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What if Peter Drucker Taught Enterprise 2.0 Strategy?

Peter Drucker (November 19, 1909 – November 11, 2005) was a writer, management consultant, and self-described “social ecologist.” He is in every practical sense the father of modern management strategy. As a life long Drucker student, I’ve always imagined how he would have taught or wrote about Enterprise 2.0 and its impact on today’s management and companies. So I decided to turn imagination into reality (well… mine at least) and produced a presentation which I believe would have reflected Drucker’s view of Enterprise 2.0:

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What if Peter Drucker Taught Enterprise 2.0 Strategy?

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  2. What LESSONS would he draw?

  3. How would he have explained ENTERPRISE 2.0 to solve toKHy’s IusPnLss problems?

  4. LLt’s EXPLORE a proposed Curriculum

  5. INTRODUCTION About successful organizations Drucker stressed three things MANAGEMENT INNOVATION COMMUNITY

  6. Drucker thought a MANAGER’S task is to make the strengths of people effective and their weaknesses irrelevant

  7. Drucker believed that rLlyPnN on yLstLrKHy’s successes are far more risky than constantly INNOVATING

  8. Drucker considered a business an economic organ that was equally a COMMUNITY

  9. As for technology he deemed it an extension of the KNOWLEDGE WORKER

  10. DRUCKER: Work creates a unique social bond HmonNst LmployLLs. |t’s Hlso tOL PntLrMHJL Mor using technology as tools which in turn helps shape corporate culture and personality.

  11. NEITHER TECHNOLOGY OR PEOPLE determines the other, but each shapes the other

  12. So that the result is a more EFFECTIVE CORPORATION

  13. Work has always been SOCIAL

  14. But TODAY’S Enterprise 1.0 knowledge worker is SEPARATED from his colleagues and customers

  15. Blocked by voice mail, email and noise

  16. Blocked by voice mail, email and noise So we’re less social

  17. Blocked by voice mail, email and noise So we’re less social Less of a community

  18. Blocked by voice mail, email and noise So we’re less social Less of a community Less effective

  19. ButENTERPRISE 2.0 technologies and strategies can bring community back to work


  21. ENTERPRISE 2.0 is not a substitute for poor LEADERSHIP

  22. ‚Life can only be understood backwards. But then one forgets the other principle: that it must be lived forwards.‛



  25. Before top LEHMAN EXECUTIVES arrived at Headquarters in NYC they would call the front desk

  26. The front desk would get the security guard to HOLD A PRIVATE ELEVATOR

  27. The private elevator was programmed to go straight to the 31ST FLOOR

  28. Why did they spend an estimated $100,000 to create this process?

  29. Why did they spend an estimated $100,000 to create this process? INEXPLICABLE–‚GLt out and meet pLoplL tOHt’s your laboratory, hands on‛ DRUCKER

  30. Worse, most Lehman employees NEVER saw OR heard from their top Executives

  31. In fact the CEO was nicknamed the INVISIBLE MAN


  33. So why did Lehman Executives AVOIDTHEIR OWNEMPLOYEES

  34. SomL JlHPm tOLy KPKn’t wHnt to IL EXPOSEDMor Hll tOLy KPKn’t unKLrstHnK

  35. Like the sub-prime mortgage CRISIS

  36. Made worse by their ISOLATION

  37. And alarmingly, the best at Lehman were SILENCED as they issued WARNINGS

  38. Execs KPKn’t wHnt to OLHr THE TRUTH

  39. Later, banks refused to do business with Lehman because of its COMPLEX & OPAQUE methods of trading

  40. Soon, investors lost CONFIDENCE And the stocked plunged

  41. Soon, investors lost CONFIDENCE And the stocked plunged -95%


  43. But if implemented, would ENTERPRISE 2.0 STRATEGY AND TECHNOLOGY have saved Lehman?

  44. DRUCKER & E2.0 LESSONS LEARNED MANAGEMENT Because they were disconnected from the rest of the organization, bad news was either ignored (because they could ignore it in private) or never made it to the 31st floor. ORGANIZATION & COMMUNITY The organization became “sick” when management failed to ask themselves, “how long can this market sustain itself?” or even “what’s our current position and what happens if this bubble pops?” Where were the community feedback loops? TECHNOLOGY RECOMMENDATIONS MindTouch (Social Intranets) or ThoughtFarmer & Yammer (Microblogging ) would have given the Lehman community a social platform to alert the organization to the impending housing bubble collapse.

  45. WOULD E2.0 HAVE SAVED LEHMAN? POSSIBLYNo methodologies or technologies can replace extremely poor leadership, but the right E2.0 tools and resulting community would have caused enormous pressure to change course. DRUCKER NOLLOmHn’s demise was a failure of leadership in multiple areas including strategy, risk management, organizational culture, integrity and ethics, and possibly including information systems. Enterprise 2.0 technologies can certainly enable greater information transparency up and down the corporate hierarchy but they cannot solve systemic malfeasance and deception. E2.0 systems would not have been able to overcome this organizational penchant for secrecy and opaqueness as they were too ingrained in the organizational culture. Jas Dhillon ThinkPassenger

  46. GENERAL MOTORS The Aztek –‚|t looks tOL wHy MontLzumH’s rLvLnNL MLLls.‛

  47. The Original AZTEK concept car wHsn’t tOHt IHK

  48. So HOW did it end up like this?

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