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  4. Vision We are a thriving arts, culture and heritage sector contributing to sustainable economic development, and leveraging on partnerships for a socially cohesive nation 4

  5. STRATEGIC GOALS • Development, protection, preservation and promotion of arts, culture and heritage • Job creation • Access to information • Entrenched linguistic diversity • Human Capital Development • Governance and accountability

  6. PROGRAMME DRIVERS • The programmes of the DAC are informed by a range of macro policy positions including: • The Freedom Charter • 2014 Election Manifesto • The National Development Plan (NDP) • The White Paper on Arts, Culture and Heritage, and related legislation • The Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF), and Outcome 14 in particular


  8. MAPPING STUDY • The 2013 Creative Industries Mapping study is the first national statistical benchmark of the South Africa creative economy. • The research was informed by the UNESCO Framework for Cultural Statistics to ensure that the information generated by the study would be comparable with the statistics generated elsewhere in the world. • The aim of the research was to determine the size and economic contribution of the creative industries in South Africa and identifying critical pressures and key trend

  9. MAPPING STUDY Market Profile • Over 70% of respondents in the study reported their primary source of income is own revenue generated from the sale of products and services • Over a third reported that they had received government grants - an indication of the ongoing importance of government financing of the sector. • The majority of organisations (66%) reported that their markets are locally based households and individuals • Only 18% of organisations reported that they exported their products.

  10. MAPPING STUDY Contribution to GDP • The creative economy contributed R90,5 billion directly to the country’s GDP in 2013/2014. • Relative to the total RSA GDP, the creative industries sector contributes 2.9% of GDP. This is similar to benchmark countries Chile and Australia but far below Brazil, for example. Employment • The creative economy accounted for a total number of 562,726 jobs in 2013/2014. • The design and creative services and cultural and natural heritage cluster have the largest employment impact, contributing a combined 54% to total employment. 10

  11. MAPPING STUDY Employment • Relative to employment in the whole of the South African economy, the creative economy contributes 3,6% of total employment. Supporting Women and Young People • Over 50% of enterprises in the sector are black-owned – of which fewer than 60% are owned by menand over 30% are owned by young people. • There is an almost equal split in employment between women and men and the majority of employees are black South Africans. • Furthermore, the sector provides significant opportunities for young people; the majority of employees are below the age of 35 11


  13. Departmental Performance Overview

  14. performance over past 5 financial years

  15. PRIORITY PROGRAMMES • Outcome 14 Coordination • White Paper Finalisation • Mzansi Golden Economy • Heritage Promotion and Preservation • DAC Schools Programme and improving human capacity • Libraries Conditional Grants • Cultural Diplomacy Program • Language development • DAC Entities Governance • National Days • Archives Programme 15

  16. 1. Outcome 14 Co-ordination 16

  17. OUTCOME 14 • The National Development Plan has as its Vision for 2013, that South African will be more conscious of the things they have in common than what they have as their differences. • Working towards this vision, the NDP has set out five (5) long-term nation building goals for South Africa. They are summarised as follows: • Knowledge of the Constitution and fostering Constitutional Values • Equalizing opportunities, promoting inclusion and redress • Promoting social cohesion across society through increased interaction across race and class • Promoting active citizenry and broad-based leadership • Achieving a social compact that will lay the basis for equity, inclusion and prosperity for all. • The MTSF has 14 Outcomes, to which as the Department of Arts and Culture, we lead and coordinate Outcome 14: Nation Building and Social Cohesion 17

  18. KEY DELIVERY PARTNERS • The Implementation Forum comprises the following delivery partners : • Department of Basic Education • Sports and Recreation South Africa • Department of Cooperative Governance • SALGA • Department od Social Development • Department of Women • Department of Home Affairs • Department of Monitoring and Evaluation • Department of Labour • Department of Communications (Brand SA, GCIS) • Department of Traditional Affairs • Department of Justice and Constitutional Development • NGOs and NPOs • Media, Trade Unions and Civil Society Organizations 18

  19. PROGRESS TO DATE: ACHIEVEMENTS • The Implementation Forum chaired by DAC has been constituted. • 4 Progress reports were compiled and submitted to DPME in 2014/15, however there are challenges with regard to the quality and regularity of submissions • Bilateral meetings with various departments to unblock bottle necks have been conducted (with COGTA, DOC, Women, DBE, DTA) 19

  20. CHALLENGES • In spite of significant support of the Outcome by Cabinet, the following challenges continue to be experienced: • The depth and quality of technical assistance to ensure excellent reporting • Absence of data from other spheres of government • Joint responsibility by departments in respect of certain performance indicators • Adherence to set reporting deadlines by delivery partners • Non committal approach by various departments 20

  21. NATION BUILDING AND SOCIAL COHESION PROGRAMME In terms of the 12 resolutions taken at the 2012 Summit, the DAC has fulfilled its responsibilities by: Ensuring that conversations about social cohesion take place at community level through the hosting 30 Community Conversations A draft nation social cohesion toolkit was development in 2014/15 Hosting a report back summit in March 2015 Further, prominent members of society were appointed as Social Cohesion Advocates and provided with platforms to engage with the public about social cohesion matters 21

  22. 2. Revising the White Paper 22

  23. Phase 1: Initiated in October 2014 entailed a preliminary review of the White Paper of 1996 and Revised Draft White Paper and stakeholder consultations which were held as follows: • 18 March – Johannesburg • 26 March – Cape Town • 31 March – Port Elizabeth • 2 April – Durban • There have been some delays in the process, however in the current quarter of 2015/16: • Further consultative workshops to be announced • Phase 1 be concluded and a draft Review Report which will form the basis of the Revised White Paper will be compiled 2. REVISING THE WHITE PAPER 23

  24. 3. Mzansi Golden Economy 24

  25. THE MGE PROGRAMME In 2014/15 all 10 of the MGE work streams, including the Liberation Heritage Route, were implemented with significant successes in many areas as follows: Audience Development Cultural Events: 87 cultural events were supported, including 22 national and regional festivals were supported Touring Ventures: 41 touring ventures and 2 cultural Seasons were supported Public Art: 22 public art projects were implemented 240 Artists were placed in schools in 8 provinces 25

  26. THE MGE PROGRAMME Through the open call process: over 1,000 applications were received, of which 998 were submitted to the Open Call panel for review 186 projects were awarded funding for 2014/2015 across 3 categories 26

  27. THE MGE PROGRAMME Research conducted on the impact of identified cultural events found that: Local audiences in most cases represent up to 50% and more audiences On average 95% indicated that they would return for the festival in the following year. Contribution to the local economy: The National Arts Festival contributed R138,4 million to Grahamstown Cape Town International Jazz Festival contributed R129,2 million to Cape Town MACUFE contributed R64,3 million to Bloemfontein the Marula Festival contributed R20,8 million to the local economy of Phalaborwa Mpumalanga Comes Alive contributed R11 million to Mbombela 27

  28. THE MGE PROGRAMME Building Demand Art Bank: a detailed study on the operational model of the Art Bank was concluded and the National Museum in Bloemfontein was identified as the host institution for the pilot phase 2 cultural precincts in the Western Cape and Kwa-Zulu-Natal were supported A functional pilot Mzansi Golden Market (MGM) portal was developed Building Capacity The NACISA concept was reworked in line with new priorities for the programme, including master classes and incubators 28

  29. THE MGE PROGRAMME The MGE programme recognises the importance of relevant and up-to-date information on the sector to inform projects and programmes. In support of this objective: A 3 year tender for the Cultural Observatory was awarded to Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University . A national mapping study was concluded. 29

  30. 4. Heritage Promotion and Preservation 30

  31. LIBERATION HERITAGE ROUTE/LEGACY PROJECTS The Legacy Project that started in 1998 are part of the Liberation Heritage Route Project which is championed by the Inter-Ministerial Committee under the leadership of the Minister of Arts and Culture. These projects are meant to memorialise events, epochs and people who shaped the history of our country. They are at various stages of development. They are as follows: The Sarah Bartmann Centre of Remembrance: The Breaking of the Ground ceremony for the construction of the Sarah Bartmann Centre of Remembrance took place on 02 May 2014 in Hankey, Eastern Cape. At the end of the 2014/15 financial year progress on site was at 14% due to inclement weather and labour strikes. R24 497 714.48 was spent in the 2014/2015 financial year. The National Heritage Monument: The Steering Committee established to lead the implementation of the National Heritage Monument. Draft MOU with the City of Tshwane regarding the lease of the land is under negotiation. 56 Sculptures were completed. 31

  32. The National Heroes Acre: • Decision was made to locate the National Heroes Acre at the Groenkloof Nature Reserve. • Presentation on the National Heroes Acre and the National Heritage Monument was done to and approved by the SPCHD Cluster in July 2015. • It now awaits presentation to Cabinet. • JL Dube phase 2: • All prioritised elements started, i.e. amphitheatre, access driveway and parking. • Construction of the amphitheatre, access driveway and parking at 85% completion as at 30 March 2015. • The construction as at 29 September - 92% completion. • The revised completion date is 30 March 2016 due to the delay in procuring the tensile roof material from outside South Africa. LIBERATION HERITAGE ROUTE/LEGACY PROJECTS 32

  33. LIBERATION HERITAGE ROUTE/LEGACY PROJECTS • Ncome Phase 2 was officially opened by the President of the Republic of South Africa on 16 December 2014 during the commemoration of the Day of Reconciliation • Ingquza Hill Museum construction of the Admin Block, Exhibition Halls, Rondavels, walkways, Gate house, toilets, perimeter fence is at 55% completion. • The statue of Bhambatha was installed at Greytown on the 2nd of April 2014. • The official unveiling of the statue was scheduled for the 22nd September 2015 and has been postponed 33

  34. THE REPATRIATION PROGRAMME • The Department coordinated three repatriation projects in the financial year 2014/15; namely: • Nat Nakasa; • Moses Kotane; and • JB Marks • Nat Nakasa: • Nat Nakasa died in New York in 1965 after falling from a building in an apparent suicide. • The Minister of Arts and Culture led a delegation consisting of Nakasa family members, officials of the Department of Arts and Culture, Kwa-Zulu Natal Provincial and Local Government and Non-Governmental Organisations to accompany his exhumed remains from New York. • The Reburial of Nat Nakasa took place at Heroes Acre Cemetery - in Chesterville, Kwa-Zulu Natal on 13 September 2015. 34

  35. THE REPATRIATION PROGRAMME • Moses Kotane and JB Marks • The Repatriation Process of both Moses Kotane and JB Marks was undertaken in 4 phases, namely: Exhumation, Reception Ceremony, Memorial Service and reburials. The process was coordinated by the Presidency in collaboration with the Department of Arts and Culture. • Exhumation: The remains of Moses Kotane and JB Marks were exhumed on 13 February 2015. The exhumation delegation included the families of Kotane and JB Marks, the Kotane family Traditional Doctor to undertake required rituals, the Technical Team consisting of the Department of Arts and Culture, the South African Heritage Resources Authority, and the representatives of the North West Provincial and Local Government. • Repatriation: The Minister of Arts and Culture, Mr Nathi Mthethwa, led the Repatriation Delegation to Moscow 24 February – 1 March 2015 . • Reception Ceremony: The Reception Ceremony took place at the Waterkloof Base on 1 March 2015 • A Memorial Service was held at the City Hall in Johannesburg on 6 March 2015 • Reburial of Moses Kotane took place on 14 March 2015 in Pella. • Reburial of JB Marks took place on 22 March 2015 in Ventersdorp. 35

  36. THE REPATRIATION PROGRAMME • Challenges • The Department has no national policy on repatriation. The repatriations have been undertaken on an ad hoc basis. Hence the Department has initiated the process of developing a national policy that will provide standardized guidelines on the repatriation of human remains. • The budget involved in repatriations is significant and as such there are serious budget constraints. 36

  37. GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES PROGRAMME The South African Geographical Names Council is established through the South African Geographical Names Council Act (Act No 118 of 1998) In the 2014/15 financial year no new names were gazetted due to the late appointment of the SAGNC. Challenges Resistance to change which escalate to court cases challenging Minister’s decision. On 8 May 2014 the Pretoria High Court rule in favour of the Minister on Nelspruit to Mbombela name change and there is another outstanding matter on Louis Trichardt to Makhado name change. The Pretoria name change has been in the main stream in the media for the past ten years and was referred back to City of Tshwane Metro for public participation.   A lack of definition or clarity on public participation and consultation in relation to standardisation of geographical names. 37

  38. NATIONAL SYMBOLS PROGRAMME The Bureau of Heraldry is responsible for designing, registering and promoting national symbols to advance nation building and social cohesion. The Bureau designed and registered 54 heraldic representations in this financial year. The National Orders Award Ceremony which was held in April 2014, was co-ordinated with the Presidency and the Department of Public Works. This event was a great success. 38

  39. 5. The DAC Schools Program and Improving Human Capacity 40

  40. THE SCHOOLS PROGRAMME A total number of 14 415 flags were installed in schools. This was part of The Flag in Every School Project, which aims to advance Nation Building, Social Cohesion and the popularization of National Symbols. A total of 6359 schools received a set of six posters with – The National Anthem (translated in eleven official languages), the Preamble to the SA Constitution and National Symbols and National Orders. Furthermore, each of the schools received 30 National Identity Passport of Patriotism booklets. Over and above the Artists in Schools Programme: 4 arts education programmes were implemented jointly with DBE: South African Schools Chorale Eisteddfod (SASCE) The Spelling Bee Inner City High Schools Drama Festival CAPS support (capacity building workshops for the creative arts teachers and subject advisors Distribution of 5 000 arts, culture and heritage careers booklets 40

  41. LANGUAGE BURSARIES The DAC completed the last year of a 3 year cycle of the Language Bursary project. Over the 3 year period, over 900 bursary opportunities were provided at tertiary educational institutions across the country with 284 offered in 2014/15 at the following institutions: University of Limpopo (39) Walter Sisulu University (50) University of Zululand (41) University of South Africa (118) University of Johannesburg (36) 41

  42. HERITAGE BURSARIES In 2014 the Department of Arts and Culture embarked on a bursary programme to increase the number of practitioners in the heritage sector. In 2014/15 financial year 73 students were sponsored, of whom 54 were women and 29 were men 4 students registered for diplomas, 50 for BA degrees, 2 for certificates, 10 for Honours degrees, 5 for Masters degrees and 2 for PhD degrees Students registered at the following universities: University of Johannesburg University of KwaZulu-Natal The University of the Witwatersrand University of Cape Town University of the Western Cape UNISA University of the North West University of Limpopo 42

  43. Training and Incubation Programmes 527 training programmes were implemented for DAC and 30 interns were placed in various units of the Department Training programmes in particular scarce skill areas were hosted for the sector, including: Film and script writing Visual arts residencies Design Music video production A call for incubator proposals was initiated in preparation for the launch of the programme in 2015/16 43

  44. 6. Library Program 44

  45. Community libraries • 17 new libraries were completed: • 14 built: (Eastern Cape: Sterkspruit, Lady Frere, Tsolo; Gauteng: Wedela, Rietvallei, Leondale, Evaton North, Olievenhoutbosch; KwaZulu-Natal: Ndumo and Nkungumathe; Mpumalanga: eMjindini; North West: Lomanyaneng and Tlokweng; Western Cape: Prince Alfred Hamlet) • 3 modular structures: Gauteng - Rooiport and Stinkwater and in Limpopo - Makahlule. • 20 Libraries upgraded: • (2 in Eastern Cape: Mthatha and Port Alfred; 2 in Free State: Tswelopele and Bloemfontein Phase ii; 1 in Gauteng: Silverton; 2 in KwaZulu-Natal: Escourt and Nondweni; 5 in Northern Cape: Kareeberg, Richtersveld, Beaconsfield, Judy Scott and Sonny Leon libraries); 8 in Limpopo (Vaalwater, Lebowakgomo, Letsitele, Kgapane, Phalaborwa, Westernburg, Grobblersdal and Leboneng) • Library Material Purchased: 592 904 45

  46. Community libraries • The following was possible through the conditional grant funding: • 1676 library staff were employed, • provision of free internet access, • A service for the visually impaired was established at 27 libraries. • The resources of public libraries are harnessed in supplementing educational resources, supporting early childhood development and providing desperately needed skills to the youth to increase their employment opportunities. • The Department, in partnership with the Department of Basic Education, has started to build libraries in close proximity to schools. Nine dual purpose libraries were established in Gauteng, Limpopo and the Free State. 46

  47. 7. Cultural Diplomacy Program 47

  48. THE INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS PROGRAMME 2 Seasons were hosted in 2014/15; the SA Year in China and the first year of the UK/SA Season The Charter on the African Cultural Renaissance was ratified in May 2014 and launched in October 2014 with an implementation strategy that incorporate the aspirations of the AU Agenda 2063; SA is the 8th country in Africa to ratify the Charter. DAC hosted the Inaugural NEPAD Regional Conference on Arts Education for SADC which took place in March 2014, in Newtown 15 bilateral cultural agreement were implemented and serviced including those with Argentina, Sweden, the UK, China, France, Burundi, Algeria and Saudi Arabia Final consultation on the 1st Quadrennial Country Report on the 2005 UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity was held and the report was completed. It will now be submitted to Cabinet for approval. DAC participated in 8 multilateral fora including BRICS, AU, SADC and NEPAD. 48

  49. 8. Language 49

  50. LANGUAGE POLICY The South African Language Practitioner’s Council Act, 2014 (Act No. 8 of 2014) aims to regulate the language profession, training language practitioners and provides control of the accreditation and registration of language practitioners was promulgated The DAC approved its language policy before the 2nd of November 2014 deadline in compliance with the Use of Official Languages Act, 2012 (Act No. 12 of 2012). 50

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