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John Huss

Reformation - How Christ restored the gospel to his church. John Huss. Are we reading the Bible in order to know God?. Early life.

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John Huss

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  1. Reformation - How Christ restored the gospel to his church John Huss

  2. Are we reading the Bible in order to knowGod?

  3. Early life Huss was born between 1369 & 1372 to peasant parents (basically farming labor) in "Goosetown," that is, Husinec, in the south of today's Czech Republic called Bohemia province.

  4. Europe

  5. Huss opted for the priesthood to escape poverty: His own words "I had thought to become a priest quickly in order to secure a good livelihood and dress and to be held in esteem by men."

  6. Time line of Huss • In 1396, he received a master’s degree from Charles University • In 1398, he became a professor in Theology • 1400 he was ordained as priest at the Bethlehem Church in Prague • In 1402 Jan Hus became a rector of the university and preacher of the Bethlehem Church in Prague

  7. Some of the convictions of John Huss • Christ alone is head of the church, and not the pope. As pope being a mere man, "through ignorance and love of money" can make many mistakes. . Col 1:18 “And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy • The authority of the scripture is the highest and not that of Pope and church. Scripture is the only norm and basis for Christian faith. • He wrote a book in which he showed that Holy Scripture contains all truth and, scripture being from God, is the only authority. • Huss also believed that each person should have a bible of his own, in a language he can read

  8. Some of the convictions of John Huss • He felt a need for reforms and modifications, to eradicate the corruption and abuses of the then Church • His argument that Church should exercise spiritual authority, instead of being earthly governors. At that time, Church had the executive governmental authority over state. • He argued against the great hierarchy of Rome, against the substitution of rites and ceremonies for heart- religion; against the abuse of priestly power, especially in the selling of spiritual benefits for money

  9. Lessons that we can learn from John Huss’s life • He did not cling to the comfortsof the priesthood but stood for the truth though he was attracting hatred from the authorities of the church. • He could not keep quiet as he realised that people were being misguided and the truth is hidden by the wrong practices of the church. He was a man of courageand conviction

  10. Lessons that we can learn from John Huss’s life • He remained in the same place of his work and fulfilled the purposes of God in his time. Though he did not see the fruit of it i.e., the reformation, but he did his part faithfully. Are we doing our part in our life time? (or are we pre-occupied with the things of this world?)

  11. Time line • 1412 – He was excommunicated by his Arch-bishop not for heresy but for insubordination. If you want to live for God, you will face suffering 2 Timothy 3:12 • 1414 – 3 Bishops were appointed to investigate • Our stance today can prophetically save nations and communities, are we ready?

  12. Time line • 1415 Jan Hus was sent to trial and convicted as a heretic and was sentenced to burning at the stake

  13. "You are now going to burn a goose" ('Huss' signifying 'goose' in the Bohemian language) "but in a century, you will have a swan which you can neither roast nor boil.“ In another place, it was quoted as Huss saying; “In 100 years, God will raise up a man whose calls for reform, cannot be suppressed.” • Nearly 100 years later, in 1517, Martin Luther nailed his famous 95 Theses of Contention on to the church door at Wittenberg, Germany. • The prophecy of Jan Hus had come true. The protests of Martin Luther against the church led to the new Protestant movement

  14. He lived as a missionary in his own place. There was a fierce commitment to his Mission. Are we on a mission? How committed are we? He endured persecution as he understood Christianity was not for comfort. • Are we living out the gospel? I presume many of us do in some form or the other.

  15. Few more lessons from John Huss’s life • Are we keeping ourselves ready to speak and expressthe hope behind our Christian lifestyle? • 1 Peter 3:15. “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,” Are we ready to renounce what is not right in the sight of God? Or are we still entertaining the same old habits, lifestyle?

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