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Main Items. Expectations for the Final School Placement (and to clarify roles

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    2. Main Items Expectations for the Final School Placement (and to clarify roles & responsibilities and any other matters pertaining to this placement) Feedback for learning (POA forms) QTT standards Alert you to (perceived) key issues / provide time for questions & discussion

    3. This is the final sustained period of school experience before the NQT year. Students will take major responsibility for the teaching of English, mathematics, science, ICT and a range of work across the foundation subjects and RE. ‘Assume the role of the classteacher’…….

    4. TIME OUT! Mentor & Student Discussion The student has…. Updated PDP Worked to targets from their action plan Thought about placement expectations 1st think about the Individual Training and Development Plan (ITDP) NB It is the student’s responsibility to present the mentor with a copy of the previous placement report.

    5. TIME OUT! Mentor & Student Discussion Student teacher worries My classteacher always leaves the room when I start teaching and just ‘leaves me to it’…..is that OK? or My classteacher always works with a group in the class and I’m never alone as the REAL classteacher and never really feel like I’m being ‘myself’…I’d really like it if she left sometimes….should I ask her? I feel like I haven’t had enough feedback; I know everyone is really busy but I’m worried I’m not on ‘track’ The classteacher intervened with a behaviour issue today…I felt really undermined and worried that she thinks I’m rubbish…. should I raise this?

    6. Communication is key WISH LIST (My mentor…..) WISH LIST (my student/s…..)

    7. PART 2 Mentors / Advisers update New standards Professional studies and link with 1st four weeks of placement Assessment and recordkeeping

    8. Major emphases within the new Standards The Standards reflect the following agendas: Policy awareness and the promotion of diversity ECM and Safeguarding Children Curriculum change and innovation

    9. Professional Knowledge and Understanding Q10 – Q21 Some key emphases….. Knowledge of Policies and their impact Personalising provision Using data Promotion of diversity

    10. Q10:have a knowledge of a range of teaching and behaviour management strategies and know how to use and adapt them, including how to personalise learning and provide equal opportunities for all learners to achieve their potential Q13:Know how to use local and national statistical information to evaluate the effectiveness of their teaching, to monitor the progress of those they teach and to raise levels of attainment Q19: Know how to make effective personalised provision for those they teach, including those of whom English is an additional language, and how to take practical account of diversity and promote equality and inclusion in their teaching

    11. How has this been evident in the course programme? Education studies programme Professional studies programme Amendments to requirements for assessment

    12. Weeks 1- 4 (p11) CLASS TEACHER FOR 50% OF TIME Professional Studies / assessment tasks

    14. Key issues which underpin effective teaching Clarity Planning Expectations Demeanour Organisation

    15. Planning: Are there clear links between what is planned and what has been learned in previous lessons (ie is assessment informing planning?) Tell-tale signs to be found in “evidence of action taken from the previous lesson evaluation in the planning of this lesson” section of the pro-forma.

    16. Organisation Teachers are first & foremost role models, if a teacher is disorganised, what does this convey to pupils? Tell-tale signs include file organisation.

    17. 5.15 – 5.50 Advisers meet with Students (see rooms, p3)

    18. PART 3 Mentors update Before the final block placement: The student experience on the PGCE course so far 16 weeks taught sessions (all subjects) 1 block placement 3 additional weeks teaching core subjects Teaching and Learning & Masters level programme Self-study packs Developing subject knowledge Presentations and research Professional Development (PD) Assignments (ES,E,M,S,ICT,FS)

    19. FINAL BLOCK PLACEMENT ( PHASE 1 - Weeks 1, 2, 3 & 4) (PHASE 2 - Weeks 5,6,7,8) Students will assume the role of class teacher for 50% of the day. They will spend an additional 25% in designated non-contact activities (i.e. planning, assessment and recordkeeping) and 25% on Professional Studies tasks. WEEKS 5-8 Students should be given responsibility for 75% of a normal teaching load. The remaining 25% should be non-contact time for them to record achievements, evaluate their teaching, reflect on their progress and undertake future planning.

    20. OBSERVING the student in Final placement Mentor = 3 Adviser = 2 ADVISER VISIT 1 (within approx first 2 weeks) University adviser will observe a whole lesson. Both files should be scrutinised as well. ADVISER VISIT 2 (joint observation) Final weeks University adviser will observe the student teaching the whole class independently. NB The student’s classteacher may not be present in the classroom at this time.

    21. Planning to support the student :mentors and advisers Weekly observations A range of subjects observed All observations include a discussion about planning and assessment (and records in files) Joint observation around / after the Interim Quality assurance

    22. The feedback forms Examples of 2 consecutive forms How helpful are these to the student and why? Will they support the vital ‘evidence;’ necessary for the PDP?

    23. Feedback for Learning (the PA form) provide student teachers with regular written feedback provide evidence for meeting the Standards observation of the whole or most of a lesson student teacher’s planning and assessment (documentation in files) recognise contribution to e.g. staff meeting, class display, assembly or any extra-curricular activity / trips

    24. Unsatisfactory elements? In lesson observations Beyond the classroom Placement expectations Do you see evidence of improvement? Are the points reflected in student evaluation and action planning? Are there issues in more than one area? AT THE INTERIM……Is the student likely to meet the standards satisfactorily?

    25. Key issues which underpin effective teaching Clarity Planning Expectations Demeanour Organisation

    27. Case study: Week 4 (Interim) Struggling with recordkeeping and planning Some issues with subject knowledge At the Interim, patterns of unsatisfactory elements have emerged (in 2 areas) Previous feedback alerted to specific targets that needed to be addressed. So far, there is no evidence that this has been the case. Not yet raised a cause for concern

    28. Cause for concern It is unlikely that concerns will only manifest themselves towards the end of the placement. ‘Cause For Concern’ is not in itself a declaration of failure, but rather a ‘wake-up call’ that unless appropriate action is taken swiftly, the student may not reach the required standard by the end of the placement. Completion of the PD Form serves to identify: a) the nature of the problem b) the targets for action c) the necessary steps which need to be taken in order to address the problem (s) d) the date for review (normally 5 working days) Completion of the PD Form, starts a formal process beginning and concluding with student/mentor meetings, ensuring that John Smith is kept abreast throughout by e-mail, fax or phone.

    29. Other points to note Planning guidance and reduction of plans (p.18) ITDP – maximise opportunities within school Subject specific preparation to inform planning (can mentor look at this in weeks 1 /2) Literacy – phonics in KS1

    31. THANK YOU Communication and Feedback are important to us Issues that you’d like to discuss further? Future twilight events? Twilight evaluation – please complete S.Sturrock@brighton.ac.uk 01273 643362

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