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Break-out group discussion

Break-out group discussion. Aim: Get support for future work on assessments; Discuss proposed topics as potential European-level thematic assessments; Share experiences between NRCs and get the regional aspects of the proposed issues. . eea.europa.eu. Break-out group discussion.

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Break-out group discussion

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  1. Break-out group discussion • Aim: • Get support for future work on assessments; • Discuss proposed topics as potential European-level thematic assessments; • Share experiences between NRCs and get the regional aspects of the proposed issues. eea.europa.eu

  2. Break-out group discussion Three proposed topics: 1) Restoring ecosystems and their services 2) Linking Nature Directives (Habitats & Birds), WFD and MSFD 3) European biodiversity challenges in a global perspective • Identify potential key messages • Country experiences: case studies/best practise/relevant indicators • Other topics of relevance? eea.europa.eu

  3. Topic 1: Restoring ecosystems and their services eea.europa.eu

  4. Topic 1: Restoring ecosystems and their services • CBD: Aichi target 15 as “By 2020, ecosystem resilience and the contribution of biodiversity to carbon stocks has been enhanced, through conservation and restoration, including restoration of at least 15% of degraded ecosystems,….“ • EU Biodiversity Strategy: target 2 as “By 2020, ecosystems and their services are maintained and enhanced by establishing green infrastructure and restoring at least 15% of degraded ecosystems” eea.europa.eu

  5. Topic 1: Restoring ecosystems and their services • Work done at European level: • Review on ecosystem restoration and its effectiveness in Europe prepared by ETC/BD (2012). • Guidance documents on the implementation of the EU target 2 including the definition of degraded ecosystems, interpretation of the 15% target at EU and MS levels. Developed by contractor to DG Env. eea.europa.eu

  6. Topic 1: Restoring ecosystems and their services • Potential key issues: • Synergies with biodiversity conservation, green infrastructure, ecosystem based climate change adaptation etc. • Examples or best practises from countries • Data, indicators and methodologies available to guide restoration efforts eea.europa.eu

  7. Topic 2: Linking Nature Directives (Habitats & Birds), WFD and MSFD Water Framework Directive (WSF) Nature Directives (Habitats and Birds Directive) Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) eea.europa.eu

  8. Topic 2: Linking Nature Directives (Habitats & Birds), WFD and MSFD • Key EU legislation for environmental protection of Europe's biodiversity, ecosystems and their services: • the Habitats Directive (HD) and the Birds Directive (BD); • The Water Framework Directive (WFD); • the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). • Need to better understand interactions, synergies, differences and potential areas for greater coordination. eea.europa.eu

  9. Topic 2: Linking Nature Directives (Habitats & Birds), WFD and MSFD • Work done at European level: • FAQ on links between the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and the Nature Directives (HD and BD). • FAQ on links between the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and the Nature Directives (HD and BD). eea.europa.eu

  10. Topic 2: Linking Nature Directives (Habitats & Birds), WFD and MSFD • Some issues: • Protected areas are addressed in all these directives: • Natura2000 under Nature Directives, • water-dependant Natura 2000 sites under WFD • marine Natura 2000 + other MPAs under the MSFD • Synergies between ‘statuses’ • ‘favorableconservation status’ under the HD • ‘good ecological status’ under the WFD • ‘good environmental status’ under the MSFD eea.europa.eu

  11. Topic 3: European biodiversity challenges in a global perspective eea.europa.eu

  12. Topic 3: European biodiversity challenges in a global perspective • EU biodiversity strategy, Target 6: ‘By 2020, the EU has stepped up its contribution to averting global biodiversity loss.’ • Europe derives significant benefits from global biodiversity and is at the same time responsible for some of the loss and degradation that occurs beyond its borders. • Vice versa global megatrends will also influence Europe. eea.europa.eu

  13. Topic 3: European biodiversity challenges in a global perspective (background documents) • Europe Global: • “Rethinking Global Biodiversity Strategies Exploring structural changes in production and consumption to reduce biodiversity loss” • "The impact of EU consumption on deforestation“ • “Measuring the impacts of consumption in the UK of non-UK imported goods and services on global biodiversity” • Global Europe: • “SOER 2010 — assessment of global megatrends” eea.europa.eu

  14. Topic 3: European biodiversity challenges in a global perspective • Some issues: • European footprint on global biodiversity • How can our impact on biodiversity be measured? (which pressures, where? Etc.) • Do we have any knowledge supporting the assessment of our impacts? How can we built this knowledge? • How will global megatrends influence biodiversity in Europe? eea.europa.eu

  15. Break-out group discussion • Group discussion: 10:30 – 13:00 and 14:00 – 15:00 • Discussion in plenary: 15:20 – 16:45 • 3 groups: • Group 1: Conference Room • Group 2: Fontana Room (4th floor, 403) • Group 3: Creative Space (ground floor) eea.europa.eu

  16. Enjoy the break-out group discussion! eea.europa.eu

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