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Community Research & Engagement

Center for Health Research. Community Research & Engagement. Specific Aims. Aim 1: Create a Consortium of research expertise and methodologic cores to assist investigators in specific techniques common to community and population research.

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Community Research & Engagement

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  1. Center for Health Research Community Research & Engagement

  2. Specific Aims • Aim 1: Create a Consortium of research expertise and methodologic cores to assist investigators in specific techniques common to community and population research. • Aim 2:Train scientists in population and community science about the interfaces among delivery systems, communities, and investigators • Aim 3:Build an alliance between communities and researchers that will foster public trust and engagement and create opportunities for research in under-represented populations.

  3. Program Governance

  4. Defining Characteristics & Interactions with TRIPP

  5. Methodological Cores & Research Expertise Moved health services research, health economics etc. to TRIPP

  6. Interfacing with Other Programs ORCTRI Leadership & Evaluation Teams Patricia Carney, PhD Kathleen Knafl Lillian Nail Jackie Shannon Nancy Perrin Mark Spofford Biostat • Informatics • TRIPP Research Support • Translational Technologies • CTRC

  7. Specific Aims • Aim 1: Consortium of research expertise & methodologic cores to assist investigators in community and population research - DONE! • Aim 2: Train scientists in population and community science about the interfaces among delivery systems, communities, and investigators - IN PROCESS! • Aim 3: Build an alliance between communities and researchers that will foster public trust and engagement and create opportunities for research in under-represented populations. SPECIAL PROJECTS - 2007 OMSI Body World Exhibit WITH TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH EXHIBITS (JUNE 10- SEPT.17) 500,000 ATTENDEES AGE 10 AND OLDER

  8. Challenges • Convincing basic and clinical scientists about the value & relevance of community research. • Dealing with “language” differences among investigators. • Being able to engage communities effectively with small funds available. • Being able to provide leadership and very broad types of expertise, especially with TRIPP, with small funds available. • Coming up with charge back systems for the type of work we do.

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