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Dynamic Topology Construction in Bluetooth Scatternets

Dynamic Topology Construction in Bluetooth Scatternets. Mukesh Kumar : Dept. of CSE, I.T.B.H.U, Varanasi Navin K Sharma : Computer Associates, Hyderabad Rajarshi Roy : Dept. of ECE, IIT Kharagpur Shamik Sural : School of IT, IIT Kharagpur.

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Dynamic Topology Construction in Bluetooth Scatternets

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  1. Dynamic Topology Construction in Bluetooth Scatternets Mukesh Kumar : Dept. of CSE, I.T.B.H.U, Varanasi Navin K Sharma : Computer Associates, Hyderabad Rajarshi Roy : Dept. of ECE, IIT Kharagpur Shamik Sural : School of IT, IIT Kharagpur

  2. Introduction • Bluetooth Technology • Piconet and Scatternet • Master, Slave and Bridge • Frequency Hopping • Synchronization with Master • Power Constraint • Scatternet Formation Algorithms: Bluetooth Topology Construction Protocol (BTCP), Distributed Tree Scatternet Formation Protocol (DTSFP), Bluetree and Bluenet Protocol, etc.

  3. Continued……. • Few Commonalities : -> Assumption of a leader election process -> Topology optimization starting with a fixed set of Bluetooth nodes -> Deferring the problem of topology reconstruction as a future extension -> Approach the topology construction problem as a stand-alone problem and not as an outcome of specified properties of Bluetooth nodes • Dynamic Topology Construction : -> Bottom up Approach -> Dynamic approach instead of one-time stand alone approach -> Topology formation specific properties integrated with the normal operations of Bluetooth nodes -> A practical approach

  4. Dynamic Topology Construction Algorithm • Attempts to form fully connected and balanced network • Fault Tolerant Network • Four roles are defined: -> Isolated (I) -> Master (M) -> Slave (S) -> Bridge (B) • The complete algorithm consists of five routines: -> Start-Up Routine (SUR) -> Next State Routine (NSR) -> Piconet Formation and Modification Routine (PFMR) -> Scatternet Formation and Modification Routine (SFMR) -> Normal Communication Routine (NCR)

  5. Continued…. • Each routine resides within every Bluetooth device and gets called depending on the current role of the device and discovery of other devices. • Certain Terminologies used for smooth progression of algorithm: -> PI : probability with which an isolated node goes to Inquiry state -> PM : probability with which a master goes to Inquiry state -> TI : time for which a node will stay in Inquiry state -> TIS : time for which a node will stay in Inquiry Scan state -> P(i) : Piconet containing node i -> B(i,j) : Bridge node between two piconets having node i and j as their master -> NBS(i) : Total no. of non bridge slaves of the piconet whose master is i. -> n(i) : Total no. of slaves of the piconet whose master is i. -> F(mi,pi) : A function of the memory ‘m’ and power ‘p’ of a node i.

  6. Start-up Routine(SUR)

  7. Piconet Formation and Modification Routine (PFMR)

  8. M 1 Isolated Node (Inquiry) Isolated Node (I-Scan) S 1 S 1 S 5 M 2 S 2 S 2 M 2 S 4 S 4 S 3 S 3

  9. Scatternet Formation and Modification Routine (SFMR)

  10. S 1 S 6 S 7 M 1 S 5 M 2 S 2 S 4 S 3 S 3 S 7 S 1 S 5 M 1 M 2 S 6 S 4 S 2

  11. S 7 S 3 S 5 S 1 S 6 M 2 S 4 M 1 S 2 S 3 S 7 M 1 S 5 M 3 S 1 S 8 S 6 M 2 S 2 S 9 S 4 S 10 M 3 S 9 S 10 S 8

  12. S 3 S 7 S 6 M 1 S 5 S 1 M 2 S 2 S 4 M 3 S 9 S 3 S 10 M 4 S 7 S 11 S 8 S 6 S 11 M 1 S 1 S 5 M 2 S 2 S 4 M 3 S 9 S 12 S 10 S 8

  13. Simulation Results

  14. Conclusions and Future Scope • This algorithm address a dynamic scenario • Balanced and minimum hope connectivity • Minimize inter piconet communication delay • No need of leader election • Distributed and fault tolerant • Very low computational cost • An efficient scheduling and routing algorithm can be incorporated

  15. References • The Bluetooth Special Interest Group. http://www.bluetooth.com. Specification of the Bluetooth system, Volume 1, Core. • B. A. Miller, C. Bisdikian, Bluetooth Revealed: The Insider's Guide to an Open Specification for Global Wireless Communications, Prentice Hall, USA, 2000. • J. Haartsen, Bluetooth - the universal radio interface for ad-hoc, wireless connectivity, Ericsson Review, 3 (1998) 110–117. • T. Salonidis, P. Bhagwat, L. Tassiulas, R. LaMaire, Distributed topology construction of Bluetooth personal area networks, Proc. Infocom (2001). • G. Miklos, A. Racz, Z. Turanyi, A. Valko, P. Johansson, Performance aspects of Bluetooth scatternet formation, Proc. The First Annual Workshop on Mobile Ad-hoc Networking and Computing, (2000) 147-148. • G. Tan, Self-organizing Bluetooth scatternets, Master’s thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, January 2002. • C.Law, A.K.Mehta, K-Y Siu, A New Bluetooth Scatternet Formation Protocol, ACM/Kluwer Journal on Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), Special Issue on Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, 8 (2003). • S. Basagni, C. Petrioli, Multihop Scatternet Formation for Bluetooth Networks, Proc. VTC (2002) 424-428. • J. Yun, J. Kim, Y-S Kim, J.S. Ma, A three-phase ad-hoc network formation protocol for Bluetooth Systems, The 5th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, (2002) 213 –217. • S.Basagni, R.Bruno, A Petrioli, A Performance Comparison of Scatternet Formation Protocols for Networks of Bluetooth Devices, IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom’03) (2003) 341-350. • R. Guerin, J. Rank, S. Sarkar, E. Vergetis, Forming Connected Topologies in Bluetooth Adhoc Networks, International Teletraffic Congress (ITC18), Berlin, Germany (2003). • M. A. Marsan, C. F. Chiasserini, A. Nucci, G. Carello, L. De Giovanni, Optimizing the Topology of Bluetooth Wireless Personal Area Networks, Proc. Infocom (2002). • R. Roy, M. Kumar, N.K. Sharma, S. Sural, P3-A Power-aware Polling Scheme with Priority for Bluetooth. Proc. International Conf. on Parallel Processing (ICPP) Workshops, 2004, Montreal, Canada (to appear).

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