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Capitalization. 11 English Grammar Review. Names. Capitalize proper nouns and proper adjectives. Ex: Germany, German pastry, Yankees, Yankees hat Capitalize the names and initials of persons. Ex: F. Scott Fitzgerald

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  1. Capitalization 11 English Grammar Review

  2. Names • Capitalize proper nouns and proper adjectives. Ex: Germany, German pastry, Yankees, Yankees hat • Capitalize the names and initials of persons. Ex: F. Scott Fitzgerald • Capitalize titles and the abbreviations of titles used with personal names. Ex: Cal Ripken, Jr.; Reverend Jesse Jackson; William Cosby, Ed.D.

  3. Now You Try • Complete questions 1-8 on page 139 of your grammar workbook.

  4. Other Names and Places • Capitalize the names of ethnic groups, races, languages, and nationalities, as well as adjectives formed from these names. Ex: Spanish, Russian • Capitalize all names referring to religions and their followers, sacred days, sacred writings, and specific deities. Ex: Judaism, Easter, Koran, Holy Trinity

  5. Other Names and Places • Capitalize the names of specific places and regions. Ex: East Coast, Rocky Mountains, Sunset Boulevard • Capitalize the names of historical events, historical periods, and calendar items, including days, months, and holidays. Ex: Revolutionary War, Victorian Era, Father’s Day

  6. Now You Try • Complete questions 1-11 on page 142 of your grammar workbook.

  7. Organizations • Capitalize all important words in the names of organizations, including teams and businesses. Capitalize all important words in the names of institutions, including schools, hospitals, and government and political bodies. Ex: Houston Astros, Columbia Records, Mayo Clinic, Supreme Court, Democratic Party

  8. Organizations • Capitalize the names of stars, planets, galaxies, constellations, and other heavenly bodies. Do not capitalize sun and moon. Capitalize earth only when it is used in context with other capitalized astronomical terms. Never capitalize earth when it is preceded by the article the. • Capitalize the names of awards, special events, and brand names. Ex: Purple Heart, Olympics, Kraft

  9. Organizations • Capitalize the names of specific ships, trains, airplanes, and spacecraft. Also capitalize the names of monuments, memorials, and other landmarks. Ex: Titanic, Washington Monument

  10. Organizations • Capitalize the names of school subjects when they refer to specific courses. Do not capitalize the general names of subjects, except language courses. Capitalize student classifications only when part of a proper noun. Ex: Physics 101, Junior Prom, junior in school, English

  11. Now You Try • Complete Questions 1-14 on page 145 of your grammar workbook.

  12. First Words and Titles • Capitalize the first words in sentences and direct quotations that are complete sentences. Ex: “We bought tickets,” Al said, “in the nose-bleed section.” • Capitalize the first word in an outline and the letter that introduce major subsections. Ex • Overview of basketball A. Rules of the game B. Legendary players 1. Past heroes

  13. First Words and Titles • Capitalize the first word in each line of traditional poetry. Ex: What could I yell but vivas To baseball, milkshakes, and those sociologists • Always capitalize the pronoun I. • Capitalize the first, last, and all other important words in titles, including verbs. Do not capitalize conjunctions, articles, or prepositions with fewer than five letters.

  14. Now You Try • Complete questions 1-12 on page 148 of your grammar workbook.

  15. Abbreviations • Capitalize the abbreviations of cities, states, countries, and other places. Ex: UK, N.Y.C. • Capitalize the abbreviations B.C., A.D., A.M., and P.M. • Capitalize the abbreviations of organizations and agencies by using the initial letters of the complete name. Notices that these abbreviations do not usually take periods. Ex: FBI, UNICEF, UN

  16. Now You Try • Complete questions 1-12 on page 151 of your grammar workbook.

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