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Cambios Ortográficos spelling change in the preterit

Cambios Ortográficos spelling change in the preterit. In order to maintain the sound of the infinitive, the following changes must be made in the YO PRETÉRITO form - car c> qu -gar g> gu - zar z>c. A, O, U are hard vowels/- E and I are soft vowels - é - amos

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Cambios Ortográficos spelling change in the preterit

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CambiosOrtográficosspelling change in the preterit In order to maintain the sound of the infinitive, the following changes must be made in the YO PRETÉRITO form -car c>qu -gar g>gu -zar z>c

  2. A, O, U are hard vowels/- E and I are soft vowels - é - amos - aste - asteis - ó - aron casa gatozapato cenagente zebra cine gimnacio zinc cosagordozoologico Cuba guapoZumba

  3. tocarllegar toquétocamoslleguéllegamos tocastetocasteisllegastellegasteis tocótocaronllególlegaron comenzar comencécomenzamos comenzastecomenzasteis comenzócomenzaron

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