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Cross-section Covariance Data in BROND-2.2

Review of Available Cross Section Covariance Matrices and their use in the scope of reactor physics benchmarks. Cross-section Covariance Data in BROND-2.2. File types are MF= 33 (cross sections) The Nuclides are: C-0, Au-197, Pb-0. Cross-section Covariance Data in CENDL-2.1.

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Cross-section Covariance Data in BROND-2.2

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  1. Review of Available Cross Section Covariance Matrices and their use in the scope of reactor physics benchmarks SG-26, 3 May 2006

  2. Cross-section Covariance Data in BROND-2.2 • File types are • MF= 33 (cross sections) • The Nuclides are: • C-0, Au-197, Pb-0 SG-26, 3 May 2006

  3. Cross-section Covariance Data in CENDL-2.1 • File types are • MF=31 (), 32 (resonances), 33 (cross sections), 34 (angular distributions) • The Nuclides are: • H-2, H-3, O-16, F-19, Mn-55, Fe-56, U-235, U-238, Pu-240, Am-241 SG-26, 3 May 2006

  4. Cross-section Covariance Data in ENDF/B-VI.7 • File types are • MF=31 (), 32 (resonances), 33 (cross sections) • The Nuclides are: • Li-7, C-0, F-19, Na-23, Si-0, Si-28, Si-29, Si-30, Ti-46, Ti-47, Ti-48, V-0, Cr-50, Cr-52, Cr-53, Cr-54, Mn-55, Fe-54, Fe-56, Fe-57, Fe-58, Co-59, Ni-58, Ni-60, Ni-61, Ni-62, Ni-64, Cu-63, Cu-65, Y-89, Nb-93, In-0, In-115, Re-185, Re-187, Au-197, Pb-206, Pb-207, Pb-208, Bi-209, Th-232, U-235, U-238, Pu-240, Pu-242, Am-241 SG-26, 3 May 2006

  5. Cross-section Covariance Data in ENDF/B-V • File types are • MF=31 (), 32 (resonances), 33 (cross sections), • The Nuclides are: • H-1, Li-6, Li-7, Be-9, B-10, C-0, N-14, O-16, F-19, Na-23, Al-27, Si-0, Sc-45, Ti-46, Ti-47, Ti-48, Cr-0, Mn-55, Fe-0, Fe-54, Fe-56, Fe-58, Co-59, Ni-0, Ni-60, Cu-63, Cu-65, In-115, I-127, Au-197, Pb-0, Th-232, U-235, U-238, Np-237, Pu-239, Pu-240, Pu-241, Am-241. SG-26, 3 May 2006

  6. Cross-section Covariance Data in JEFF-3.0 • File types are • MF=31 (), 33 (cross sections), 34 (angular distributions) • The Nuclides are: • H-3, C-0, F-19, Si-28, V-0, Cr-50, Cr-53, Cr-54 Mn-55, Fe-54, Co-59, Ni-58, Ni-60, Ni-61, Ni-62, Ni-64, Cu-63, Cu-65, Y-89, Nb-93, Re-185, Re-187, Au-197, Bi-209, Th-232, U-238 SG-26, 3 May 2006

  7. Cross-section Covariance Data in JEF-2.2 • File types are • MF=31 (), 33 (cross sections) • The Nuclides are: • H-1, Li-6, Li-7, Be-9, C-0, Co-59, Ni-58, Ni-60, Ni-61, Ni-62, Ni-64, Y-89, Au-197, U-235, U-238 SG-26, 3 May 2006

  8. Cross-section Covariance Data in EFF-2.4 • File types are • MF= 33 (cross sections), 34 (angular distributions) • The Nuclides are: • H-1, Li-6, C-0, F-19, Al-27, V-0, Cr-52, Mn-55, Fe-56, Co-59, Ni-58, Ni-60, Ni-61, Ni-62, Ni-64, Cu-63, Cu-65, Nb-93, Re-185, Re-187 SG-26, 3 May 2006

  9. Cross-section Covariance Data in JENDL-3.3 • File types are • MF=31 (), 32 (resonances), 33 (cross sections),34 (angular distributions) & 35 (spectra) • The Nuclides are: • H-1, B-10, B-11, O-16, Na-23, Ti-48, V-0, Cr-52, Mn-55, Fe-56, Co-59, Ni-58, Ni-60, Zr-90, U-233, U-235, U-238, Pu-239, Pu-240, Pu-241 ERRORR-J module required for processing of some materials SG-26, 3 May 2006

  10. Processed Multigroup Covariance Data Libraries • ZZ-COVFILS: 30-Group Neutron Cross-Section Covariance Library from ENDF/B-V (in BOXER format) • ZZ-COVFILS-2: 74-Group Covariances for Fusion Reactors, (ENDF/B-V) • PUFF-2: Multigroup Covariance Matrices from ENDF/B-V & processing code (COVERX Format) • ZZ-DOSCOV: 24-Group Covariance DataLibrary from ENDF/B-V for Dosimetry Calculation • ZZ-COVERV: Multigroup Cross-Section Covariance Matrices from ENDF/B-V SG-26, 3 May 2006

  11. Processed Multigroup Covariance Data Libraries (cont.) • ZZ-VITAMIN J/COVA: Covariance Matrix Data Library based on JEF-1, ENDF/B-IV and -V data; processing & verification codes • ZZ-VITA.-J/COVA/EFF2: EFF-2.3 covariance matrices for 18 materials, detector response function covariances from IRDF 90.2 • ZZ-VITAMIN-J/COVA/EFF3: EFF-3 covariance matrices for 5 materials: Be-9, Si-28, Fe-56, Ni-58, Ni-60; processing and verification utilities • ERROR-J: processing code & JENDL-3.2, -3.3 covariance matrices SG-26, 3 May 2006

  12. EFF-3 Covariance Matrix Library Content of the library: • EFF-3 covariance matrices:Be-9, Si-28, Ni-58, Ni-60, Fe-56 - provided in BOXER format - energy group structure as in evaluated files - only File-33 data included • ANGELO-2 code for interpolation of covariance matrices to user defined energy group structure; only file-33 covariance matrices can be treated • LAMBDA code for verification of mathematical properties of covariance matrices • Reports with plots and lists of eigenvalues of all File 33 & 34 covariances SG-26, 3 May 2006

  13. Be-9 covariance matrix processing with ANGELO and NJOY codes NJOY (from evaluated data files) ANGELO (from BOXER library) SG-26, 3 May 2006

  14. NEA-1730: ZZ-COV-15GROUP- Covariance Data Review Processing of available covariance data into 15 energy groups for intercomparison and use (GEN-IV, ADS) - NEA, FzK, ANL (M. Salvatores, G. Palmiotti) ENDF/B-V: H-1, Li-6, B-10, C-12, N-14, O-16, Pb EFF-3: Be-9, Fe-56, Ni-58, Si-28 IRDF-2002: Li-6(n,t), B-10(n,a), F-19(n,2n), Al-27(n,a), Fe-56(n,p), Ni-58(n,2n)&(n,p), Zr-90(n,2n), Th-232(n,f)&(n,g), U-235(n,f), U-238(n,f)&(n,g), Np-237(n,f), Pu-239(n,f), Am-241(n,f) ENDF/B-VI.8:Li-7, F-19, Na-23, Si-0, Cr-52, Fe-56, Fe-57, Pb-206, Pb-207, Pb-208, Bi-209, Th-232, U-235(nu-bar), U-238(nu-bar, few inelastic levels), Pu-240 JENDL-3.3: Zr, U-233, U-238, Pu-239, Pu-241, Th-232 * in red – some problems persist SG-26, 3 May 2006

  15. IRPhEInternational Reactor Physics Experiments Database Project NEA Secretary: E. Sartori Chairman: J. Gadó Technical review co-ordinator: B. Briggs Project supervisors: P. D’hondt, A. Hasegawa, A. Zaetta June 2003 mandate and work programme approved by NSC IRPhE started officially since December 2003 Funds from the Government of Japan http://www.nea.fr/html/dbprog/IRPhE-latest.htm SG-26, 3 May 2006

  16. KRITZ-2 Benchmarks • Transport calculation by THREEDANT and TWODANT: input and JEF-2.2 cross-sections provided by Winfried Zwermann, GRS (18 energy groups, P-3, S-8) • KRITZ 2.1, 2.13 and 2.19 cold & hot configurations • SUSD3D sensitivity and uncertainty analysis using: • Direct and adjoint flux moments from THREE/TWO - DANT • partial cross-sections processed by NJOY/GROUPR (thermal-1/e-fission+fusion weighting, severals0) • covariance matrices processed by NJOY/ERRORR and NJOY/ERROR-J: ENDF/B-V, IRDF-90, JENDL-3.2, -3.3, (JEF-2.2, JEFF-3.0) SG-26, 3 May 2006

  17. Kritz 2.1c: Uncertainties (in pcm) based on various covariance data SG-26, 3 May 2006

  18. Pu-239(n,f) IRDF-90 JENDL-3.2 SG-26, 3 May 2006

  19. SNEAK-7A&7B SG-26, 3 May 2006

  20. SNEAK-7A&7B SG-26, 3 May 2006

  21. Fe-56(n,el) EFF-3.1 JENDL-3.2 SG-26, 3 May 2006

  22. Fe-56(n,inel) EFF-3.1 JENDL-3.2 SG-26, 3 May 2006

  23. GANDR- Sensitivity-Based Global Assessment of Nuclear Data Requirements • Project of the IAEA Nuclear Data Section (D. W. Muir) • Tool for evaluating the potential contribution of a new experiment for improving precision of basic nuclear data. This aims at facilitating the choice between different nuclear data measurement proposals. • It is based in sensitivity and uncertainty analysis methods • A global evaluation of covariance matrices is necessary taking into account the complete information available on the nuclear data, including both differential and integral data (ZOTTVL). SG-26, 3 May 2006

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