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Building Family/School Partnerships to Address Trauma: Why? and How!

Building Family/School Partnerships to Address Trauma: Why? and How!. Kelly Henderson , Formed Families Forward, Virginia Debra Jennings , Center for Parent Information and Resources, SPAN of NJ Maribel Saimre , Virginia Department of Education. OSEP Disclaimer.

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Building Family/School Partnerships to Address Trauma: Why? and How!

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  1. Building Family/School Partnerships to Address Trauma: Why? and How! Kelly Henderson, Formed Families Forward, Virginia Debra Jennings, Center for Parent Information and Resources, SPAN of NJ Maribel Saimre, Virginia Department of Education

  2. OSEP Disclaimer 2019 OSEP Leadership Conference DISCLAIMER: The contents of this presentation were developed by the presenters for the 2019 OSEP Leadership Conference. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1221e-3 and 3474)

  3. Resource Collection on Trauma-Informed Care A resource collection compiled for and by Parent Centers https://www.parentcenterhub.org/trauma-informed-care-resource-collection/

  4. Resource Collection on Trauma-Informed Care • Compiled and reviewed by:Gail Osborne, the First Resource Center (NC)Kelly Henderson, Formed Families Forward (VA) • Coordinators at the Region 2 PTAC @ ECAC:Laura Weber, Executive Director Terri Leyton, TA Coordinator • Curated by the Center for Parent Information& Resources (CPIR):Debra Jennings, Director Developed&reviewed by a team of Parent Centers— —specifically for Parent Centers to use in their work supporting & empowering parents and families of children with disabilities.

  5. At a Glance| How Collection was Developed Kept spreadsheet of resources that “passed” & created mini-descriptions Identified what was available out there Reviewed all for suitability for Parent Centers

  6. At a Glance | The Resource Collection 1 | Basic information about trauma 2 | What is trauma-informed care? 3 | Trauma and specific populations 4 | Building trauma-informed schools 5 | Responding to disasters Sections of the Collection What kind of resources? What kind of resources? 1-pagers—infographics—briefs—videos—fact sheets—training materials—websites—webinars—Spanish and other language resources—more!

  7. 1 | Basic Information about Trauma https://www.parentcenterhub.org/trauma-basics/

  8. 1 | Basic Information about Trauma Introductory Info about Trauma What is Trauma? | Video This 4-minute video set to music (no spoken words) uses pictures and short text to show different kinds of trauma, trauma’s impact, and what it means to be “trauma-informed” in how you respond to others. 2 examples What is Childhood Trauma7-page infographic booklet in PDF

  9. Understanding Trauma | Video Videos and Fact Sheets from Formed Families Forward Introductory Info about Trauma VTSS Video Example https://www.parentcenterhub.org/trauma-basics/

  10. 1 | Basic Information about Trauma Parenting a Child Who Has Experienced Trauma 8-page, easy-to-read fact sheet Helping Children Cope After a Traumatic Event: A Recovery Guide for Parents, Teachers, and Community Leaders 9-page guide from Child Mind Institute How Parents and Caregivers Can Help and Support Children 2 examples

  11. 2 | What is Trauma-Informed Care? https://www.parentcenterhub.org/trauma-informed-care/ • This part of the Resource Collection is organized in 4 sections: • What is Trauma-Informed Care? • Websites to Explore • Videos and Webinars • On Becoming a Trauma-Informed Organization

  12. 2 | What is Trauma-Informed Care? “Trauma-informed care isa strengths-based service delivery approach… …that is grounded in an understanding of and responsiveness to the impact of trauma.” Hopper, Bassuk, & Olivet, 2010

  13. 2 | What is Trauma-Informed Care? “Becoming trauma‐informed usually requires a multi‐year initiative involving mandated staff training, broad administrative buy‐in, policy changes, and persistent reinforcement...” Traumatic Stress Institute On Becoming a Trauma-Informed Organization 1 example Walking the Walk 2-pager, tells what’s needed for an organization to become trauma-informed—one key is professional development.

  14. 3 | Trauma and Specific Populations Trauma-Informed Practices: Considerations for the IEP Meeting • This part of the Resource Collection is organized in 4 sections: • Trauma and Disabilities • Trauma and Native Americans • Trauma and Youth • Trauma and Youth in Juvenile Justice 2 examples Trauma Sensitivity During the IEP Process https://www.parentcenterhub.org/trauma-specific-groups/

  15. 4 | Building Trauma-Informed Schools https://www.parentcenterhub.org/trauma-schools/ • What Does It Mean to Be a Trauma-Informed School? • In the Classroom: Info for Educators • Tools and Training for Professional Development in School Systems • Self-Assessment and Other Resources Share these resources with educators in the classroom and with school leadership!

  16. 5 | Responding to Disasters https://www.parentcenterhub.org/disaster-response/ Wildfires Hurricanes Tornados Floods Earthquakes • Preparing for a Natural Disaster • Responding During a Natural Disaster • Afterwards: Support and Recovery

  17. 5 | Responding to Disasters 3 Examples Responding during… Supporting after… Preparing for… Make a Plan A checklist of steps to take and supportive links to help you do so. Available in many languages. Parent Guidelines for Helping Children after a...Info in English & Spanish tailored to fit the specific disaster. SAMHSA’s Disaster App Access critical, disaster-related resources right from your phone.

  18. At a Glance| Ways You Can Use This Collection For Families For Your Center/Agency For Yourself To learn more about the effects of trauma In staff training To find resources to share with families To find resources for families in different formats To learn about providing trauma-informed care To build capacity as a trauma-sensitive center or agency To support families in a natural disaster

  19. Virginia’s Focus

  20. Virginia Tiered Systems of Supports

  21. VTSS Cascading Model of Support

  22. VTSS Defined Virginia Tiered Systems of Supports (VTSS) is a data-informed decision making framework for establishing the academic, behavioral, and social emotional supports needed for the school to be an effective learning environment for all students. Adapted from the OSEP Center on PBIS, 2010

  23. Trauma: The Big Picture

  24. Teaming • Mental Wellness Workgroup • Trauma Subcommittee • Guideline Subcommittee • Project Aware pilot sites • MW demonstration site

  25. Collaboration • Formed Families Forward • Appalachia Regional Comprehensive Center • PBIS Midwest • VTSS Systems Coaches • School Divisions within Virginia • Trauma-Informed Community Networks • School of Education Doctoral Capstone Project • Governor’s Children’s Cabinet Trauma-Informed Care Workgroup Workgroup • SAMHSA • Department of Behavioral Health and Development Services (DBHDS)

  26. Tier 1 Training – Trauma Enhancement • VTSS divisions and school leadership teams are offered a three-day professional learning opportunity designed to enhance their VTSS Tier 1 implementation with trauma-sensitive practices. This session focuses on: • Foundational understanding of the prevalence of trauma • Evaluating the impact trauma may have on an educational community • Universal strategies to work with all students in a trauma-sensitive manner • Anchored to the Tiered Systems of Support • Professional Learning • Self-Care • Family, Student, Community Engagement

  27. School Division Example

  28. VTSS Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) Companion Guide: Mental Health Planning Tool

  29. An Eye to the Future… • Continued Tier 1 professional learning and follow-up coaching on trauma-sensitive practices • State-level capacity building of VTSS Systems Coaches • Development of targeted and intensive support training materials • Lens on family engagement • Focus on training supports for Specialized Instructional Support Personnel • Collaboration with other agencies on aligning training efforts

  30. OSEP Disclaimer 2019 OSEP Leadership Conference DISCLAIMER: The contents of this presentation were developed by the presenters for the 2019 OSEP Leadership Conference. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. (Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1221e-3 and 3474)

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