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PED 1140 F September 28 th 2011 Reading 2

PED 1140 F September 28 th 2011 Reading 2. KW L. Reading is a conversation. All books talk, but a good book listens as well. Mark Haddon. Greg and Tracey. Critical Thinking. Responses focus on making meaning. Author’s Words Vocabulary Punctuation Style Syntax. Strategies

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PED 1140 F September 28 th 2011 Reading 2

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  1. PED 1140 F September 28th 2011 Reading 2

  2. KWL

  3. Reading is a conversation. All books talk, but a good book listens as well. Mark Haddon

  4. Greg and Tracey

  5. Critical Thinking...

  6. Responses focus on making meaning Author’s Words Vocabulary Punctuation Style Syntax Strategies Using cueing systems Activating prior knowledge Predicting Visualizing Questioning Drawing inferences Finding important information Summarizing Synthesizing and evaluating Monitoring/ revising comprehension Language Knowledge Phonology Morphology Syntax Vocabulary Text Features Use of organizational tools Use of informational tools (glossary, captions) Format/Layout Use of space and graphics Use of illustrations Author’s Purpose Topic Ideas Message Text Knowledge Organizational & informational structure Artistic elements of text Print concepts Text type Self-Concept as a Reader Purpose for reading Interests & Experiences Factual Knowledge

  7. Comprehension Strategies Making connections: to self, other texts, the world Questioning Predicting Visualizing Inferring Summarizing (determining importance) Synthesizing

  8. PLUS: Determining the purpose for reading Activating prior knowledge Evaluating

  9. Questioning: 3 types of question Literal Inferential Critical Where does this story take place? How does ....feel? How do you know ...? What other choices did... Have? Whose point of view is not present ?

  10. The woggilythenksquonkedzerrily mire the herp. • Please answer all questions in complete sentences: • How did the thenksquonk? • Where did the thenksquonk ? • Who squonkedzerrily mire the herp? • Which adjective is used to describe the thenk? • Why did the thenksquonk mire the herp? • What do you think the thenk will do next? • If the thenk had not been woggily would he have squonkedzerrily?

  11. The Dodlings • The dodlings were tiljingruft. When the ruft was polting • the dodlingsgrentedhust then yottedpudge. The preeden • dodlingsonly tiljedmuft so that the ruft was krettile. At • the end of cupa the dodlingsnutedsos then ported crist. • This was done to hopple set. The preedendodlings were • always hirty and lopy unlike the dodlings who were foly • and jist. • What did the dodlings do first? • What did the dodlings do when the ruft was polted? • What were the preedendodlings doing? • Why did the preedendodlings do this? • What did the dodlings do at the end of cupa? • Why did the dodlings do this? • How were the dodlings and the preedendodlings different?

  12. It’s easy to create an answer, the tricky bit is creating a question that actually provokes critical thought.

  13. Working with your group, focusing on your given comprehension strategy, examine your picture books and decide if and how you could use them to help you teach this strategy. What questions would you ask? Be prepared to share your thoughts with the class.

  14. How do you assess comprehension? Reading response questions Oral discussion Tableau Visual representations CASI - Comprehension, Attitude, Strategies, Interests

  15. CASI 4 areas: Knowledge and Understanding Questions 1,4,5 Thinking Questions 2,6,8 Communication Question 3 Application Question 7

  16. The response does not have to be written in formal paragraph format...

  17. Teacher scribing Using a t-chart Student t-chart

  18. KWL

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