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Implementing the Care Act across the Tri-Borough

This document provides an overview of the implementation of the Care Act across the Tri-Borough region in November 2014. It highlights key principles, requirements, and timescales, as well as provisions related to prevention, care markets, housing, and continuity of care and support. Produced by the Law Commission.

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Implementing the Care Act across the Tri-Borough

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Implementing the Care Act across the Tri-Borough November 2014

  2. Background • The Care Act - A result of a number of separate Government commitments around social care • A full review of adults’ legislation - Care Act consolidates existing legislation into one single modern law. • Driving up the quality of care following the Francis Inquiry. • Take forward recommendations made by the Dilnot Commission. • Delivers commitments made in the ‘Care for our future: reforming care and support ‘ White Paper. • Strengthens rights for carers to access support and introduces a new safeguarding framework. Produced by Law Commission

  3. Overview Key Principles Key Requirements & Timescales Produced by Law Commission

  4. Prevention, Care Markets & Housing Workstream Preventing Needs for Care & Support (Clauses 2) Market Shaping (Clauses 5 & 29-57) Promoting diversity & equality in provision of service Provider Failure Market Oversight Housing (Clauses 23) Continuity of Care & Support when an adult moves (Clauses 37-38)

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