (q-1)p and 1.q, 2.q, 3.q, … (p-1)q and pq The rest are coprime to pq. Count them. f(pq) = pq - (p - 1) - (q - 1) - 1 = (p - 1)(q - 1) Sriram Srinivasan

  26. Totient lemma #3: power • f(pk) = pk - pk-1 , if p is prime and k > 0 Only numbers that are a multiple of p have a common factor with pk : 1.p, 2.p, 3.p, … pk-1 . p and The rest don’t share any factors, so are coprime \ f(pk) = pk - pk-1 Sriram Srinivasan

  27. Totient lemma #4: product • f(mn) = f(m) . f(n) • if m and n are coprime ( gcd(m,n) = 1) Organize into a matrix of m columns, n rows 1 2 3 … r … m m+1 m+2 m+3 m+r … 2m 2m+1 2m+2 2m+3 2m+r … 3m … (n-1)m+1 (n-1)m+2 (n-1)m+3 (n-1)m+r nm Sriram Srinivasan

  28. Totient lemma #4 (contd.) • Step 1: Eliminate columns If gcd(m,r) = 1, gcd(m,km+r) = 1 Þ All cells under that rth column have no common factors with m Þ Others have a common factor with mn, so can be eliminated Þ f(m) columns survive Sriram Srinivasan

  29. Totient lemma #4 (contd.) • Step 2: Examine cells in remaining columns No two cells in a column are congruent mod n Because if im + r ºjm + r (mod n), im + r - jm - r = kn Þ n | (i - j), which is not possible because i - j < n Because there are n (non-congruent) cells in each column, label them as 0, 1, 2, … n-1 in some order. Þ f(n) cells in each column coprime to n Þ f(n) f(m) cells left that are coprime to both m and n Sriram Srinivasan

  30. Totient lemma #5 • If gcd(c,n) = 1 and x1,x2,x3 … xf(n) are coprime to n, then cx1,cx2,… cxf(n) are congruent to x1,x2,x3… in some order. • 1, 3, 5, 7 are coprime to 8. • Multiply each with c=15, (also coprime to 8) • {15, 45, 75, 105} º {7, 5, 3, 1} (mod 8) Sriram Srinivasan

  31. Totient lemma #5 (contd.) cxi is not º cxj (mod n). Because if cxiº cxj (mod n) Þ c(xi - xj) = kn . But gcd(c,n) = 1 Þ n | (xi - xj), which is impossible because xi - xj < n Remember the old identity: gcd(a,n) =1 and a º b (mod n) Þ gcd(b,n) = 1 Let cxi º b (mod n) gcd(cxi, n) = 1 Þ gcd(b,n) = 1 \ b must be one of xj Sriram Srinivasan

  32. Euler’s Theorem • If gcd(a,n) = 1, af(n) º 1 (mod n) Consider x1, x2, … xf(n) < n and coprime to n Since a is also coprime to n, from previous result ax1º xi (mod n), ax2º xj (mod n), … etc. Þ af(n) x1x2x3…xf(n) º x1x2x3…xf(n) (mod n) Þ af(n) x º x (mod n) where x = x1x2x3…xf(n) Þ n | x(af(n) - 1) But n doesn’t divide x Þ n | (af(n) - 1) Þ af(n) º 1 (mod n) Sriram Srinivasan

  33. Fermat’s little theorem • Special case of Euler’s theorem. • If gcd(a,p) = 1 and p is prime, ap-1 º 1 (mod p) • We now have all the essential number theory. Whew! Because f(p) = p - 1 Sriram Srinivasan

  34. RSA Algorithm • Bob generates public and private keys • public key : encrypting key e and modulus n • private key: decrypting key d and modulus n • Alice wants to send Bob a message m • m treated as a number • Alice encrypts m using Bob’s “public pen” • encrypted ciphertext, c = me (mod n) • Bob decrypts using his own private key • To decrypt, compute cd (mod n). Result is m Sriram Srinivasan

  35. RSA Key Generation • Bob selects primes p, q computesn = pq • f(n) = f(p) f(q) = (p - 1) (q - 1) • Select e, such that gcd(e, f(n)) = 1 • Compute the decrypting key, d, where • ed º 1 (mod f(n)) • Bob publishes public key info: e, n • Keeps private key: d, n • Important: m < n Sriram Srinivasan

  36. RSA Key Generation • Bob selects primes p, q computesn = pq • f(n) = f(p) f(q) = (p - 1) (q - 1) • Select e, such that gcd(e, f(n)) = 1 • Compute the decrypting key, d, where • ed º 1 (mod f(n)) • Bob publishes public key pair: e, n • Keeps private key: d, n p = 3, q = 11 Þ n = 33 f(n) = (3 - 1)(11 - 1) = 20 e = 7 7d = 1 (mod 20) Þ d = (1 + 20k)/7Þ d = 3 Public key = (7, 33) Private key = (3, 33) Sriram Srinivasan

  37. RSA algorithm • Treat each letter or block as m (m < n) • n = 33, e = 7, d = 3 • Encryption: for each m compute c=me (mod n) • Decryption: for each c, compute cd (mod n) “RSA” Þ {18, 19, 1} 187 % 33 Þ {6 197 % 33 Þ {6, 13 17 % 33 Þ {6, 13, 1} 63 % 33 Þ {18 133 % 33 Þ {18, 19 13 % 33 Þ {18, 19, 1} Sriram Srinivasan

  38. RSA proof • Prove c = me (mod n) Þ cd(mod n) = m Review: a º b (mod n) Þ akº bk (mod n) a < n Þ a = a (mod n) gcd(a,n) = 1 Þ af(n)º 1 (mod n) a (mod p) º a (mod q) º m = a (mod pq) f(pq) = f(p)f(q) ed º 1 (mod f(n) ) Þ ed = 1 + k f(n) Sriram Srinivasan

  39. RSA proof (contd.) c = me (mod n) Þ c º me (mod n) cd º med (mod n) Consider, med (mod p) and med (mod q) If p | m, med (mod p) = 0 = m (mod p) If not, med (mod p) º m1+kf (n) (mod p) º m. mkf (p) f (q) (mod p) º m. (mf (p)) kf (q) (mod p) º m. (1) kf (q) (mod p) (by euler) º m (mod p) Sriram Srinivasan

  40. RSA proof (contd.) So, in both cases, med º m (mod p) Similarly, med º m (mod q) \ med º m (mod pq) (chinese remainder theorem) º m (mod n) \ med (mod n) = m Sriram Srinivasan

  41. RSA Implementation • Creating a big random prime • n = pq • f(n) = (p - 1) (q - 1) SecureRandom r = new SecureRandom(); BigInteger p = new BigInteger(nbits, 100, r); n = p.multiply(q); phi = p.subtract(BigInteger.ONE) .multiply(q.subtract(BigInteger.ONE)); Sriram Srinivasan

  42. RSA Implementation • Select e coprime to f(n) • Select d, such that ed º 1 (mod f(n)) e = new BigInteger("3"); while(phi.gcd(e).intValue() > 1) e = e.add(new BigInteger("2")); d = e.modInverse(phi); Sriram Srinivasan

  43. RSA Implementation • Encrypt/decrypt BigInteger encrypt (BigInteger message) { return message.modPow(e, n); } BigInteger decrypt (BigInteger message) { return message.modPow(d, n); } Sriram Srinivasan

  44. Digital Signature • med (mod n) = mde (mod n) • Bob encrypts his name using private key • Alice, the recipient, decrypts it using Bob’s public key Sriram Srinivasan

  45. RSA Deployment • If msg m > n, m chop it up in blocks < n • p and q are usually 512 bits, e = 65537. • Ensure p - 1 doesn’t have small prime factors. Ensure d is large • Pad m with random bits • Never reuse n • Sign documents very carefully Sriram Srinivasan

  46. Examples of RSA Attacks • Exploiting algorithm parameter values • Low e or d values • Exploiting implementation • Measuring time and power consumption of smart cards • Exploiting random errors in hardware • Exploiting error messages • Social Engineering: Blinding attack Sriram Srinivasan

  47. Ellis / Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange • RSA is slow in practice • Encrypt AES’s keys using RSA • Alice and Bob agree publicly on a prime p, and some integer, c < p. gcd(p,c) = 1 • Alice chooses a privately, and Bob chooses b. a, b < p Sriram Srinivasan

  48. Ellis / Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange (contd) • Alice computes A=ca (mod p). Bob computes B=cb (mod p) • They exchange these numbers. • Alice computes Ba. Bob computes Ab • Both of them compute cab (mod p) • Both use this number as a key for AES. Sriram Srinivasan

  49. References • “Cryptological Mathematics”, Robert Lewand • “Twenty Years of Attacks on the RSA Cryptosystem”, Dan Boneh • http://crypto.stanford.edu/~dabo • pajhome.org.uk/crypt/index.html • “Concrete Mathematics”, Donald Knuth et al. • "The Code Book", Simon Singh Sriram Srinivasan

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