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Do Frogs Have Teeth?

Do Frogs Have Teeth?.

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Do Frogs Have Teeth?

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  1. Do Frogs Have Teeth? • Actually, yes! But not like in this silly picture!Most frogs do in fact have teeth of a sort. They have a ridge of very small cone teeth around the upper edge of the jaw. These are called Maxillary Teeth.Frogs often also have what are called Vomerine Teeth on the roof of their mouth. They don't have anything that could be called teeth on their lower jaw, so they usually swallow their food whole. The so-called "teeth" are mainly used to hold the prey and keep it in place till they can get a good grip on it and squash their eyeballs down to swallow their meal.Toads, however, do NOT have any teeth.

  2. When Frogs mate, the male frog tends to clasp the female underneath in an embrace called amplexus. He literally climbs on her back, reaches his arms around her "waist", either just in front of the hind legs, just behind the front legs, or even around the head. Amplexus can last several days! Usually, it occurs in the waterWhile in some cases, complicated courting behavior occurs before mating, many species of frogs are known for attempting to mate with anything that moves which isn't small enough to eat!

  3. Frogs can hear using big round ears on the sides of their head called a tympanum

  4. Frogs have very special skin! They don't just wear it, they drink and breathe through it. Frogs don't usually swallow water like we do. Instead they absorb most of the moisture they need through their skin.

  5. Tadpoles breathe through gills while adult frogs breath through crude lungs and also absorb oxygen through their skin. * • Under the water, a frog's eyes are protected by an extra transparent eye lid called a nictitating membrane.

  6. The Circulatory System The frog heart is the only organ contained within the coelom which has its own protective covering. This is the pericardium (see Heart). There are two upper chambers of the heart, the right atrium and the left atrium. The frog heart, however, has only one lower chamber, a single ventricle. In man, the lower heart chamber is divided into two compartments, the right ventricle and the left ventricle

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