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FOLIC ACID. It’s never too early . What is folic a cid?. B vitamin essential for healthy development of unborn baby’s spine, brain and skull can help reduce risk of birth defects such as spina bifida by as much as 70%. What are neural tube defects?.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FOLIC ACID It’s never too early ...

  2. What is folic acid? • B vitamin essential for healthy development of unborn baby’s spine, brain and skull • can help reduce risk of birth defects such as spina bifida by as muchas 70%

  3. What are neural tube defects? • neural tube defects (NTDs) are birth defects that occur early in pregnancy • often before a woman knows she is pregnant • neural tube grows to become baby’s spinal cord, spine, brain and skull

  4. Which NTDS are most common? • Spina Bifida • a condition that results when the lower part of the neural tube fails to develop properly • Anencephaly • a fatal condition in which the upper end of the neural tube fails to close Occulta Meningocele Myelomeningocele

  5. Why is folic acid important? • reduces risk of NTDs by up to 70% • if taken before conception and during the first trimester, consistently and correctly • reduces risk of other birthdefects, such as cleft lipand palate, and certain heart abnormalities

  6. Who should take folic acid? • all women of childbearing age • minimum of 0.4 mg of folic acid daily • more for high-risk women • about half of all pregnancies unplanned

  7. Who is at higher risk? • women who... • have a previous pregnancy affected by an NTD • have a family history of NTDs • use certain anti-seizure medication • have insulin-dependent diabetes • been diagnosed as clinically obese • abuse alcohol • are of Celtic, Northern Chinese, Cree and Sikh heritage

  8. Sources of folic acid • all women need healthy diet high in folic acid • foods high in folic acid • asparagus, broccoli, corn, spinach, orange juice, sunflower seeds, peanut butter, beans • foods fortified with folic acid • white flour, enriched pasta, enriched cornmeal

  9. What if I’m high-risk? • consult a health professional • to determine correct dosage of folic acid • to determine best multivitamin • may require up to 5 mg of folic acid daily

  10. Why spread the word? • less than half of women between 18 and 40 ... • know folic acid can prevent birth defects • are currently taking a multivitamin • almost two-thirds ... • don’t know folic acid needs to be taken beforeconception to reduce the risk

  11. take a brochure • download more at www.folicacid.ca • visit www.folicacid.ca and www.sbhao.on.ca • encourage health professionals to help spread the word • doctors, nurses, doulas, nutritionists, dieticians, etc. For more information ...

  12. Help spread the word ... FOLIC ACID It’s never too early!

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