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related to muscle tissue and the bone framework of the body

related to muscle tissue and the bone framework of the body. relating to the heart, blood vessels, and circulation of blood. related to the senses. connected with the ductless glands that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream. evaluate. related to sexual reproduction.

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related to muscle tissue and the bone framework of the body

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  1. related to muscle tissue and the bone framework of the body

  2. relating to the heart, blood vessels, and circulation of blood

  3. related to the senses

  4. connected with the ductless glands that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream

  5. evaluate

  6. related to sexual reproduction

  7. awareness of one's own value or worth as a human being = one word beginning with "s"

  8. 助産師

  9. relating to the mind, especially as a function of awareness, feeling, or motivation

  10. 具体的に(は)

  11. any system of persons or things ranked one above another.

  12. 放射線技師

  13. connected with the organs and mechanisms for the removal of liquid waste in the form of urine

  14. 臨床検査技師

  15. related to the brain and the nerves

  16. 帰属感

  17. 倫理的側面

  18. 医療的処置

  19. related to the gastrointestinal tract and the mechanisms for absorbing nutrients from food and drink

  20. 薬剤師

  21. related to the lungs and breathing

  22. a musculomembranous elastic bag serving as a storage place for the urine

  23. 排泄

  24. in a liquid state, containing a lot of water

  25. noun, plural: the portions of • the digestive tube extending from the stomach through the ileocecal valve to the anus, consisting of the duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum, colon, rectum and anal canal

  26. 粘液

  27. 内膜

  28. a gland that secretes juice containing enzymes into the intestine from its exocrine part and insulin from its endocrine part

  29. 電解質

  30. substances in food such as sugar, potatoes, etc that gives your body energy

  31. 虫垂

  32. 便通

  33. an adjective indicating the absence of bacteria

  34. the opposite of "chronic"

  35. the tube through which food passes from the mouth to the stomach

  36. 分解する

  37. 胃潰瘍

  38. 体液

  39. waste material finally expelled from the body in a bowel movement

  40. having a space or cavity inside; not solid; empty:

  41. a protein that acts as a catalyst to induce chemical changes in other substances, itself remaining apparently unchanged by the process

  42. the largest internal organ of the body

  43. eject matter from the stomach through the mouth

  44. the heart and blood vessels, by which blood is pumped and circulated through the body; see also circulatory system.

  45. 心不全

  46. 栄養物、栄養になる食物、栄養素

  47. in the same way

  48. a blood vessel carrying blood toward the heart

  49. 右心房

  50. extreme tiredness

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