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Houry Iskanyan

Join Houry Iskanyan as she shares her experiences of learning multiple languages and pursuing her hobbies. From collecting shells to creating friendship bracelets, Houry's journey unfolds across Syria, Lebanon, and Armenia. Discover her passion for languages and the joy of crafting beautiful bracelets.

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Houry Iskanyan

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Houry Iskanyan E-Twinning Project

  2. Hello! • Hello! My name is Houry Iskanyan. I am 13 yearsold.I amArmenian. I study in ‘Mkhitar Sebastaci’ educational complex. It isthesecondyearsince I learnhere. Actually, itis 2 yearssince I moved to Armenia. I haveborninSyriaandlivedthere 11 for years. I leaved inlebanonfor 1 year. InSyria I havelearntthefollowinglanguages: Armenian, Arabic, Englishand a littlebitofFrench. Here in Armenia I continuelearningArmenianandEnglish, plus recently, I amlearningGoergianandRussian as new languages. In SyriatheEducationwassohard, inLebanonitwasnot thathard, buthereitistheeasiestatall.

  3. AboutMe • Here I willtalkaboutmyhobbiesandinterests. • Until last year, my hobby was collecting shells. I loved collecting shells which have different colours and shapes. Now my hobby is making friendship braceletsandmakingbraceletswithscoobywires. I really enjoy making them. Everyday I learn a new type and try to make it. After one try it becomes easy to me. I love collecting shells too, but kind of I enjoy making bracelets more. I make bracelets in my free time. At first, my friend taught me the basic steps that you need to make each type of friendship bracelets, then I started watching youtube videos and I learnt the other types. It is very fun to make bracelets and you really enjoy during it.

  4. InSyria Meandmy sweetclassmates.

  5. InLebanon Meandmyawesome classmates.

  6. InArmenia Meandmy newclassmates.

  7. PicturesofMe

  8. My Hobbies

  9. My mother language and the otherLanguagesthat I’ve Learnt and still Learning

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