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Test Facilities (Purdue Zucrow Laboratories)

Ricky Hinton January 24 th , 2008 Propulsion Group Preliminary Analysis of Purdue Test Facilities at Zucrow Laboratories. Test Facilities (Purdue Zucrow Laboratories). High Pressure Rocket Laboratories Nitrogen system provides 5,000 psi (34,474 kPa) chamber pressure

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Test Facilities (Purdue Zucrow Laboratories)

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  1. Ricky HintonJanuary 24th, 2008Propulsion GroupPreliminary Analysis of Purdue Test Facilities at Zucrow Laboratories AAE 450 Spring 2008

  2. Test Facilities (Purdue Zucrow Laboratories) • High Pressure Rocket Laboratories • Nitrogen system provides 5,000 psi (34,474 kPa) chamber pressure • Up to 10,000 lbf (44,482 N) Thrust stand capabilities • Propellants/ Oxidizers currently tested: H2O2, Liquid Hydrocarbon, LOX • Mass flow rate up to 15 lb/s (6.8 kg/s) maximum. • Max thrust stand capabilities and common T/W ratios to find sizing if we were to use Zucrow for testing AAE 450 Spring 2008 Propulsion Group

  3. Cost Analysis of using Zucrow • Points to consider • Possible facility development costs: Fuel /Ox injection system • Construction of the actual test engine • “People hours” associated with running the tests • Cost of materials: propellants, oxidizers, nitrogen • Handling costs for fuels (toxic) Future Work • Working with Professor Anderson to obtain a much more detailed cost analysis associated with using the Zucrow facilities. • With new group run codes with final prop/traj/struct code AAE 450 Spring 2008 Group Name (i.e.Trajectory Optimization)

  4. References • Klaurans, B. “The Vanguard Satellite Launching Vehicle” The Martin Company. No. 11022 April 1964 • Propulsion Test Facilities at the Purdue university Maurice J Zucrow Laboratories. Pourpoint, Meyer, Ehresman http://pdf.aiaa.org/preview/CDReadyMJPC07_1492/PV2007_5333.pdf • Renovated Rocket Lab At Purdue Is National Resource. Space Daily, June 26, 2003. http://www.spacedaily.com/news/rocketscience-03zf.html AAE 450 Spring 2008

  5. Backup Slides • Atlas IIA has T/W = 1.2 • Vanguard final design T/W as low as 1.2 from specs on pg 170. Thrust = 28,000 lb, GLOW = 22,823 lb T/W =28,000 lb / 22,823 lb = 1.227 • Before that Viking launch vehicle had takeoff T/W = 1.34 AAE 450 Spring 2008 Group Name (i.e.Trajectory Optimization)

  6. Excel spreadsheet for T/W ratios and sizing numbers AAE 450 Spring 2008

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