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Competitive Advantage

Competitive Advantage. Vs. Market Base Strategy. Resources Base Strategy. Market Based Strategy. Market Attractiveness.

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Competitive Advantage

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  1. Competitive Advantage

  2. Vs MarketBase Strategy • ResourcesBase Strategy

  3. Market Based Strategy Market Attractiveness Menyangkut posisi perusahaan dalamstrukturindustri dan menekankan strategi perusahaan yang fokuspadalingkungan di mana perusahaan beroperasi…..Outside –in perspective (external) • Mengidentifikasi dan memilih dimensi kompetitif • Mendapatkan posisi yang menarik dalam industri • Memilih kombinasi pasarproduk a company analyzes the industry structure and according to the structure it creates its structure and strategy for effective positioning in the industry. (Porter.1980;1985)

  4. Porter’s Five Forces Model

  5. Porter’s Five Forces Model

  6. Resource Based Strategy Resource Available: Tangibles, Intangibles &HR Mengidentifikasi dan menekankan pentingnya penguasaaanatassumber daya dalam mencapai keunggulan kompetitif

  7. Resource Based Strategy Resource Available: Tangibles, Intangibles &HR Barney: 1991 ;2007 Valuable: sumberdayaharusdapatmeningkatkanefisiensidanefektifitasperusahaan Rare: sumberdayainitermasuklangkadandikuasiolehperusahaandalamjumlahbesar Imperfectly imitable: susahuntukditiru Non-Subtituable: tidakadabarangpenggantiuntuksumberdayaini

  8. Competitive Advantage Efficiency and the Experience Curve

  9. Value Chain Analysis • Reduce costs • Increase your competitiveness • Improve your market share Value Chain analysis by Michael Porter (1995)

  10. Value Chain & Competitive Advantage Value Chain Generic Strategy

  11. Value Chain Analysis Just in Time- strategic alliance - Outsourching Co Creator

  12. Competitive Advantage Resources, Capabilities & Core Competencies Culture Trust Human Resources Information Tech Vertical integration Corporate diversification Merger- acquitition – strategic alliance Generic Strategy http://kafebisnis2010.wordpress.com/2011/11/21/leader-sebagai-stimulator-inovasi/#more-57

  13. Competitive Advantage Chan W Kim. Blue Ocean Strategy

  14. Generic Strategy STUCK IN THE MIDDLE Incompatibility between strategy and environment

  15. Generic Strategy Overall Cost Leadership 1. produce the same/better quality at less cost than anyone else. Enjoy greater profits or - in a price war - stay in the market, profitably, with reduced prices.  2. This may revolutionize a firm where industry competition has been sluggish. Competitors may be ill-prepared - mentally, economically, operationally - to minimize costs e.g. steel, retail banking, lager, an in-patient day.  Differentiation - implies a better/different product/service (or perceived as different) from others. With differentiated quality as the target - do we ignore costs?  Quality imperatives demand a strategy equating the product with "desirable" quality standards. Differentiation can earn above average profits even in slow growth or declining market.  Market Niche/Segmentation - focusing on a section or group of the buying public  or  a segment of a product line  or  an area of a geographic market 

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