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N-Tier Final Project

N-Tier Final Project. - Project : ABC Automotive Academy - Date : December 5 th , 2013 - Name : William H. Chung. The Purpose of this System. Create a System for an Instructor/Department Head.

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N-Tier Final Project

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  1. N-Tier Final Project - Project : ABC Automotive Academy - Date : December 5th, 2013 - Name : William H. Chung

  2. The Purpose of this System • Create a System for an Instructor/Department Head. • Allows an Instructor to control the borrowing, returning, and use of resources on-site by students, and adding, updating, deleting, retrieving a student. • Only Department Head can add resources and new user. • Implements 22 Business Requirements. • DB tables : Authenticate, Student, Resource, Loan, Payment

  3. DB Diagram

  4. Class Diagram

  5. ABC Automotive Structure • Business Object Layer • Authenticate, Loan, Payment, Resource, Student, StudentCUD • BusinessRules, Validation • LoanLookup, ResourceLookup, OverdueChargeLookup, StudentLookup • SQL Layer (Back End) • AuthenticateSQL, LoanSQL, PaymentSQL, ResourceSQL, StudentSQL • Data Access Layer • DAL, DALcnn

  6. ABC Automotive (Cont’d) • Presentation Layer (Front End) • Admin : AddResource, ManageUser • Loan : CheckoutResource, ReturenResource, MakePayment, OverdueChargeReport • Resource : ModifyResourceStatus, ReserveResource • Student : ManageStudent(Add, Update, Delete, Retrieve) • Startup : About, Login, SplashScreen, Main

  7. Business Rule 900 • User Privileges • Department Head with Administrative Privilege: • Add new login id and password information. • Add Resources • Instructor: All other modules • Applied into addResource and MangeUser If My.Settings.userType = UserType.DepartmentHead Then btnAdd.Enabled= True Else btnAdd.Enabled= False End If

  8. Business Rule 200 • Student Id • A unique school-assigned 8 digit id identifies each student. The number begins with the year the student first registered with ABC • Applied into validation.vb Function ValidateStudentId(ByValstudentId As String) As Boolean If (Not studentId.Substring(0, 4) Like "[1-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]") OrElse (Not ValidateLength(studentId, CheckLengthType.MustBeEqualTo, 8)) OrElse(Not IsNumeric(studentId)) OrElse (studentId.Substring(0, 4) <> Year(Date.Now).ToString) Then Throw New ArgumentException("Student id is invalid") Else Return True End If End Function

  9. Business Rule 201 • Student Status • Only active students can borrow resources • Applied into Loan.vb (SP: spIsActiveStudent) If Not BusinessRules.CheckStudentStatus(value) Then Throw New ArgumentException ("Student must be Active to check out .") End If ========================================================== DECLARE @tmpStatus bit SET @tmpStatus = (SELECT StudentStatus FROM student WHERE studentId = @studentId) IF (@tmpStatus = 0) SET @result = 'FALSE' ELSE SET @result = 'TRUE'

  10. Business Rule 202/203 • Start Date/End Date • Start Date must be less than the End Date • Applied into Student.vb (and DB constraint) If (value < _StartDate) Then ‘-- Setting End Date Throw New ConstraintException ("End date cannot be less than the start date.") End If ========================================================== ChkEndDate : ([EndDate] > [StartDate])

  11. Business Rule 204 • Program Option • Indicates the student is in either Regular or Block. • Set as Enum Public EnumProgramOption RegularProgram BlockRelease End Enum

  12. Business Rule 205/402 • Balance Due/Overdue Amounts Check • A student cannot borrow a resource nor be removed from the system if this amount is greater than $0.00 • Applied into Loan.vb (SP : spHasStudentBalanceDue) If BusinessRules.HasStudentBalanceDue(value) Then Throw New ArgumentException ("Student must pay his or her overdue to check out ") End If ========================================================== DECLARE @BalanceDuesmallmoney SET @BalanceDue = (SELECT BalanceDue FROM student WHERE studentId = @studentId) IF (@BalanceDue > 0) SET @result = 'TRUE' ELSE SET @result = 'FALSE'

  13. Business Rule 300 • Resource Primary Key • A unique system-assigned 8 digit id identifies each resource. • Applied into Resource.vb (Set as an Indentity) Public Shared Function ValidateResourceId(ByValresourceId As Integer) As Boolean If (resourceId < 10000000) OrElse (Not ValidateLength(resourceId.ToString, CheckLengthType.MustBeEqualTo, 8)) Then Throw New ArgumentException("Resource id is invalid") Else Return True End If End Function ========================================================== Set an IDENTITY SEED as 10,000,000

  14. Business Rule 301 • Resource Type • Indicates as DVD, Manual, Reference book. • Set as Enum Public EnumResourceType ManufacturerDVD ManufacturerReferenceManual NonManufacturerReferenceBook End Enum

  15. Business Rule 303 • Resource Status • Check whether a resource is Available, On Loan, or Not Available • Applied into CheckoutResource.vb & ReturnResource.vb If objResource.ResourceStatus <> ResourceStatus.OnLoan Then ' Check whether resource is on loan Return False End If =========================================================== If objResource.ResourceStatus <> ResourceStatus.AvailableThen ' Check whether resource is available Return False End If

  16. Business Rule 304 • Date Resource Removed from Library • Date a resource item was removed from the library due to loss or damage • Applied into stored procedures (SP: spUpdateStatus4LoanResource, spOverdueChargesReportRetrieve) IF @flag = 2(not returned) or 3(lost) UPDATE [resource] SET ResourceStatus = 2, RemovedDate = @today WHERE resourceid = (select resourceid from Loan where loanid = @loanid AND LoanStatus = 0) =========================================================== UPDATE [RESOURCE] SET ResourceStatus = 2, RemovedDate = @today FROM [RESOURCE] r INNER JOIN Loan L ON L.resourceid = r.resourceid WHERE r.ResourceStatus = 1 AND L.LoanStatus = 0 AND ABS(DATEDIFF(WEEKDAY, @today, L.DueDate)) >= 10

  17. Business Rule 306 • Reserve Status • The id of the reserving student is associated with this status • Applied into Loan.vb If CInt(Resource.ReserveStatus) = ReserveStatus.Reserved Then If (Resource.StudentIdWhoReserved <> value) Then Dim errMsg As String = Resource.StudentWhoReserved.FirstName& " " & Resource.StudentWhoReserved.LastName& " already reserved this resource." Throw New ArgumentException(errMsg) End If End If

  18. Business Rule 400/401 • Loan Period/Loan Return Time • A resource may be borrowed without penalty for 2 school days which includes the day the resource was borrowed • Applied into Loan.vb Private Function GetDueDate(checkoutDate As DateTime) As DateTime Dim tmpDueDate As Date If checkoutDate.DayOfWeek = DayOfWeek.ThursdayOrElse checkoutDate.DayOfWeek= DayOfWeek.Friday Then tmpDueDate = checkoutDate.AddDays(4) Else tmpDueDate = checkoutDate.AddDays(2) End If Return tmpDueDate.Date.AddHours(8).AddMinutes(30) End Function

  19. Business Rule 404/405 • Overdue Charge/Overdue Check • A student may not borrow any additional items until all overdue items are returned or paid for • Applied into Loan.vb (SP : spHasStudentBalanceDue) Public ReadOnly Property OverdueCharge As Decimal Implements ILoan.OverdueCharge Get If ReturnedDate > DueDate Then _OverdueCharge = DateDiff(DateInterval.Weekday, ReturnedDate, DueDate) * 5 Else _OverdueCharge = 0 End If Return _OverdueCharge End Get End Property

  20. Business Rule 406 • Non-return Charge • If an item fails to be returned by 8:30am of day 10, or is returned in a damaged state that warrants it being removed from the library, the student will be charged the replacement price of the item • Applied into SP : spOverdueChargesReportRetrieve UPDATE Loan SET LoanStatus = 3, ReplacemantPrice = OverdueCharge + r.PurchasePrice, OverdueCharge= 0, returneddate = @today FROM [RESOURCE] r INNER JOIN Loan l ON r.ResourceId = l.ResourceId WHERE LoanStatus = 0 AND ABS(DATEDIFF(WEEKDAY, @today, DueDate)) >= 10 AND r.RemovedDate = @today AND r.ResourceStatus = 2

  21. Business Rule 407 • Loan Status • When a resource is borrowed, the loan can have one of the states (On Loan, Returned, Returned Damaged, Not Returned) • Applied into Stored Procedures UPDATE Loan SET LoanStatus = 3, returneddate = @today, ReplacemantPrice= OverdueCharge + r.PurchasePrice FROM [RESOURCE] r INNER JOIN Loan l ON r.ResourceId = l.ResourceId WHERE LoanStatus = 0 AND r.ResourceStatus = 2 AND ABS(DATEDIFF(WEEKDAY, @today, DueDate)) >= 10 AND r.RemovedDate= @today

  22. Business Rule 408 • Loan Holdings • A student may borrow only one of each resource type at a time • Applied into spHasStudentSameLoanHolding IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Loan L INNER JOIN [Resource] r ON L.ResourceId = r.ResourceId WHERE L.StudentId = @StudentId AND @resourceType IN (SELECT ResourceType FROM Loan L INNER JOIN [Resource] r ON L.ResourceId = r.ResourceId WHERE ((L.StudentId = @StudentId AND L.LoanStatus = 0) OR (L.StudentId = @StudentId AND L.LoanStatus = 1 AND ABS(DATEDIFF(WEEKDAY, L.ReturnedDate, GETDATE())) < 1)))) SET @Result = 'TRUE' ELSE SET @Result = 'FALSE'

  23. Challenge • Needs to make the system more user friendly - Provide a better way to retrieve resources. - Provide Payment Reports • Protect the source - Save it frequently. • Lack of Time - Plan ahead and design it very carefully. - Make it more robust

  24. Thank You

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