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OSHA. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION. Purpose of OSHA. Establish standards for safety in the workplace Enforce the standards. Employer Responsibility. Furnish a place of employment which is free from hazards Comply with OSHA standards Keep records.

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  2. Purpose of OSHA Establish standards for safety in the workplace Enforce the standards

  3. Employer Responsibility Furnish a place of employment which is free from hazards Comply with OSHA standards Keep records

  4. EmployeeResponsibility Comply with OSHA standards, rules, and regulations No person may be fired or treated with discrimination for filing a complaint

  5. Inspections, Investigations, and Reporting-should take place at reasonable times-may require attendanceand testimony of witnesses under oath

  6. Inspections, Investigations, and Reporting -investigate records-any employee that knows or believes a violation of a safety or health standard exists may request an inspection

  7. Citations If a violation of a standard is made, a citation will be issued. Citations should: Be written Describe the nature of the violation

  8. Procedures for Enforcement Notification by certified mail of penalty Employer has 15 days to notify that he wishes to contest the citation/penalty Reasonable amount of time will be allowed for compliance If compliance is not made by a set date, another penalty/citation may be issued

  9. Judicial Review • Hearing held to review the citation/penalty

  10. State Jurisdiction and State Plans • States are allowed to assume responsibility for development and enforcement of OSHA standards after complying with steps taken under the Federal Department of Labor

  11. Federal Agency and State Programs and Responsibilities • The head of each Federal Agency has the responsibility to establish and maintain an effective and comprehensive occupational safety and health program.

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