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Effects of Sonocrystallization on Crystal Size Distribution of Cloxacillin Benzathine Crystals

NERCICT. Effects of Sonocrystallization on Crystal Size Distribution of Cloxacillin Benzathine Crystals. Lecturer : Jieqiong Li Supervisor : Prof. Jingkang Wang Date : 2012.11.23. NERCICT. Introduction. Content. Experimental Sections. Results and Discussion. Conclusions.

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Effects of Sonocrystallization on Crystal Size Distribution of Cloxacillin Benzathine Crystals

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  1. NERCICT Effects of Sonocrystallization on Crystal Size Distribution of CloxacillinBenzathine Crystals Lecturer:Jieqiong Li Supervisor:Prof. Jingkang Wang Date:2012.11.23

  2. NERCICT Introduction Content Experimental Sections Results and Discussion Conclusions

  3. Introduction • Applications NERCICT

  4. Introduction NERCICT proteins/peptides sugars Fig.1Effect of sonication on supersaturation.

  5. Introduction • Sonofragmentation of Needle Crystals NERCICT transient cavitation buble collapse buble growth shockwave emerge shockwave impact seeding

  6. Introduction • reaction crystallization NERCICT Small Crystals • Final CSD primary nucleation rate • ultrasound crystal fragmentation rate

  7. Experimental Sections NERCICT • Different process conditions • Different lengths of insonated periods • Different seeding load • Different feeding rate Conventional seeding Seeding & ultrasonic interruption Seeding in situ Fig. 2 Schematic Diagram of The Experimental Setup: (A) jacketed reactor; (B) stirrer driver; (C) propeller; (D and E) peristaltic pump; (F and G) feed tanks; (H) thermostatic bath; (I) ultrasonic bath.

  8. Results & Discussion • Effect of Different Process Conditions NERCICT Fig.3 Optical photographs of cloxacillinbenzathine crystals just precipitate from the solution under different process conditions. (1) non-insonated experiment; (2) insonated experiment. Fig. 4 Crystal size distribution (left) and optical photographs (right) of cloxacillinbenzathine under different process conditions. (A) non-insonated control experiment; (B) continuous insonation; (C) a short period of insonation interruption.(100×)

  9. Results & Discussion • Effect of Different Lengths of Insonated Periods NERCICT • Fig. 5 Optical photos of cloxacillinbenzathine with different lengths of insonation periods (200W): (A & a) seeding & without insonation; (B & b) seeding & insonated for 2min; (C & c) seeding & insonated for 4min. Fig. 6 Effect of different lengths of insonation periods on the final crystal size distribution: (left) at ultrasound nominal power of 100W;(right) at ultrasound nominal power of 200W.

  10. Results & Discussion • Effect of Different Seeding Load NERCICT Fig. 7 Effect of seeding load on the final crystal size distribution.

  11. Results & Discussion • Effect of Different Feeding Rate NERCICT f e d c b a Fig. 8 Effect of feeding rate of the reaction material solutions on the cloxacillinbenzathine crystals : (left) the concentration of the solution when the crystals were detectable; (right) optical photographs of the crystals after precipitation from the solution under different feeding rate. Fig. 9 Effect of feeding rate of the reaction material solutions on the final crystal size distribution.

  12. Conclusions • The longer the ultrasound performed and the more powerful the ultrasound was, the smaller the needle crystals were. • Crystals produced with low seeding loads present widespread and bimodal PSD, while the CSD was narrower and approaching to unimodal with increased seeding load. • Relatively slower feeding rate is favorable to produce products with improved properties. • Prolonged application of ultrasound after the nucleation onset has the potential to improve the final CSD and produce crystals with regular shape. NERCICT

  13. NERCICT Thank You for Your Attention

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