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Medicine of the renaissance

Medicine of the renaissance. Jose Munoz 5002390 English IV 9-10 9 April 2011. First signs of surgery. Surgery was done in public to educate others. Usually performed on the sick and or dead. Fig 1. William Harvey and Andreas Vesalius are dissecting. first surgery tools.

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Medicine of the renaissance

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  1. Medicine of the renaissance Jose Munoz 5002390 English IV 9-10 9 April 2011

  2. First signs of surgery. • Surgery was done in public to educate others. • Usually performed on the sick and or dead. Fig 1. William Harvey and Andreas Vesalius are dissecting

  3. first surgery tools. • consisted of knifes, hooks, and scissors. • all were hand operated. Fig 2. The woodcut from Vesalius’s book shows an operating table and various surgical instruments used in the16th century.

  4. removing the blood from the body was believe to heal the host. • chicken poxs was incurable during the middle ages most host died. • anybody was considered a “doctor” Fig 3. 16th-century woodcut, depicting (right) medical treatment of a skin disease and (left) blood letting, by barber surgeons in a barber shop

  5. This man is having his damaged leg amputated. • It is being replaced by a wooden leg. • Most people having surgery suffered massive amounts of blood loss Fig 4. Man having an amputated leg being replaced with a wooden one.

  6. He is getting his wounds healed from war. • Took a shot in the head and survived while most did not, also took a bullet to his arm. Fig 5.

  7. Dead people were used as experiment surgeries. • This man is dead and is having arm surgery. • students are learning from this. Fig 6. dead man as experiment.

  8. This woman is insane. • they are driving an ice pick to her head. • with hopes that she will go back to “normal.” • most were not crazy just had a different point of view. Fig 7 "Removing the fool’s stone."

  9. mental ill patients were isolated from the outside world. • many were thought to be possessed by demons. • they were strapped to chairs and were blinded. • they were also drugged. Fig 8. Early treatments to "cure" disability were often brutal. Versions of the tranquilizer chair can still be found in some institutions.

  10. anesthesia did not exist in the middle ages therefore patients had surgery while being awake. • This man had abdominal surgery. • it was too painful to survive. Fig 9. 15th-century manuscript illumination of a public dissection

  11. another example of surgery without anesthesia. • the patient is being held down to bare the pain. • this is what a typical surgery room looked like in the middle ages. Fig 10. Ambroise Pare: Surgery Acquires Stature

  12. women giving birth during the middle ages resulted in more deaths than births. • many women died due to the fact that epidurals did not exist. • few made it to be alive along with their babies. Fig 11. woman giving birth

  13. the bubonic plague was one of the major reasons why people died. • no hospitals meant no help. • many did not know the origin of the disease. Fig 12. October 1347, Black Death Ravages Europe.

  14. during the middle ages many relied on spices to prevent disease. • they were brewed and drank. • some worked while others fail. • they ranged from cinnamon to thyme and sage. Fig 13. variety of spices and herbs.

  15. leeches were used for medical purposes. • they believed the leeches would drain the illness. • all they did was kill the host faster due to dramatic blood loss. Fig 14. leeches used for medical purposes.

  16. doctors during the middle ages thought that the insane were half asleep. • thinking that cold water would wake them up. • many insane patients died from many unnecessary procedures. Fig 15. Douche Bath in Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane, 1868

  17. one of the first middle ages hospitals. • very crowded not many hospitals. • an easy way to spread more diseases easily. • usually one or two doctors per hospital. Fig 16. 1565 Opus Chirurgicum, depicting a Renaissance hospital

  18. showing irony. • the writer of the news paper fell asleep therefore not being able to write the news and warn people of the diseases. • resulting in more deaths. Fig 17. irony of how the news got spread.

  19. many sick people turned their backs on god and doctors. • they turned to the devil and occults as their last resort. • many sick people sold their souls and ended up dying either way. Fig 18, turning their backs on god.

  20. this is what a medieval doctor looked like. • they wore the mask to prevent breathing in the diseases. • inside the mask were spices and plants the blocked the disease. • this is what most of the sick people saw before expiring. Fig 19. medieval doctor.

  21. many human bodies were preserved or mummified so doctors can study the human body through out its stages. • they were real human corpses. • this is how doctors populated. Fig 20. human anatomy

  22. relics and diamonds were sold as well being charms. • many were rip offs and never worked. • they only worked for the “believers” • they were expensive. Fig 21. “magical relics”

  23. this man is having leg surgery. • He is getting metal poles put inside of him to be able to walk again. • painful and expensive many people would take the risk. • the metal often gave them mercury in their blood killing them eventually. Fig 22. leg surgery.

  24. Citations. • http://renaissancebcs6.wikispaces.com/file/view/Picture_3.jpg/72749367/Picture_3.jpg • https://www.planetseed.com/files/uploadedimages/Science/Features/Health_and_Safety/History_of_Medicine/renaissance3.jpg • http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/history/images/hist_medtt_mediev_barber.jpg • http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_pof4Gn28jgo/S1EYLh2dSjI/AAAAAAAACps/KE1ctd1lM2c/s320/1.JPG • http://library.thinkquest.org/15569/media/history/pare.gif

  25. Citations. • http://www.hss.state.ak.us/gcdse/history/Images/section%2003%20-%20renaissance/3a-anatomy.jpg • http://www.hss.state.ak.us/gcdse/history/html_content_main.htm • http://www.hss.state.ak.us/gcdse/history/html_content_main.htm • http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/history/images/hist_medtt_mediev_surgery.jpg • http://dodd.cmcvellore.ac.in/hom/13%20-%20Ambroise.jpg

  26. Citations. • http://tedhuntington.com/ulsf/images/3008w-Childbirth.jpg • http://history-world.org/black_death.htm • http://www.blogcdn.com/www.slashfood.com/media/2009/03/spices031909.jpg • http://www.hermes-press.com/healing.htm • http://cantonasylumforinsaneindians.com/history_blog/about/blog-posts/page/3

  27. citations. • http://www.cosmeo.com/viewPicture.cfm?guidImageId=D7B1472F-4202-455A-872B-4D7D3B46D4EA&&nodeid= • http://home.earthlink.net/~cyberresearcher/History.htm • http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.leelofland.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/compendium-5jpg.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.leelofland.com/wordpress/%3Fp%3D1462&usg=__VpEJrA4EUTcFM78oaOD2hGazxG0=&h=336&w=432&sz=112&hl=en&start=125&zoom=1&tbnid=x-aOQu0rG92-UM:&tbnh=121&tbnw=156&ei=vmijTdOUE6be0QGcz93dDg&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dmedieval%2Bwitches%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26biw%3D1024%26bih%3D678%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch0%2C4600&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=344&vpy=89&dur=2562&hovh=198&hovw=255&tx=131&ty=108&oei=a2ijTe6yM8LDgQfyzNzaBQ&page=9&ndsp=16&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:125&biw=1024&bih=678 • http://themindfulmystic.blogspot.com/ • http://www.matrika-india.org/assets/images/medieval-european.gif • http://www.crystalsrocksandgems.com/Shopping/FairiesSprites.html • http://ambroise.pare.free.fr/fers_chauds.jpg

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