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The United Kingdom

The United Kingdom. http://www.elllo.org/english/1001/1027-Shirley-UK.htm. map. England: London Wales: Cardiff Scotland: Edinbourgh Northern Ireland: Belfast. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

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The United Kingdom

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  1. The United Kingdom http://www.elllo.org/english/1001/1027-Shirley-UK.htm

  2. map • England: London • Wales: Cardiff • Scotland: Edinbourgh • Northern Ireland: Belfast

  3. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland • Official language: English + in Wales Welsh is the second spoken language), there are regionl accents, social dialect(it means that people speak different language depending on the education they have and what class they come from), i.e. Cockney dialect, language Gaelic is spoken in some parts of Scotland • Island: Isle of Man, Channel Islands, the Hebrides, the Orkneys • Rivers: Severn (the ongest river in the UK), The River Thames, Avon… • Lakes: Lake Neagh – in Northern Ireland – the largest,Lake Loch Lomond – second largest in the UK, Lake Lch ness, lake Windermere (Lake District – famous for romantic poets Wordsworth and Coleridge • Mountains: Ben Nevis (the highest mountain – 1344m)

  4. Places of Interest: • Stonehenge – built by Celts about 4000 years ago, place of worship, astronomical calendar – summer and winter solstice, celtic priests – Druids • Hadrian´s Wall – built by Caesar Hadrian to protect the empire against the Celts coming from the North • Dover catsle and Secret war Tunnels – built by Napoleon and in the WWII – they functioned as a hospital and communiction centre during the war, white Dover cliffs • Cerne Abbas – chalk Giant • Arundel castle – there were the Knights of the Round table – nowadays the table is in Winchester – this used to be the capital • Cathedrals – York, Salisburry, Canterbury (Thomass Becket was murdered there, Canterburry tales by Chaucer

  5. People and politics • The population: 60 million • UK is a constitutional monarch, the head is the Queen Elisabeth II., • The major political parties are: the Conservative Party (right wing) and the Labour party (left wing) • 2 Chamber parliament – House of Lords and House of Commons • There is Prime Minister (his seat is 10, Downing Street) – now it is David Cameron

  6. Symbols and the Capital city • Symbols: flag (Union Jack) • Anthem: God save the Queen • Capital City: London • St. Patrons: • Ireland: St. Patrick (March 17th) • England: St. George • Wales: St. David • Scotland: St. Andrew • Currency: 1 pound, it has 100 pence (1 penny) • UK is a member of the EU, NATO, but not a member of Eurozone

  7. Important cities: • Glassgow: industry, airport, largest Scottish city • Edinbourgh – Scottish capital • Liverpool: the Beatles, footbal, industry • Manchester, Birmingham, Newcastle, Leeds– industrial cities • Bath – Roman Spa • Plymouth – port • Brighton – the Royal Pavilllion, Pier, beach, favourite holiday destination for Londoners • Hastings: battle of Hastings 1066 king harold was beaten by the Norman king William the Conqueror – who started building the Tower • Oxford, cambridge: the oldest universities

  8. Famous people: • The Beatles • William Shakespeare – born in Stratford upon Avon • Goffrey Chaucer • Henry VIII. – had six wives, established the English Church • Elisabeth I. • King Arthur and the knights of the Round Table - legend • Oliver Cromwell • Princess Diana • Elton John

  9. Popular sports: • Football • Horse polo • Horse racing (in Ascott – women wear great hats) • Cricket, crocket • Golf • Tennis (Wimbledon) • 2012 Olympics was held in London

  10. British food • English breakfast: baked beans, mushrooms, sausages, corn, fried eggs, bacon, toast • Fish and chips (+vinegar) • English tea – they také it with milk, it is usually at 4 or 5 p.m., they have biscuits or a snack with it, a sandwich • Indian, Italian, Chinese take away is popular • Drinks: whiskey (made of barley), beer - guiness

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