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- Where are the entry points of the instrument - Physical External links

EUSO-BALLOON DESIGN REVIEW, 18.12.2012, CNES TOULOUSE. EUSO-BALLOON External Interfaces. Sylvie Dagoret-Campagne LAL, Orsay. - Where are the entry points of the instrument - Physical External links - Overview of the External Interfaces - Status - Conclusion.

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- Where are the entry points of the instrument - Physical External links

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  1. EUSO-BALLOON DESIGN REVIEW, 18.12.2012, CNES TOULOUSE EUSO-BALLOON External Interfaces Sylvie Dagoret-Campagne LAL, Orsay • - Where are the entry points of the instrument • - Physical External links • - Overview of the External Interfaces • - Status • - Conclusion

  2. Where are the entry points inside the instrument DP PDM IRCAM EC-Front GPSR IR-CAM EC-DYNODE LVPS-DP1 CLKB EXT data MAPMT EC-HV CCB Telemetry EC-ANODE SIREN SPACEWIRE /PCI CNES Telemetry CPU LVPS-DP2 EC-ASIC DST Batteries PDM-B Power 5 V Bat Controller LVPS-PDM HVPS2 PWP monitoring HK HVPS1 LVPS-HK Sensors HVPS control&status Motors EC-Back TLS Power 28 V External Interfaces

  3. ExternalPhysical links RS232/RS422 conv TC TM ON/OFF +/- 12 V CPU HK LVPS HK wifi GPS ON/OFF 3 V Ethernet External Interfaces

  4. Overview of the external interfaces • A- SIREN-LVPS-HK • - Purpose is to initiate a turn ON/OFF initial procedure for the instrument • - Technically : two open drain links (SIREN-TOR) over the ± 12 V and 3.3 V converters of LVPS-HK • B-SIREN-HK • - High level commands implying the instrument life (turn ON/OFF of various components by the action on their supply voltage through HK) • - Standard Telecommand (TC) for the instrument control, • Standard Telemetry monitoring (TM) on the power supplies (Voltage), Temperature of the components, • Technically : RS232/RS422 interface • C-SIREN-CPU • Retrieve information on runs and events like the trigger rate, • Retrieve information from selected events according criteria adapted to the allowed transmission rate, • Issue CPU commands. • Technically Ethernet RJ45 Instrument and Objectives

  5. Overview of the external interfaces • A- SIREN-LVPS-HK • - Purpose is to initiate a turn ON/OFF initial procedure for the instrument • - Technically : two open drain links (SIREN-TOR) over the ±12 V and 3.3 V converters of LVPS-HK • B-SIREN-HK • - High level commands implying the instrument life (turn ON/OFF of various components by the action on their supply voltage through HK) • - Standard Telecommand (TC) for the instrument control, • Standard Telemetry monitoring (TM) on the power supplies (Voltage), Temperature of the components, • Technically : RS232/RS422 interface • C-SIREN-CPU • Retrieve information on runs and events like the trigger rate, • Retrieve information from selected events according criteria adapted to the allowed transmission rate, • Issue CPU commands. • Technically Ethernet RJ45 Instrument and Objectives

  6. Overview of the external interfaces • A- SIREN-LVPS-HK • - Purpose is to initiate a turn ON/OFF initial procedure for the instrument • - Technically : two open drain links (SIREN-TOR) over the ±12 V and 3.3 V converters of LVPS-HK • B-SIREN-HK • - High level commands implying the instrument life (turn ON/OFF of various components by the action on their supply voltage through HK) • - Standard Telecommand (TC) for the instrument control, • Standard Telemetry monitoring (TM) on the power supplies (Voltage), Temperature of the components, • Technically : RS232/RS422 interface • C-SIREN-CPU • Retrieve information on runs and events like the trigger rate, • Retrieve information from selected events according criteria adapted to the allowed transmission rate, • Issue CPU commands. • Technically Ethernet RJ45 External Interfaces

  7. Status of External Interfaces HK Microcontroller CPU External Interfaces

  8. Conclusions • Component links done according state of the art EMC rules • Refer to the Electrical Architecture document and Pierre Prat’s presentation, • All connectors and pin assignment done for each component, • Refer to the Electrical Interface Document and to Michel Dupieux’spresentation • Cables procurement attributed, • Refer to the subsystem manager’s presentations • Functions and purposes defined, • Refer to the software documents for numeric interfaces and Francesco Cafagna’s presentation • No remaining Open point External Interfaces

  9. END ON EXTERNAL INTERFACES RS232/RS422 conv ON/OFF +/- 12 V CPU HK ON/OFF 3 V LVPS HK CCB LVPS PDM LVPS1 CLK GPS Ethernet DP box modules External Interfaces

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